This webpage sets out the entry arrangement for persons who wish to enter the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (hereafter “HKSAR”) for residence as dependants.
This entry arrangement does not apply to:
Note 1:
Local programmes refer to programmes leading to degrees awarded by local degree-awarding institutions whereas non-local programmes refer to programmes leading to degrees awarded solely by non-local institutions, irrespective of whether the programmes are jointly run by local and non-local institutions.
Note 2 :
The Capital Investment Entrant Scheme has been suspended since 15 January 2015, while the New Capital Investment Entrant Scheme was launched on 1 March 2024.
For a sponsor who has been admitted into the HKSAR to take up employment (as a professional under the General Employment Policy, the Admission Scheme for Mainland Talents and Professionals, the Immigration Arrangements for Non-local Graduates or the Technology Talent Admission Scheme, for investment to establish/join in business, or for training) or studies (in a full-time undergraduate or post-graduate local programme Note 1 in a local degree-awarding institution), or who is permitted to remain in the HKSAR as an entrant under the Capital Investment Entrant SchemeNote 2, the Quality Migrant Admission Scheme, the Admission Scheme for the Second Generation of Chinese Hong Kong Permanent Residents, the Top Talent Pass Scheme or the New Capital Investment Entrant Scheme, the following dependants may apply to join him/her for residence in the HKSAR:
(i) his/her spouse; or
(ii) the other party to a same-sex civil partnership, same-sex civil union, “same-sex marriage”, opposite-sex civil partnership or opposite-sex civil union entered into by him/her in accordance with the local law in force of the place of celebration and with such status being legally and officially recognised by the local authorities of the place of celebrationNote 3; and
For a sponsor who is a Hong Kong permanent resident or a resident who is not subject to a limit of stay (i.e. a resident with the right to land or on unconditional stay), the following dependants may apply to join him/her for residence in the HKSAR:
(i) his/her spouse; or
(ii) the other party to a same-sex civil partnership, same-sex civil union, “same-sex marriage”, opposite-sex civil partnership or opposite-sex civil union entered into by him/her in accordance with the local law in force of the place of celebration and with such status being legally and officially recognised by the local authorities of the place of celebrationNote 3; and
An application for admission of a dependant may be favourably considered if:
Note 1 :
Local programmes refer to programmes leading to degrees awarded by local degree-awarding institutions whereas non-local programmes refer to programmes leading to degrees awarded solely by non-local institutions, irrespective of whether the programmes are jointly run by local and non-local institutions.
Note 2 :
The Capital Investment Entrant Scheme has been suspended since 15 January 2015, while the New Capital Investment Entrant Scheme was launched on 1 March 2024.
Note 3 :
For the avoidance of doubt, the terms “civil partnership” and “civil union” above mean a legal institution of a nature which is akin to spousal relationship in a marriage. The same-sex civil partnership, same-sex civil union, “same-sex marriage”, opposite-sex civil partnership and opposite-sex civil union entered into in accordance with laws outside Hong Kong are limited to only relationships which are legally and officially recognised in the places of celebration. Such relationships normally have the following features: (a) the entering into and dissolution of the relationship are governed by legislation of the place where it is entered into; (b) the relationship requires registration by the competent authority specified by the legislation of the place where it is entered into; (c) the registration is evidenced in a written instrument issued by the competent authority; and (d) parties to the relationship have a mutual commitment to a shared life akin to spouses to the exclusion of others on a permanent basis. Such relationships do not include de facto spouse, partners in cohabitation, fiancé/fiancée, etc.
In general, unless a person has the right of abode or right to land in the HKSAR, he/she requires a visa/entry permit to take up residence as dependant in the HKSAR. While each application is determined on its individual merits, an applicant should meet normal immigration requirements (such as holding a valid travel document with adequate returnability to his/her country of residence or citizenship; be of clear criminal record and raise no security or criminal concerns to the HKSAR; have no likelihood of becoming a burden on the HKSAR, etc.) as well as the relevant specific eligibility criteria detailed above before he/she may be considered for the grant of a visa/entry permit. It should be noted that the eligibility criteria may be subject to change from time to time without prior notice.
It normally takes six weeks to process a visa/entry permit application for residence as dependant upon receipt of all the required documents and the relevant application fee Note (if applicable). The Immigration Department (hereafter “ImmD”) will not be able to start processing the application unless all the required documents and the relevant application fee Note (if applicable) have been received.
All applications are processed and determined by the ImmD. Approval of applications is entirely discretionary and is subject to changes in government policies. The Director of Immigration reserves absolute discretion to refuse any application even if the application meets all eligibility criteria.
An applicant who makes an application as a dependant under a “Specified Scheme” is required to pay an application fee and, upon approval of the concerned application, the relevant visa/ entry permit issuance fee according to the two-tiered fee structure. The application fee paid is non-refundable in any circumstance irrespective of the application result.
A. Documents to be Uploaded by the Applicant
Documents Required |
The applicant’s recent photograph |
The applicant's valid travel document containing personal particulars, date of issue, date of expiry and/or details of any re-entry visa held (if applicable). For an applicant who is currently staying in Hong Kong, his/her valid travel document page containing the latest arrival stamp/landing slip/extension of stay label in the HKSAR and the latest issued “e-Visa” (if applicable). A Chinese resident of the Mainland who has not been issued with a valid travel document may submit his/her People's Republic of China resident identity card. |
The applicant's Hong Kong identity card (if any) |
Proof of the applicant's relationship with the sponsor, e.g. marriage certificate, birth certificate, family photographs, family letters (with envelopes), census record book and Privilege Card for Single Child (if applicable) |
The applicant’s Visit Permit for Residents of Macao SAR to Hong Kong SAR and the applicant's Macao identity card [for Macao SAR residents only] |
The applicant's household registration transcript in Taiwan and Taiwan identity card [for Taiwan residents only] |
Proof of the applicant’s overseas residence, such as official documents showing applicant’s conditions of stay and limit of stay endorsed by overseas authorities [for overseas Chinese holding PRC passports only] |
B. Documents to be Uploaded by the Sponsor
Documents Required |
The sponsor's Hong Kong identity card |
The sponsor's valid travel document containing personal particulars, date of issue, date of expiry, and the current visa/entry permit/extension of stay label in the HKSAR and the latest issued “e-Visa” (if applicable) (for non-permanent residents of the HKSAR only) |
Proof of the sponsor's financial standing, e.g. bank statements, savings accounts passbooks, tax receipts and salary slips |
Proof of sponsor's accommodation, e.g. rental receipts |
C. Documents to be Uploaded by the Applicant for Extension of Stay Application
Documents Required |
Page 1 to 3 of Application for Extension of Stay (ID 91) [only applicable to persons whose sponsor is admitted under the Capital Investment Entrant Scheme#] |
The applicant's valid travel document and, where applicable, his/her previous travel document page showing the latest visa/entry permit label/arrival stamp/landing slip/extension of stay label in the HKSAR and the latest issued “e-Visa” (if applicable) |
The applicant's Hong Kong identity card |
The sponsor's valid travel document (showing personal particulars and current permission of stay) or Hong Kong Permanent Identity Card |
Declaration of Sponsor (ID 481A) [only applicable to persons whose sponsor is admitted under the Capital Investment Entrant Scheme#] |
Declaration of Dependant Applicant (ID481B) [only applicable to persons whose sponsor is admitted under the Capital Investment Entrant Scheme#] |
#For applicants whose sponsor is admitted under the Capital Investment Entrant Scheme, they shall complete page 1 to 3 of the Application for Extension of Stay (ID 91), Declaration of Sponsor (ID 481A), Declaration of Dependant Applicant (ID 481B) (only for dependant spouse, civil partnership, civil union, or “same-sex marriage”), and submit the application together with other supporting documents through the online application system by uploading these forms and other supporting documents.
Notwithstanding that the documents and information required have been furnished, applicants and sponsors may still be required to submit further supporting documents and information in connection with the application(s) when necessary.
Where a document is not in Chinese or English, it must be accompanied by a Chinese or English translation certified as a true translation by a sworn translator, court translator, authorised public translator, certified translator, expert translator or official translator.
It is an offence to make false statements or representations to an immigration officer. To verify the authenticity of the information and documents submitted with a visa application, field visits may be conducted. A person who knowingly and wilfully makes a statement or gives information which he/she knows to be false or does not believe to be true shall be guilty of an offence under the Laws of Hong Kong and any such visa/entry permit issued or permission to enter or remain in the HKSAR granted shall have no effect.
Applicants shall click here for online submission of application and uploading of all supporting documents with the relevant application fee Note paid (if applicable).
Note: The online application systems for entry for employment as professionals in Hong Kong under the General Employment Policy or the Admission Scheme for Mainland Talents and Professionals, the Immigration Arrangements for Non-local Graduates, the Technology Talent Admission Scheme, entry for investment as entrepreneurs in Hong Kong, entry for training in Hong Kong, the Quality Migrant Admission Scheme, the Admission Scheme for the Second Generation of Chinese Hong Kong Permanent Resident, the Top Talent Pass Scheme and the New Capital Investment Entrant Scheme, as well as the online application system and the application form (ID 995A) for entry for study in Hong Kong, have built in the sections for the accompanying dependant’s application. The sponsor may include his/her accompanying dependant’s application for entry for residence when submitting the aforesaid applications online or when completing the aforesaid entry application form.
An applicant who makes an application as a dependant under a “Specified Scheme” is required to pay an application fee and, upon approval of the concerned application, the relevant visa/ entry permit issuance fee according to the two-tiered fee structure. The application fee paid is non-refundable in any circumstance irrespective of the application result.
It normally takes six weeks to process a visa/entry permit application for residence as dependant upon receipt of all the required documents and the relevant application fee Note (if applicable). The ImmD will not be able to start processing the application unless all the required documents and the relevant application fee Note (if applicable) have been received.
All applications are processed and determined by the ImmD. Approval of applications is entirely discretionary and is subject to changes in government policies. The Director of Immigration reserves absolute discretion to refuse any application even if the application meets all eligibility criteria.
An applicant who makes an application as a dependant under a “Specified Scheme” is required to pay an application fee and, upon approval of the concerned application, the relevant visa/ entry permit issuance fee according to the two-tiered fee structure. The application fee paid is non-refundable in any circumstance irrespective of the application result.
For entry visa/permit applications or change of condition of stay (including extension of limit of stay) applications made under a “specified scheme”, the dependant applicant(s) are required to pay a non-refundable application fee and the corresponding visa issuance fee. For more details on the fee structure, please refer to New Fee Structure for Visa Applications under Specified Schemes.
Upon approval, the notification of the application result issued by the ImmD will include a webpage link for payment of the visa issuance fee. Payment of relevant fees could be made through the said webpage link or the GovHK website or the ImmD Mobile Application by credit card (VISA, Mastercard, UnionPay and JCB only), Payment by Phone Service (PPS), Faster Payment System (FPS), or Mainland China’s Licensed Digital Wallets (Alipay, WeChat Pay and UnionPay App only). After payment, applicants can instantly download or print the “e-Visa” by themselves.
Once the receipt of application has been acknowledged, applicants can enquire the applications status here or through 24-hour telephone enquiry system (852) 3160 8663.
For entry visa/permit applications or change of condition of stay (including extension of limit of stay) applications made under a “specified scheme”, the dependant applicant(s) are required to pay a non-refundable application fee and the corresponding visa issuance fee. For more details on the fee structure, please refer to New Fee Structure for Visa Applications under Specified Schemes.
Upon approval, the notification of the application result issued by the ImmD will include a webpage link for payment of the visa issuance fee. Payment of relevant fees could be made through the said webpage link or the GovHK website or the ImmD Mobile Application by credit card (VISA, Mastercard, UnionPay and JCB only), Payment by Phone Service (PPS), Faster Payment System (FPS), or Mainland China’s Licensed Digital Wallets (Alipay, WeChat Pay and UnionPay App only). After payment, applicants can instantly download or print the “e-Visa” by themselves.
A visa/entry permit (in the form of “e-Visa”) will be issued upon successful application. Upon immigration arrival clearance in the HKSAR, an “e-Visa” holder should present his/her valid travel document and the “e-Visa” saved on a personal mobile device or printed on a sheet of A4 white paper, and scan the encrypted QR code on the “e-Visa” with the optical reader at an immigration counter.
Successful applicant who is a Chinese resident of the Mainland should apply for an Exit-entry Permit for Travelling to and from Hong Kong and Macao (hereafter “EEP”) and a relevant exit endorsement from the relevant Mainland authorities. The applicant holding an EEP bearing the relevant exit endorsement should also present the “e-Visa” issued to him/her for immigration arrival clearance.
A dependant may apply for extension of stay for residence in the HKSAR with the relevant application fee Note 3 paid (if applicable) within four weeks before his/her limit of stay expires. Such applications will be considered only when the applicant continues to meet the eligibility criteria for entry for residence as dependants (including that there is no change in circumstances which would have otherwise resulted in loss of sponsorship for the applicant, e.g. change in marriage relationship between the dependent spouse and the sponsor, or death of sponsor) and the sponsor remains a bona fide Hong Kong resident living in the HKSAR.
Extension of stay in respect of dependants of persons who are Hong Kong permanent residents or residents who are not subject to a limit of stay (i.e. a resident with the right to land or on unconditional stay), if approved, will normally follow the 3-3 years pattern for the spouse or the other party to a same-sex civil partnership, same-sex civil union, “same-sex marriage”, opposite-sex civil partnership or opposite-sex civil union entered into by him/her in accordance with the local law in force of the place of celebration and with such status being legally and officially recognised by the local authorities of the place of celebrationNote 1, and unmarried dependent children under the age of 18; and the 2-2-3 years pattern for parents aged 60 or above.
The length of stay of dependants of persons who have been admitted into the HKSAR to take up employment or who are permitted to remain in the HKSAR as entrants under the Capital Investment Entrant SchemeNote 2 , the Quality Migrant Admission Scheme, the Admission Scheme for the Second Generation of Chinese Hong Kong Permanent Residents, the Top Talent Pass Scheme and the New Capital Investment Entrant Scheme, will normally be linked to that of their sponsors. Dependants of persons who have been admitted into the HKSAR to take up studies will normally be granted an initial stay of 12 months upon entry which is subject to annual extension upon approval.
Note 1 :
For the avoidance of doubt, the terms “civil partnership” and “civil union” above mean a legal institution of a nature which is akin to spousal relationship in a marriage. The same-sex civil partnership, same-sex civil union, “same-sex marriage”, opposite-sex civil partnership and opposite-sex civil union entered into in accordance with laws outside Hong Kong are limited to only relationships which are legally and officially recognised in the places of celebration. Such relationships normally have the following features: (a) the entering into and dissolution of the relationship are governed by legislation of the place where it is entered into; (b) the relationship requires registration by the competent authority specified by the legislation of the place where it is entered into; (c) the registration is evidenced in a written instrument issued by the competent authority; and (d) parties to the relationship have a mutual commitment to a shared life akin to spouses to the exclusion of others on a permanent basis. Such relationships do not include de facto spouse, partners in cohabitation, fiancé/fiancée, etc.
Note 2 :
The Capital Investment Entrant Scheme has been suspended since 15 January 2015, while the New Capital Investment Entrant Scheme was launched on 1 March 2024.
Note 3 :
An applicant who makes an application as a dependant under a “Specified Scheme” is required to pay an application fee and, upon approval of the concerned application, the relevant visa/ entry permit issuance fee according to the two-tiered fee structure. The application fee paid is non-refundable in any circumstance irrespective of the application result.
Dependants of the following persons are not prohibited from taking up employment in the HKSAR:
However, dependants of persons who have been admitted into the HKSAR to study are prohibited from taking up employment in the HKSAR unless they have obtained prior permission from the Director of Immigration.
All dependants do not require prior permission from the Director of Immigration to study in the HKSAR.
Note 2:
The Capital Investment Entrant Scheme has been suspended since 15 January 2015, while the New Capital Investment Entrant Scheme was launched on 1 March 2024.
Non-permanent residents of the HKSAR, irrespective of their nationality and type of travel document held, do not require a re-entry visa/entry permit to enter the HKSAR provided that they return within the currency of their permitted limit of stay and that the circumstances upon which they have acquired their residential status remain unchanged.
Persons admitted for residence as dependants who have ordinarily resided in the HKSAR for a continuous period of not less than seven years may apply for the right of abode in the HKSAR in accordance with the law.
This webpage sets out information about extension of stay for dependants of Hong Kong permanent residents or residents who are not subject to a limit of stay (i.e. a resident with the right to land or on unconditional stay).
A dependant may apply for extension of stay for residence in the HKSAR within four weeks before his/her limit of stay expires. Such applications will be considered only when the applicant continues to meet the eligibility criteria for entry for residence as dependants (including that there is no change in circumstances which would have otherwise resulted in loss of sponsorship for the applicant, e.g. change in marriage relationship between the dependent spouse and the sponsor, or death of sponsor) and the sponsor remains a bona fide Hong Kong resident living in the HKSAR.
Extension of stay in respect of dependants of persons who are Hong Kong permanent residents or residents who are not subject to a limit of stay (i.e. a resident with the right to land or on unconditional stay), if approved, will normally follow the 3-3 years pattern for the spouse or the other party to a same-sex civil partnership, same-sex civil union, “same-sex marriage”, opposite-sex civil partnership or opposite-sex civil union entered into by him/her in accordance with the local law in force of the place of celebration and with such status being legally and officially recognised by the local authorities of the place of celebrationNote , and unmarried dependent children under the age of 18; and the 2-2-3 years pattern for parents aged 60 or above.
For the avoidance of doubt, the terms “civil partnership” and “civil union” above mean a legal institution of a nature which is akin to spousal relationship in a marriage. The same-sex civil partnership, same-sex civil union, “same-sex marriage”, opposite-sex civil partnership and opposite-sex civil union entered into in accordance with laws outside Hong Kong are limited to only relationships which are legally and officially recognised in the places of celebration. Such relationships normally have the following features: (a) the entering into and dissolution of the relationship are governed by legislation of the place where it is entered into; (b) the relationship requires registration by the competent authority specified by the legislation of the place where it is entered into; (c) the registration is evidenced in a written instrument issued by the competent authority; and (d) parties to the relationship have a mutual commitment to a shared life akin to spouses to the exclusion of others on a permanent basis. Such relationships do not include de facto spouse, partners in cohabitation, fiancé/fiancée, etc
Routine applications will normally be finalised within two to three weeks upon receipt of all necessary documents.
The processing time is subject to the circumstances of individual applications and the number of applications received at the time.
The following documents are required upon online submission of the application:
Documents Required |
The applicant’s valid travel document and, where applicable, his/her previous travel document page showing the latest visa/entry permit label/arrival stamp/landing slip/extension of stay label in the HKSAR and the latest issued “e-Visa” (if applicable) |
The applicant’s Hong Kong identity card |
The sponsor’s valid travel document (showing personal particulars and current permission of stay) or Hong Kong Permanent Identity Card |
Applicant’s birth certificate (for children born in the HKSAR to non-permanent residents only) ^ |
Applicant’s Form ID 235B (for children born in the HKSAR to non-permanent residents only) ^ |
Parents’ marriage certificate (for children born in the HKSAR to non-permanent residents only) ^ |
^ For first time application only
Important Notice
Notwithstanding that the documents and information required have been furnished, applicants may still be required to submit further supporting documents and information in connection with the application(s) when necessary.
Where a document is not in Chinese or English, it must be accompanied by a Chinese or English translation certified as a true translation by a sworn translator, court translator, authorised public translator, certified translator, expert translator or official translator.
It is an offence to make false statements or representations to an immigration officer. To verify the authenticity of the information and documents submitted with a visa application, field visits may be conducted. A person who knowingly and willfully makes a statement or gives information which he/she knows to be false or does not believe to be true shall be guilty of an offence under the Laws of Hong Kong and any such visa/entry permit issued or permission to enter or remain in the HKSAR granted shall have no effect.
Eligible applicants can submit their applications for extension of stay online here and upload all supporting documents.
Applicants must be physically present in Hong Kong at the time of application.
Routine applications will normally be finalised within two to three weeks upon receipt of all necessary documents.
The processing time is subject to the circumstances of individual applications and the number of applications received at the time.
Upon approval of the applications, the notification of the application result issued by the Immigration Department will include a webpage link for payment. Payment of relevant fees could be made through the said webpage link or the GovHK website or the ImmD Mobile Application by credit card (VISA, Mastercard, UnionPay and JCB only), Payment by Phone Service (PPS), Faster Payment System (FPS) or Mainland China’s Licensed Digital Wallets (Alipay, WeChat Pay and UnionPay App only). After payment, applicants could instantly download or print the “e-Visa” by themselves.
The applicant must be physically present in Hong Kong at the time of payment and collection of “e-Visa”.
After the receipt of the application has been acknowledged, applicants can enquire their application status here or through the 24-hour telephone enquiry system at (852) 3160 8663.
Upon approval of the applications, the notification of the application result issued by the Immigration Department will include a webpage link for payment. Payment of relevant fees could be made through the said webpage link or the GovHK website or the ImmD Mobile Application by credit card (VISA, Mastercard, UnionPay and JCB only), Payment by Phone Service (PPS), Faster Payment System (FPS) or Mainland China’s Licensed Digital Wallets (Alipay, WeChat Pay and UnionPay App only). After payment, applicants could instantly download or print the “e-Visa” by themselves.
The applicant must be physically present in Hong Kong at the time of payment and collection of “e-Visa”.
This webpage sets out information about extension of stay for dependants of entrants admitted under the Top Talent Pass Scheme (hereafter “TTPS”) .
Dependants of entrants admitted under the TTPS may apply for extension of stay for residence in the HKSAR with the relevant application fee paid within four weeks before his/her limit of stay expires. The application fee paid is non-refundable in any circumstance irrespective of the application result. Such applications will be considered only when the applicant continues to meet the eligibility criteria for entry for residence as dependants (including that there is no change in circumstances which would have otherwise resulted in loss of sponsorship for the applicant, e.g. change in marriage relationship between the dependent spouse and the sponsor, or death of sponsor) and the sponsor remains a bona fide Hong Kong resident living in the HKSAR.
The length of stay of dependants of persons who have been admitted into the HKSAR under the TTPS will normally be linked to that of their sponsors.
Routine application will normally be finalised within two to three weeks upon receipt of all the required documents and the relevant application fee.
The processing time is subject to the circumstances of individual applications and the number of applications received at the time.
The following documents are required upon online submission of the application:
Documents Required |
The applicant’s valid travel document and, where applicable, his/her previous travel document showing the latest arrival stamp/landing slip/“e-Visa” (if applicable) in the HKSAR |
The applicant’s Hong Kong identity card |
The sponsor’s valid travel document (showing personal particulars and current permission of stay) |
The applicant’s birth certificate (for children born in the HKSAR to non-permanent residents only) ^ |
The applicant’s Form ID 235B (for children born in the HKSAR to non-permanent residents only) ^ |
Parents’ marriage certificate (for children born in the HKSAR to non-permanent residents only) ^ |
^ For first time application only
Important Notice
Notwithstanding that the documents and information required have been furnished, the applicants may still be required to submit further supporting documents and information in connection with the application(s) when necessary.
Where a document is not in Chinese or English, it must be accompanied by a Chinese or English translation certified as a true translation by a sworn translator, court translator, authorised public translator, certified translator, expert translator or official translator.
It is an offence to make false statements or representations to an immigration officer. To verify the authenticity of the information and documents submitted with a visa application, field visits may be conducted. A person who knowingly and willfully makes a statement or gives information which he/she knows to be false or does not believe to be true shall be guilty of an offence under the Laws of Hong Kong and any such visa/entry permit issued or permission to enter or remain in the HKSAR granted shall have no effect.
Eligible applicants can submit their applications for extension of stay online here and upload all supporting documents with the relevant application fee paid. The application fee paid is non-refundable in any circumstance irrespective of the application result.
Applicants must be physically present in Hong Kong at the time of application.
Routine application will normally be finalised within two to three weeks upon receipt of all the required documents and the relevant application fee.
The processing time is subject to the circumstances of individual applications and the number of applications received at the time.
For the purpose of Schedule 2 of the Immigration Regulations (Cap.115A), the TTPS is a “specified scheme”. For entry visa/permit applications or change of condition of stay (including extension of limit of stay) applications made under a “specified scheme”, the dependant(s) are required to pay a non-refundable application fee and the corresponding visa issuance fee. For more details on the fee structure, please refer to New Fee Structure for Visa Applications under Specified Schemes.
Upon approval, the notification of the application result issued by the Immigration Department will include a webpage link for payment of the visa issuance fee. Payment of relevant fees could be made through the said webpage link or the GovHK website or the Immigration Department Mobile Application by credit card (VISA, Mastercard, UnionPay and JCB only), Payment by Phone Service (PPS), Faster Payment System (FPS), or Mainland China’s Licensed Digital Wallets (Alipay, WeChat Pay and UnionPay App only). After payment, applicants can instantly download or print the “e-Visa” by themselves.
The applicant must be physically present in Hong Kong at the time of payment and collection of “e-Visa”.
After the receipt of application has been acknowledged, applicants can enquire the application status here or through the 24-hour telephone enquiry system at (852) 3160 8663.
For the purpose of Schedule 2 of the Immigration Regulations (Cap.115A), the TTPS is a “specified scheme”. For entry visa/permit applications or change of condition of stay (including extension of limit of stay) applications made under a “specified scheme”, the dependant(s) are required to pay a non-refundable application fee and the corresponding visa issuance fee. For more details on the fee structure, please refer to New Fee Structure for Visa Applications under Specified Schemes.
Upon approval, the notification of the application result issued by the Immigration Department will include a webpage link for payment of the visa issuance fee. Payment of relevant fees could be made through the said webpage link or the GovHK website or the Immigration Department Mobile Application by credit card (VISA, Mastercard, UnionPay and JCB only), Payment by Phone Service (PPS), Faster Payment System (FPS), or Mainland China’s Licensed Digital Wallets (Alipay, WeChat Pay and UnionPay App only). After payment, applicants can instantly download or print the “e-Visa” by themselves.
The applicant must be physically present in Hong Kong at the time of payment and collection of “e-Visa”.
This webpage sets out information about extension of stay for entrants admitted under the General Employment Policy (hereafter “GEP”) and their dependants.
Persons admitted as professionals under the GEP will normally be granted an initial stay of 36 months on employment condition, or in accordance with the duration of the employment contract (whichever is shorter), upon entry. They may apply for extension of stay in the HKSAR with the relevant application fee paid within four weeks before their limit of stay expires. The application fee paid is non-refundable in any circumstance irrespective of the application result. Such applications will be considered only when the applicants continue to meet the eligibility criteria under the GEP. Successful applicants will normally be granted an extension of stay following the 3-2 year pattern, also on employment condition, or be in accordance with the duration of the employment contract (whichever is shorter).
Admitted professionals who continue to meet the eligibility criteria under the GEP and fulfil the following criteria may apply for assessment under the top-tier employment stream. They will normally be granted an extension of stay on time limitation only without other conditions of stay for a period of five years upon approval.
The criteria for top-tier employment stream are as follows:
A dependant may apply for extension of stay for residence in the HKSAR within four weeks before his/her limit of stay expires. Such applications will be considered only when the applicant continues to meet the eligibility criteria for entry for residence as dependants (including that there is no change in circumstances which would have otherwise resulted in loss of sponsorship for the applicant, e.g. change in marriage relationship between the dependent spouse and the sponsor, or death of sponsor) and the sponsor remains a bona fide Hong Kong resident living in the HKSAR.
The length of stay of dependants of persons who have been admitted into the HKSAR to take up employment will normally be linked to that of their sponsors.
Applicants should provide documentary proof of having an assessable income for salaries tax of not less than HK$2 million in the previous year of tax assessment, e.g. notice of salaries tax assessment of the previous tax assessment year issued by the Inland Revenue Department or relevant tax documents.
Routine applications will normally be finalised within two to three weeks upon receipt of all the required documents and the relevant application fee.
The processing time is subject to the circumstances of individual applications and the number of applications received at the time.
Depending on the applicant’s current immigration status, the following documents are required upon online submission of the application:
Entrants admitted under the GEP
Documents Required |
The applicant’s valid travel document and, where applicable, his/her previous travel document page showing the latest visa/entry permit label/arrival stamp/landing slip/extension of stay label in the HKSAR and the latest issued “e-Visa” (if applicable) |
The applicant’s Hong Kong identity card |
Supporting letter from the current employer stating the applicant’s position, total monthly remuneration and period of employment (for extension of stay without change of employment); |
Supporting documents listed in Part VII(B) of the Guidebook for Entry for Employment as Professionals in Hong Kong [ID(E) 991](for extension of stay with change of employment) |
Documentary proof of the applicant having an assessable income for salaries tax of not less than HK$2 million in the previous year of tax assessment, e.g. notice of salaries tax assessment of the previous tax assessment year issued by the Inland Revenue Department or relevant tax documents (for extension of stay applications under the top-tier employment stream Note) |
Persons admitted under the GEP who continue to meet the relevant eligibility criteria and fulfil the following criteria at the time of application for extension of stay may be regarded as top-tier entrants:
Documents Required |
The applicant’s valid travel document and, where applicable, his/her previous travel document page showing the latest visa/entry permit label/arrival stamp/landing slip/extension of stay label in the HKSAR and the latest issued “e-Visa” (if applicable) |
The applicant’s Hong Kong identity card |
The sponsor’s valid travel document (showing personal particulars and current permission of stay) |
Applicant’s birth certificate (for children born in the HKSAR to non-permanent residents only) ^ |
Applicant’s Form ID 235B (for children born in the HKSAR to non-permanent residents only) ^ |
Parents’ marriage certificate (for children born in the HKSAR to non-permanent residents only) ^ |
^ For first time application only
Important Notice
Notwithstanding that the documents and information required have been furnished, applicants, dependants and employing companies may still be required to submit further supporting documents and information in connection with the application(s) when necessary.
Where a document is not in Chinese or English, it must be accompanied by a Chinese or English translation certified as a true translation by a sworn translator, court translator, authorised public translator, certified translator, expert translator or official translator.
It is an offence to make false statements or representations to an immigration officer. To verify the authenticity of the information and documents submitted with a visa application, field visits may be conducted. A person who knowingly and willfully makes a statement or gives information which he/she knows to be false or does not believe to be true shall be guilty of an offence under the Laws of Hong Kong and any such visa/entry permit issued or permission to enter or remain in the HKSAR granted shall have no effect.
Eligible applicants can submit their applications for extension of stay online here and upload all supporting documents with the relevant application fee paid. The application fee paid is non-refundable in any circumstance irrespective of the application result.
Applicants must be physically present in Hong Kong at the time of application.
Routine applications will normally be finalised within two to three weeks upon receipt of all the required documents and the relevant application fee.
The processing time is subject to the circumstances of individual applications and the number of applications received at the time.
For the purpose of Schedule 2 of the Immigration Regulations (Cap.115A), the GEP is a “specified scheme”. For entry visa/permit applications or change of condition of stay (including extension of limit of stay) applications made under a “specified scheme”, the principal applicant and each of his/her dependant(s) (if any) are required to pay a non-refundable application fee and the corresponding visa issuance fee. For more details on the fee structure, please refer to New Fee Structure for Visa Applications under Specified Schemes.
Upon approval, the notification of the application result issued by the ImmD will include a webpage link for payment of the visa issuance fee. Payment of relevant fees could be made through the said webpage link or the GovHK website or the ImmD Mobile Application by credit card (VISA, Mastercard, UnionPay and JCB only), Payment by Phone Service (PPS), Faster Payment System (FPS), or Mainland China’s Licensed Digital Wallets (Alipay, WeChat Pay and UnionPay App only). After payment, applicants can instantly download or print the “e-Visa” by themselves.
The applicant must be physically present in Hong Kong at the time of payment and collection of “e-Visa”.
After the receipt of the application has been acknowledged, applicants can enquire their application status here or through the 24-hour telephone enquiry system at (852) 3160 8663.
For the purpose of Schedule 2 of the Immigration Regulations (Cap.115A), the GEP is a “specified scheme”. For entry visa/permit applications or change of condition of stay (including extension of limit of stay) applications made under a “specified scheme”, the principal applicant and each of his/her dependant(s) (if any) are required to pay a non-refundable application fee and the corresponding visa issuance fee. For more details on the fee structure, please refer to New Fee Structure for Visa Applications under Specified Schemes.
Upon approval, the notification of the application result issued by the ImmD will include a webpage link for payment of the visa issuance fee. Payment of relevant fees could be made through the said webpage link or the GovHK website or the ImmD Mobile Application by credit card (VISA, Mastercard, UnionPay and JCB only), Payment by Phone Service (PPS), Faster Payment System (FPS), or Mainland China’s Licensed Digital Wallets (Alipay, WeChat Pay and UnionPay App only). After payment, applicants can instantly download or print the “e-Visa” by themselves.
The applicant must be physically present in Hong Kong at the time of payment and collection of “e-Visa”.
This webpage sets out information about extension of stay for entrants admitted under the Admission Scheme for Mainland Talents and Professionals (hereafter “ASMTP”) and their dependants.
Persons admitted as professionals under the ASMTP will normally be granted an initial stay of 36 months on employment condition, or in accordance with the duration of the employment contract (whichever is shorter), upon entry. They may apply for extension of stay in the HKSAR with the relevant application fee paid within four weeks before their limit of stay expires. The application fee paid is non-refundable in any circumstance irrespective of the application result. Such applications will be considered only when the applicants continue to meet the eligibility criteria under the ASMTP. Successful applicants will normally be granted an extension of stay following the 3-2 year pattern, also on employment condition, or be in accordance with the duration of the employment contract (whichever is shorter).
Admitted professionals who continue to meet the eligibility criteria under the ASMTP and fulfil the following criteria may apply for assessment under the top-tier employment stream. They will normally be granted an extension of stay on time limitation only without other conditions of stay for a period of five years upon approval.
The criteria for top-tier employment stream are as follows:
A dependant may apply for extension of stay for residence in the HKSAR within four weeks before his/her limit of stay expires. Such applications will be considered only when the applicant continues to meet the eligibility criteria for entry for residence as dependants (including that there is no change in circumstances which would have otherwise resulted in loss of sponsorship for the applicant, e.g. change in marriage relationship between the dependent spouse and the sponsor, or death of sponsor) and the sponsor remains a bona fide Hong Kong resident living in the HKSAR.
The length of stay of dependants of persons who have been admitted into the HKSAR to take up employment will normally be linked to that of their sponsors.
Applicants should provide documentary proof of having an assessable income for salaries tax of not less than HK$2 million in the previous year of tax assessment, e.g. notice of salaries tax assessment of the previous tax assessment year issued by the Inland Revenue Department or relevant tax documents.
Routine applications will normally be finalised within two to three weeks upon receipt of all the required documents and the relevant application fee.
The processing time is subject to the circumstances of individual applications and the number of applications received at the time.
Depending on the applicant’s current immigration status, the following documents are required upon online submission of the application:
Entrants admitted under the ASMTP
Persons admitted under the ASMTP who continue to meet the relevant eligibility criteria and fulfil the following criteria at the time of application for extension of stay may be regarded as top-tier entrants:
Important Notice
Notwithstanding that the documents and information required have been furnished, the applicants, dependants and employing companies may still be required to submit further supporting documents and information in connection with the application(s) when necessary.
Where a document is not in Chinese or English, it must be accompanied by a Chinese or English translation certified as a true translation by a sworn translator, court translator, authorised public translator , certified translator, expert translator or official translator.
It is an offence to make false statements or representations to an immigration officer. To verify the authenticity of the information and documents submitted with a visa application, field visits may be conducted. A person who knowingly and willfully makes a statement or gives information which he/she knows to be false or does not believe to be true shall be guilty of an offence under the Laws of Hong Kong and any such visa/entry permit issued or permission to enter or remain in the HKSAR granted shall have no effect.
Eligible applicants can submit their applications for extension of stay online here and upload all supporting documents with the relevant application fee paid. The application fee paid is non-refundable in any circumstance irrespective of the application result.
Applicants must be physically present in Hong Kong at the time of application.
Routine application will normally be finalised within two to three weeks upon receipt of all the required documents and the relevant application fee.
The processing time is subject to the circumstances of individual applications and the number of applications received at the time.
For the purpose of Schedule 2 of the Immigration Regulations (Cap.115A), the ASMTP is a “specified scheme”. For entry visa/permit applications or change of condition of stay (including extension of limit of stay) applications made under a “specified scheme”, the principal applicant and each of his/her dependant(s) (if any) are required to pay a non-refundable application fee and the corresponding visa issuance fee. For more details on the fee structure, please refer to New Fee Structure for Visa Applications under Specified Schemes.
Upon approval, the notification of the application result issued by the ImmD will include a webpage link for payment of the visa issuance fee. Payment of relevant fees could be made through the said webpage link or the GovHK website or the ImmD Mobile Application by credit card (VISA, Mastercard, UnionPay and JCB only), Payment by Phone Service (PPS), Faster Payment System (FPS), or Mainland China’s Licensed Digital Wallets (Alipay, WeChat Pay and UnionPay App only). After payment, applicants can instantly download or print the “e-Visa” by themselves.
The applicants must be physically present in Hong Kong at the time of payment and collection of the "e-Visa".
After the receipt of application has been acknowledged, applicants can enquire the application status here or through the 24-hour telephone enquiry system at (852) 3160 8663.
For the purpose of Schedule 2 of the Immigration Regulations (Cap.115A), the ASMTP is a “specified scheme”. For entry visa/permit applications or change of condition of stay (including extension of limit of stay) applications made under a “specified scheme”, the principal applicant and each of his/her dependant(s) (if any) are required to pay a non-refundable application fee and the corresponding visa issuance fee. For more details on the fee structure, please refer to New Fee Structure for Visa Applications under Specified Schemes.
Upon approval, the notification of the application result issued by the ImmD will include a webpage link for payment of the visa issuance fee. Payment of relevant fees could be made through the said webpage link or the GovHK website or the ImmD Mobile Application by credit card (VISA, Mastercard, UnionPay and JCB only), Payment by Phone Service (PPS), Faster Payment System (FPS), or Mainland China’s Licensed Digital Wallets (Alipay, WeChat Pay and UnionPay App only). After payment, applicants can instantly download or print the “e-Visa” by themselves.
The applicants must be physically present in Hong Kong at the time of payment and collection of the "e-Visa".
This webpage sets out information about extension of stay for entrants admitted under the Technology Talent Admission Scheme (hereafter “TechTAS”).
Persons admitted under TechTAS will normally be granted an initial stay of 36 months on employment condition, or in accordance with the duration of the employment contract (whichever is shorter), upon entry. They may apply for extension of stay in the HKSAR with the relevant application fee paid within four weeks before their limit of stay expires. The application fee paid is non-refundable in any circumstance irrespective of the application result. Such applications will be considered only when the applicants continue to meet the eligibility criteria under TechTAS Note 1. Successful applicants will normally be granted an extension of stay following the 3-2 year pattern, also on employment condition, or be in accordance with the duration of the employment contract (whichever is shorter).
Persons admitted under TechTAS who continue to meet the eligibility criteria under TechTAS and fulfil the criteria as stipulated at the following paragraph may apply for assessment under the top-tier employment stream. They will normally be granted an extension of stay on time limitation only without other conditions of stay for a period of five years upon approval.
The criteria for top-tier employment stream are as follows:
A dependant may apply for extension of stay for residence in the HKSAR within four weeks before his/her limit of stay expires. Such applications will be considered only when the applicant continues to meet the eligibility criteria for entry for residence as dependants (including that there is no change in circumstances which would have otherwise resulted in loss of sponsorship for the applicant, e.g. change in marriage relationship between the dependent spouse and the sponsor, or death of sponsor) and the sponsor remains a bona fide Hong Kong resident living in the HKSAR.
The length of stay of dependants of persons who have been admitted into the HKSAR to take up employment will normally be linked to that of their sponsors.
For the avoidance of doubt, no quota is needed for the employing company to sponsor the applicant for application for extension of stay.
Applicants should provide documentary proof of having an assessable income for salaries tax of not less than HK$2 million in the previous year of tax assessment, e.g. notice of salaries tax assessment of the previous tax assessment year issued by the Inland Revenue Department or relevant tax documents.
Routine applications will normally be finalised within two to three weeks upon receipt of all the required documents and the relevant application fee.
The processing time is subject to the circumstances of individual applications and the number of applications received at the time.
Depending on the applicant’s current immigration status, the following documents are required upon online submission of the application:
Entrants admitted under the TechTAS
Persons admitted under TechTAS who continue to meet the relevant eligibility criteria and fulfil the following criteria at the time of application for extension of stay may be regarded as top-tier entrants:
^ For first time application only
Important Notice
Notwithstanding that the documents and information required have been furnished, the applicants, dependants and employing companies may still be required to submit further supporting documents and information in connection with the application(s) when necessary.
Where a document is not in Chinese or English, it must be accompanied by a Chinese or English translation certified as a true translation by a sworn translator, court translator, authorised public translator, certified translator, expert translator or official translator.
It is an offence to make false statements or representations to an immigration officer. To verify the authenticity of the information and documents submitted with a visa application, field visits may be conducted. A person who knowingly and willfully makes a statement or gives information which he/she knows to be false or does not believe to be true shall be guilty of an offence under the Laws of Hong Kong and any such visa/entry permit issued or permission to enter or remain in the HKSAR granted shall have no effect.
Eligible applicants can submit their applications for extension of stay online here and upload all supporting documents with the relevant application fee paid. The application fee paid is non-refundable in any circumstance irrespective of the application result.
Applicants must be physically present in Hong Kong at the time of application.
Routine application will normally be finalised within two to three weeks upon receipt of all the required documents and the relevant application fee.
The processing time is subject to the circumstances of individual applications and the number of applications received at the time.
For the purpose of Schedule 2 of the Immigration Regulations (Cap.115A), the TechTAS is a “specified scheme”. For entry visa/permit applications or change of condition of stay (including extension of limit of stay) applications made under a “specified scheme”, the principal applicant and each of his/her dependant(s) (if any) are required to pay a non-refundable application fee and the corresponding visa issuance fee. For more details on the fee structure, please refer to New Fee Structure for Visa Applications under Specified Schemes.
Upon approval, the notification of the application result issued by the ImmD will include a webpage link for payment of the visa issuance fee. Payment of relevant fees could be made through the said webpage link or the GovHK website or the ImmD Mobile Application by credit card (VISA, Mastercard, UnionPay and JCB only), Payment by Phone Service (PPS), Faster Payment System (FPS), or Mainland China’s Licensed Digital Wallets (Alipay, WeChat Pay and UnionPay App only). After payment, applicants can instantly download or print the “e-Visa” by themselves.
The applicant must be physically present in Hong Kong at the time of payment and collection of “e-Visa”.
After the receipt of application has been acknowledged, applicants can enquire the application status here or through the 24-hour telephone enquiry system at (852) 3160 8663.
For the purpose of Schedule 2 of the Immigration Regulations (Cap.115A), the TechTAS is a “specified scheme”. For entry visa/permit applications or change of condition of stay (including extension of limit of stay) applications made under a “specified scheme”, the principal applicant and each of his/her dependant(s) (if any) are required to pay a non-refundable application fee and the corresponding visa issuance fee. For more details on the fee structure, please refer to New Fee Structure for Visa Applications under Specified Schemes.
Upon approval, the notification of the application result issued by the ImmD will include a webpage link for payment of the visa issuance fee. Payment of relevant fees could be made through the said webpage link or the GovHK website or the ImmD Mobile Application by credit card (VISA, Mastercard, UnionPay and JCB only), Payment by Phone Service (PPS), Faster Payment System (FPS), or Mainland China’s Licensed Digital Wallets (Alipay, WeChat Pay and UnionPay App only). After payment, applicants can instantly download or print the “e-Visa” by themselves.
The applicant must be physically present in Hong Kong at the time of payment and collection of “e-Visa”.
This webpage sets out information about extension of stay for entrants admitted under the Immigration Arrangements for Non-local Graduates (hereafter “IANG”) and their dependants.
Persons admitted under the IANG will normally be granted an initial stay of 24 months on time limitation only without other conditions of stay upon entry. They may apply for extension of stay in the HKSAR with the relevant application fee paid within four weeks before their limit of stay expires. The application fee paid is non-refundable in any circumstance irrespective of the application result. Upon applying for extension, non-local graduates / GBA campus graduates are required to have secured an offer of employment which is at a level commonly taken up by degree holders and the remuneration package is at market level. For those who have established or joined in business in the HKSAR, they are required to produce proof of their business. Successful applicants will normally be permitted to remain on time limitation only without other conditions of stay on the 3-3 year pattern.
Persons admitted under the IANG who meet the criteria stipulated in the above paragraph, and fulfil the following criteria at the time of application for extension of stay may apply for assessment under the top-tier employment stream:
Successful applicants will normally be granted an extension of stay on time limitation only without other conditions of stay for a period of six years.
A dependant may apply for extension of stay for residence in the HKSAR within four weeks before his/her limit of stay expires. Such applications will be considered only when the applicant continues to meet the eligibility criteria for entry for residence as dependants (including that there is no change in circumstances which would have otherwise resulted in loss of sponsorship for the applicant, e.g. change in marriage relationship between the dependent spouse and the sponsor, or death of sponsor) and the sponsor remains a bona fide Hong Kong resident living in the HKSAR.
The length of stay of dependants of persons who are permitted to remain in the HKSAR as entrants under the IANG will normally be linked to that of their sponsors.
Applicants should provide documentary proof of having an assessable income for salaries tax of not less than HK$2 million in the previous year of assessment, e.g. notice of salaries tax assessment of the previous assessment year issued by the Inland Revenue Department or relevant tax documents.
Routine applications will normally be finalised within two to three weeks upon receipt of all the required documents and the relevant application fee.
The processing time is subject to the circumstances of individual applications and the number of applications received at the time. A longer processing time may be required during summer rush period between June and August.
Depending on the applicant’s current immigration status, the following documents are required upon online submission of the application:
Entrants admitted under the IANG
For applicants admitted as a non-local recent graduate / GBA campus recent graduate under IANG
For applicants admitted as a non-local non-recent graduate/GBA campus non-recent graduate under IANG
Persons admitted under the IANG who meet the criteria stipulated in extension of stay under IANG and fulfil the following criteria at the time of application for extension of stay may apply for assessment under the top-tier employment stream:
^ For first time application only
Important Notice
Notwithstanding that the documents and information required have been furnished, the applicants, dependants and employing companies may still be required to submit further supporting documents and information in connection with the application(s) when necessary.
Where a document is not in Chinese or English, it must be accompanied by a Chinese or English translation certified as a true translation by a sworn translator, court translator, authorised public translator, certified translator, expert translator or official translator.
It is an offence to make false statements or representations to an immigration officer. To verify the authenticity of the information and documents submitted with a visa application, field visits may be conducted. A person who knowingly and willfully makes a statement or gives information which he/she knows to be false or does not believe to be true shall be guilty of an offence under the Laws of Hong Kong and any such visa/entry permit issued or permission to enter or remain in the HKSAR granted shall have no effect.
Eligible applicants can submit their applications for extension of stay online here and upload all supporting documents with the relevant application fee paid. The application fee paid is non-refundable in any circumstance irrespective of the application result.
Applicants must be physically present in Hong Kong at the time of application.
Routine application will normally be finalised within two to three weeks upon receipt of all the required documents and the relevant application fee.
The processing time is subject to the circumstances of individual applications and the number of applications received at the time. A longer processing time may be required during summer rush period between June and August.
For the purpose of Schedule 2 of the Immigration Regulations (Cap.115A), the IANG is a “specified scheme”. For entry visa/permit applications or change of condition of stay (including extension of limit of stay) applications made under a “specified scheme”, the principal applicant and each of his/her dependant(s) (if any) are required to pay a non-refundable application fee and the corresponding visa issuance fee. For more details on the fee structure, please refer to New Fee Structure for Visa Applications under Specified Schemes.
Upon approval, the notification of the application result issued by the ImmD will include a webpage link for payment of the visa issuance fee. Payment of relevant fees could be made through the said webpage link or the GovHK website or the ImmD Mobile Application by credit card (VISA, Mastercard, UnionPay and JCB only), Payment by Phone Service (PPS), Faster Payment System (FPS), or Mainland China’s Licensed Digital Wallets (Alipay, WeChat Pay and UnionPay App only). After payment, applicants can instantly download or print the “e-Visa” by themselves.
The applicants must be physically present in Hong Kong at the time of payment and collection of the "e-Visa".
After the receipt of application has been acknowledged, applicants can enquire the application status here or through the 24-hour telephone enquiry system at (852) 3160 8663. Enquiries may also be made via the IANG hotline (852) 2294 2190 during office hours, via fax to (852) 2877 7711 or via email at .
For the purpose of Schedule 2 of the Immigration Regulations (Cap.115A), the IANG is a “specified scheme”. For entry visa/permit applications or change of condition of stay (including extension of limit of stay) applications made under a “specified scheme”, the principal applicant and each of his/her dependant(s) (if any) are required to pay a non-refundable application fee and the corresponding visa issuance fee. For more details on the fee structure, please refer to New Fee Structure for Visa Applications under Specified Schemes.
Upon approval, the notification of the application result issued by the ImmD will include a webpage link for payment of the visa issuance fee. Payment of relevant fees could be made through the said webpage link or the GovHK website or the ImmD Mobile Application by credit card (VISA, Mastercard, UnionPay and JCB only), Payment by Phone Service (PPS), Faster Payment System (FPS), or Mainland China’s Licensed Digital Wallets (Alipay, WeChat Pay and UnionPay App only). After payment, applicants can instantly download or print the “e-Visa” by themselves.
The applicants must be physically present in Hong Kong at the time of payment and collection of the "e-Visa".
This webpage sets out information about extension of stay for entrants admitted under the Quality Migrant Admission Scheme (hereafter “the Scheme”) and their dependants.
Persons and their dependants admitted under the Scheme are subject to a limit of stay during their stay in Hong Kong until they acquire permanent resident status under Hong Kong laws. They are required to apply for extension of stay within four weeks before their limit of stay expires if they intend to continue their residence in the HKSAR. Applications for extension of stay and relevant supporting documents shall be submitted online with the relevant application fee paid. The application fee paid is non-refundable in any circumstance irrespective of the application result.
For persons admitted through the General Points Test under the Scheme
Persons admitted through the General Points Test under the Scheme will normally be granted an initial stay of 36 months on time limitation only without other conditions of stay upon entry. To obtain an extension of stay at the end of the 36-month period, applicants are required to provide proofs demonstrating to the satisfaction of the Immigration Department that they have taken steps to settle in Hong Kong by taking up residence here, e.g. by securing gainful employment or establishing a business. To be eligible for further extension of stay, the applicants are required to provide proofs demonstrating to the satisfaction of the Immigration Department that:
Extensions of stay, if approved, will normally follow the pattern of “3+2” years on time limitation only without other conditions of stay.
If a person admitted through the General Points Test under the Scheme has been permitted to remain in Hong Kong for not less than two years and he/she has an assessable income for salaries tax of not less than HK$2 million in the previous year of assessment, he/she will normally be granted an extension of stay on time limitation only without other conditions of stay for a period of five years. The applicant is required to provide documentary proof of his/her income level, e.g. notice of salaries tax assessment of the previous assessment year issued by the Inland Revenue Department or relevant tax documents.
For persons admitted through the Achievement-based Points Test under the Scheme
Persons admitted through the Achievement-based Points Test under the Scheme will normally be granted a stay of eight years on time limitation only without other conditions of stay upon entry. Should an extension of stay be required, the applicant shall demonstrate that he/she is capable of supporting and accommodating himself/herself and his/her dependants, if any, on his/her own financial resources during his/her stay in Hong Kong.
For dependants of persons admitted under the Scheme
A dependant may apply for extension of stay for residence in the HKSAR within four weeks before his/her limit of stay expires. Such applications will be considered only when the applicant continues to meet the eligibility criteria for entry for residence as dependants (including that there is no change in circumstances which would have otherwise resulted in loss of sponsorship for the applicant, e.g. change in marriage relationship between the dependent spouse and the sponsor, or death of sponsor) and the sponsor remains a bona fide Hong Kong resident living in the HKSAR.
The length of stay of dependants of persons who are permitted to remain in the HKSAR as entrants under the Scheme will normally be linked to that of their sponsors.
Routine applications will normally be finalised within two to three weeks upon receipt of all the required documents and the relevant application fee.
The processing time is subject to the circumstances of individual applications and the number of applications received at the time.
Depending on the applicant’s current immigration status, the following documents are required upon online submission of the application:
Entrants admitted under the Scheme
If a person admitted through the General Points Test under the Scheme has been permitted to remain in Hong Kong for not less than two years and he/she has provided documentary proof of having an assessable income for salaries tax of not less than HK$2 million in the previous year of tax assessment, he/she will normally be granted an extension of stay on time limitation only without other conditions of stay for a period of five years.
^ For first time application only
Important Notice
Notwithstanding that the documents and information required have been furnished, the applicants and dependants may still be required to submit further supporting documents and information in connection with the application(s) when necessary.
Where a document is not in Chinese or English, it must be accompanied by a Chinese or English translation certified as a true translation by a sworn translator, court translator, authorized public translator, certified translator, expert translator or official translator.
It is an offence to make false statements or representations to an immigration officer. To verify the authenticity of the information and documents submitted with a visa/entry permit application, field visits may be conducted. A person who knowingly and willfully makes a statement or gives information which he/she knows to be false or does not believe to be true shall be guilty of an offence under the Laws of Hong Kong and any such visa/entry permit issued or permission to enter or remain in the HKSAR granted shall have no effect.
Eligible applicants can submit their applications for extension of stay online here and upload all supporting documents with the relevant application fee paid. The application fee paid is non-refundable in any circumstance irrespective of the application result.
Applicants must be physically present in Hong Kong at the time of application.
Routine applications will normally be finalised within two to three weeks upon receipt of all the required documents and the relevant application fee.
The processing time is subject to the circumstances of individual applications and the number of applications received at the time.
For the purpose of Schedule 2 of the Immigration Regulations (Cap.115A), the Scheme is a “specified scheme”. For entry visa/permit applications or change of condition of stay (including extension of limit of stay) applications made under a “specified scheme”, the principal applicant and each of his/her dependant(s) (if any) are required to pay a non-refundable application fee and the corresponding visa issuance fee. For more details on the fee structure, please refer to New Fee Structure for Visa Applications under Specified Schemes.
Upon approval, the notification of the application result issued by the Immigration Department will include a webpage link for payment of the visa issuance fee. Payment of relevant fees could be made through the said webpage link or the GovHK website or the Immigration Department Mobile Application by credit card (VISA, Mastercard, UnionPay and JCB only), Payment by Phone Service (PPS), Faster Payment System (FPS), or Mainland China’s Licensed Digital Wallets (Alipay, WeChat Pay and UnionPay App only). After payment, applicants can instantly download or print the “e-Visa” by themselves.
The applicant must be physically present in Hong Kong at the time of payment and collection of “e-Visa”.
After the receipt of application has been acknowledged, applicants can enquire the application status here or through the 24-hour telephone enquiry system at (852) 3160 8663.
For the purpose of Schedule 2 of the Immigration Regulations (Cap.115A), the Scheme is a “specified scheme”. For entry visa/permit applications or change of condition of stay (including extension of limit of stay) applications made under a “specified scheme”, the principal applicant and each of his/her dependant(s) (if any) are required to pay a non-refundable application fee and the corresponding visa issuance fee. For more details on the fee structure, please refer to New Fee Structure for Visa Applications under Specified Schemes.
Upon approval, the notification of the application result issued by the Immigration Department will include a webpage link for payment of the visa issuance fee. Payment of relevant fees could be made through the said webpage link or the GovHK website or the Immigration Department Mobile Application by credit card (VISA, Mastercard, UnionPay and JCB only), Payment by Phone Service (PPS), Faster Payment System (FPS), or Mainland China’s Licensed Digital Wallets (Alipay, WeChat Pay and UnionPay App only). After payment, applicants can instantly download or print the “e-Visa” by themselves.
The applicant must be physically present in Hong Kong at the time of payment and collection of “e-Visa”.
This webpage sets out information about extension of stay for entrants admitted under the Admission Scheme for the Second Generation of Chinese Hong Kong Permanent Residents (hereafter “the Scheme”) and their dependants.
Persons admitted under the Scheme will normally be granted an initial stay of 24 months on time limitation only without other conditions of stay. They may apply for extension of stay in the HKSAR with the relevant application fee paid within four weeks before their limit of stay expires. The application fee paid is non-refundable in any circumstance irrespective of the application result. While applicants are not required to have secured an offer of employment in the HKSAR upon application for entry under the Scheme, when applying for extension, applicants are required to have secured an offer of employment (which is at a level commonly taken up by degree holders and the remuneration package of which is at market level). For those who have established or joined in business in the HKSAR, they are required to produce proof of their business. Successful applicants for extension of stay will normally be permitted to remain on time limitation on the 3-3 year extension pattern without other conditions of stay.
Persons admitted under the Scheme who meet the criteria stipulated in the paragraph above, and fulfil the following criteria at the time of application for extension of stay may apply for assessment under the top-tier employment stream:
Successful applicants will normally be granted an extension of stay on time limitation only without other conditions of stay for a period of six years.
A dependant may apply for extension of stay for residence in the HKSAR within four weeks before his/her limit of stay expires. Such applications will be considered only when the applicant continues to meet the eligibility criteria for entry for residence as dependants (including that there is no change in circumstances which would have otherwise resulted in loss of sponsorship for the applicant, e.g. change in marriage relationship between the dependent spouse and the sponsor, or death of sponsor) and the sponsor remains a bona fide Hong Kong resident living in the HKSAR.
The length of stay of dependants of persons who are permitted to remain in the HKSAR as entrants under the Scheme will normally be linked to that of their sponsors.
Applicants should provide documentary proof of having an assessable income for salaries tax of not less than HK$2 million in the previous year of assessment, e.g. notice of salaries tax assessment of the previous assessment year issued by the Inland Revenue Department or relevant tax documents.
Routine applications will normally be finalised within two to three weeks upon receipt of all the required documents and the relevant application fee.
The processing time is subject to the circumstances of individual applications and the number of applications received at the time.
Depending on the applicant’s current immigration status, the following documents are required upon online submission of the application:
Entrants admitted under the Scheme
Documents Required |
The applicant’s valid travel document and, where applicable, his/her previous travel document page showing the latest visa/entry permit label/arrival stamp/landing slip/extension of stay label in the HKSAR and the latest issued “e-Visa” (if applicable) |
The applicant’s Hong Kong identity card |
Supporting documents listed in Part VII(B) of the Guidebook for Entry for Employment as Professionals in Hong Kong [ID(E) 991](for first time extension and subsequent extension with change of employer) |
Supporting letter from the current employer stating the applicant’s position, total monthly remuneration and period of employment (for subsequent extension without change of employer) |
Documentary proof of the applicant having an assessable income for salaries tax of not less than HK$2 million in the previous year of tax assessment, e.g. notice of salaries tax assessment of the previous tax assessment year issued by the Inland Revenue Department or relevant tax documents (for extension of stay applications under the top-tier employment stream Note) |
Persons admitted under the Scheme who meet the criteria stipulated in extension of stay under the Scheme and fulfil the following criteria at the time of application for extension of stay may apply for assessment under the top-tier employment stream:
Documents Required |
The applicant’s valid travel document and, where applicable, his/her previous travel document page showing the latest visa/entry permit label/arrival stamp/landing slip/extension of stay label in the HKSAR and the latest issued “e-Visa” (if applicable) |
The applicant’s Hong Kong identity card |
The sponsor’s valid travel document (showing personal particulars and current permission of stay) |
Applicant’s birth certificate (for children born in the HKSAR to non-permanent residents only) ^ |
Applicant’s Form ID 235B (for children born in the HKSAR to non-permanent residents only) ^ |
Parents’ marriage certificate (for children born in the HKSAR to non-permanent residents only) ^ |
^ For first time application only
Important Notice
Notwithstanding that the documents and information required have been furnished, applicants, dependants and employing companies may still be required to submit further supporting documents and information in connection with the application(s) when necessary.
Where a document is not in Chinese or English, it must be accompanied by a Chinese or English translation certified as a true translation by a sworn translator, court translator, authorised public translator, certified translator, expert translator or official translator.
It is an offence to make false statements or representations to an immigration officer. To verify the authenticity of the information and documents submitted with a visa application, field visits may be conducted. A person who knowingly and willfully makes a statement or gives information which he/she knows to be false or does not believe to be true shall be guilty of an offence under the Laws of Hong Kong and any such visa/entry permit issued or permission to enter or remain in the HKSAR granted shall have no effect.
Eligible applicants can submit their applications for extension of stay online here and upload all supporting documents with the relevant application fee paid. The application fee paid is non-refundable in any circumstance irrespective of the application result.
Applicants must be physically present in Hong Kong at the time of application.
Routine applications will normally be finalised within two to three weeks upon receipt of all the required documents and the relevant application fee.
The processing time is subject to the circumstances of individual applications and the number of applications received at the time.
For the purpose of Schedule 2 of the Immigration Regulations (Cap.115A), the ASSG is a “specified scheme”. For entry visa/permit applications or change of condition of stay (including extension of limit of stay) applications made under a “specified scheme”, the principal applicant and each of his/her dependant(s) (if any) are required to pay a non-refundable application fee and the corresponding visa issuance fee. For more details on the fee structure, please refer to New Fee Structure for Visa Applications under Specified Schemes.
Upon approval, the notification of the application result issued by the ImmD will include a webpage link for payment of the visa issuance fee. Payment of relevant fees could be made through the said webpage link or the GovHK website or the ImmD Mobile Application by credit card (VISA, Mastercard, UnionPay and JCB only), Payment by Phone Service (PPS), Faster Payment System (FPS), or Mainland China’s Licensed Digital Wallets (Alipay, WeChat Pay and UnionPay App only). After payment, applicants can instantly download or print the “e-Visa” by themselves.
The applicant must be physically present in Hong Kong at the time of payment and collection of “e-Visa”.
After the receipt of the application has been acknowledged, applicants can enquire their application status here or through the 24-hour telephone enquiry system at (852) 3160 8663.
For the purpose of Schedule 2 of the Immigration Regulations (Cap.115A), the ASSG is a “specified scheme”. For entry visa/permit applications or change of condition of stay (including extension of limit of stay) applications made under a “specified scheme”, the principal applicant and each of his/her dependant(s) (if any) are required to pay a non-refundable application fee and the corresponding visa issuance fee. For more details on the fee structure, please refer to New Fee Structure for Visa Applications under Specified Schemes.
Upon approval, the notification of the application result issued by the ImmD will include a webpage link for payment of the visa issuance fee. Payment of relevant fees could be made through the said webpage link or the GovHK website or the ImmD Mobile Application by credit card (VISA, Mastercard, UnionPay and JCB only), Payment by Phone Service (PPS), Faster Payment System (FPS), or Mainland China’s Licensed Digital Wallets (Alipay, WeChat Pay and UnionPay App only). After payment, applicants can instantly download or print the “e-Visa” by themselves.
The applicant must be physically present in Hong Kong at the time of payment and collection of “e-Visa”.
This webpage sets out information about extension of stay for entrants admitted under the New Capital Investment Entrant Scheme (hereafter “New CIES”) and their dependants.
Entrants or their dependants admitted under the New CIES may apply for extension of stay within 3 months before their limit of stay expires.
To be eligible for an extension of stay, the entrant must continue to satisfy the requirements of the New CIES throughout the period after he/she has been granted permission to stay. As regards Portfolio Maintenance Requirements, the entrant must comply with the New Scheme Rules.
Depending on the applicant’s current immigration status, the following documents are required upon online submission of the application:
Entrants admitted under the New CIES
Documents Required |
Applicant’s recent photograph |
Applicant’s valid travel document containing personal particulars, date of issue, date of expiry and/or details of any re-entry visa held (if applicable), and his/her previous travel document page showing the latest visa/entry permit label/arrival stamp/landing slip/extension of stay label in the HKSAR and the latest issued “e-Visa” (if applicable). |
Applicant’s Hong Kong identity card |
Relevant certifying proof issued by InvestHK |
Proof of the applicant’s permanent residence in a foreign country. Applicant should provide official documents showing the applicant's permanent residence endorsed by overseas authorities (e.g. an official letter issued by the immigration authority / consulate of the relevant foreign country). [for Chinese nationals who have obtained overseas permanent residence only] |
Applicant’s "Certificate of No Criminal Conviction" issued by the Competent Authority (i.e. Police/Public Security Bureau) of the country / territory where he/she has habitually resided in the past 12 months. Documents issued beyond 6 months preceding to the date of application will not be accepted. |
Documents Required |
Dependant’s valid travel document containing personal particulars, date of issue, date of expiry and/or details of any re-entry visa held (if applicable). For a dependant who is currently staying in the HKSAR, his/her valid travel document page containing the latest arrival stamp/landing slip/extension of stay label/“e-Visa” (if applicable) in the HKSAR |
Dependant’s Hong Kong identity card (for aged 11 or above) |
Sponsor’s travel document and Hong Kong identity card (showing personal particulars and current condition of stay) |
Proof of the dependant’s permanent resident status in a foreign country. Dependant should provide official documents showing the dependant's permanent residence endorsed by overseas authorities (e.g. an official letter issued by the immigration authority / consulate of the relevant foreign country). [for PRC passport holders who have obtained overseas permanent residence only] |
Important Notice
Notwithstanding that the documents and information required have been furnished, applicants and dependants may still be required to submit further supporting documents and information in connection with the application when necessary.
Where a document is not in Chinese or English, it must be accompanied by a Chinese or English translation certified as a true translation by a sworn translator, court translator, authorised public translator, certified translator, expert translator or official translator.
It is an offence to make false statements or representations to an immigration officer. A person who knowingly and wilfully makes a statement or gives information which he/she knows to be false or does not believe to be true shall be guilty of an offence under the Laws of Hong Kong and any such visa/entry permit issued or permission to enter or remain in the HKSAR granted shall have no effect.
Eligible applicants can submit their applications for extension of stay online with the relevant application fee paid. The application fee paid is non-refundable in any circumstance irrespective of the application result.
Applicants must be physically present in Hong Kong at the time of application.
For the purpose of Schedule 2 of the Immigration Regulations (Cap.115A), the New CIES is a “specified scheme”. For entry visa/permit applications or change of condition of stay (including extension of limit of stay) applications made under a “specified scheme”, the principal applicant and each of his/her dependant(s) (if any) are required to pay a non-refundable application fee and the corresponding visa issuance fee. For more details on the fee structure, please refer to New Fee Structure for Visa Applications under Specified Schemes.
Upon approval, the notification of the application result issued by the Immigration Department will include a webpage link for payment of the visa issuance fee. Payment of relevant fees could be made through the said webpage link or the GovHK website or the ImmD Mobile Application by credit card (VISA, Mastercard, UnionPay and JCB only), Payment by Phone Service (PPS), Faster Payment System (FPS), or Mainland China’s Licensed Digital Wallets (Alipay, WeChat Pay and UnionPay App only). After payment, applicants can instantly download or print the “e-Visa” by themselves.
The applicant must be physically present in Hong Kong at the time of payment and collection of “e-Visa”.
After the receipt of application has been acknowledged, applicants can enquire the application status here or through the 24-hour telephone enquiry system at (852) 3160 8663.
For the purpose of Schedule 2 of the Immigration Regulations (Cap.115A), the New CIES is a “specified scheme”. For entry visa/permit applications or change of condition of stay (including extension of limit of stay) applications made under a “specified scheme”, the principal applicant and each of his/her dependant(s) (if any) are required to pay a non-refundable application fee and the corresponding visa issuance fee. For more details on the fee structure, please refer to New Fee Structure for Visa Applications under Specified Schemes.
Upon approval, the notification of the application result issued by the Immigration Department will include a webpage link for payment of the visa issuance fee. Payment of relevant fees could be made through the said webpage link or the GovHK website or the ImmD Mobile Application by credit card (VISA, Mastercard, UnionPay and JCB only), Payment by Phone Service (PPS), Faster Payment System (FPS), or Mainland China’s Licensed Digital Wallets (Alipay, WeChat Pay and UnionPay App only). After payment, applicants can instantly download or print the “e-Visa” by themselves.
The applicant must be physically present in Hong Kong at the time of payment and collection of “e-Visa”.
This webpage sets out information about extension of stay for entrants admitted under the Capital Investment Entrant Scheme (hereafter “the Scheme”) and their dependants.
Entrants or their dependants admitted under the Scheme may apply for extension of stay within 3 months before their limit of stay expires.
To be eligible for an extension of stay, the entrant must continue to satisfy the requirements of the Scheme throughout the period after he has been granted permission to stay. In maintaining the entrant’s portfolio, he should comply with the portfolio maintenance requirements and the rules on any switches of his investment.
Portfolio maintenance and ring-fencing requirements will be imposed to ensure that the entrant does not reduce his investment commitment while he is permitted to stay in Hong Kong under the Scheme. For investments in specified financial assets, the entrant is required to transact only the said assets in Permissible Investment Asset Classes held in a designated account in his own name to be opened with a single financial intermediary Note 1. Permissible Investment Asset Classes are set out in the Rules for the Capital Investment Entrant Scheme. Please click here for more information.
Note 1:
The financial intermediary must be an authorised institution as defined in the Banking Ordinance, a corporation licensed to perform Type 1, 4 or 9 regulated activities under the Securities and Futures Ordinance or an insurer authorised to carry on Class C business as specified in Part 2 of the First Schedule to the Insurance Companies Ordinance. Details of the maintenance and ring-fencing requirements are set out in the Rules for the Capital Investment Entrant Scheme. The entrant is required to undertake in the application form that he agrees to abide by the Rules while remaining in Hong Kong as an entrant under the Scheme.
In maintaining the entrant’s eligibility for an extension of stay, he is not required to top up the value of his investment under the Scheme if it falls below the requisite minimum investment level. However, the entrant is not allowed to withdraw any capital gains from his investment if its market value rises above the requisite minimum investment level. The entrant is free to switch investments from one permissible asset class to another (such as from real estate to specified financial assets or vice versa), provided that he reinvests the entire proceeds from the sale. The entrant should keep a record of every change to his investment portfolio for the purpose of applying for an extension of stay in Hong Kong.
The entrant must submit a completed and signed form ID(E) 967 and the declaration form SF/IM/1611 through the online application system of the Immigration Department. The dependant of an entrant must submit a completed and signed form ID 91 as well as form ID 481A duly completed and signed by the sponsor through the online application system of the Immigration Department. For the spouse or the other party to a same-sex civil partnership, same-sex civil union, “same-sex marriage”, opposite-sex civil partnership or opposite-sex civil union entered into by him/her in accordance with the local law in force of the place of celebration and with such status being legally and officially recognised by the local authorities of the place of celebration Note 2 of the sponsor, he/she should complete and sign form ID 481B and submit through the online application system of the Immigration Department as well. All of these forms can be obtained free of charge from Immigration Department Headquarters and Branch Offices. The forms can also be downloaded here.
Note 2:
For the avoidance of doubt, the terms “civil partnership” and “civil union” above mean a legal institution of a nature which is akin to spousal relationship in a marriage. The same-sex civil partnership, same-sex civil union, “same-sex marriage”, opposite-sex civil partnership and opposite-sex civil union entered into in accordance with laws outside Hong Kong are limited to only relationships which are legally and officially recognised in the places of celebration. Such relationships normally have the following features: (a) the entering into and dissolution of the relationship are governed by legislation of the place where it is entered into; (b) the relationship requires registration by the competent authority specified by the legislation of the place where it is entered into; (c) the registration is evidenced in a written instrument issued by the competent authority; and (d) parties to the relationship have a mutual commitment to a shared life akin to spouses to the exclusion of others on a permanent basis. Such relationships do not include de facto spouse, partners in cohabitation, fiancé/fiancée, etc.
Depending on the applicant’s current immigration status, the following forms and documents are required upon online submission of the application:
Important Notice
Notwithstanding that the documents and information required have been furnished, applicants and dependants may still be required to submit further supporting documents and information in connection with the application when necessary.
Where a document is not in Chinese or English, it must be accompanied by a Chinese or English translation certified as a true translation by a sworn translator, court translator, authorised public translator, certified translator, expert translator or official translator.
The entrant is required to give an Undertaking to the Director of Immigration to abide by the Scheme Rules. The form of the Undertaking is set out in Part 12 of the application form ID(E) 967 prescribed by the Director of Immigration. If he entrant is found to have breached the Undertaking, he and his dependants, if any, will only be allowed to stay in Hong Kong for the remainder of his limit of stay or two months after the Director of Immigration has determined that he has breached the Undertaking, whichever is earlier.
Eligible applicants can submit their applications for extension of stay online here and upload all supporting documents with the relevant application fee paid. The application fee paid is non-refundable in any circumstance irrespective of the application result.
Applicants must be physically present in Hong Kong at the time of application.
For the purpose of Schedule 2 of the Immigration Regulations (Cap.115A), the CIES is a “specified scheme”. For entry visa/permit applications or change of condition of stay (including extension of limit of stay) applications made under a “specified scheme”, the principal applicant and each of his/her dependant(s) (if any) are required to pay a non-refundable application fee and the corresponding visa issuance fee. For more details on the fee structure, please refer to New Fee Structure for Visa Applications under Specified Schemes.
Upon approval, the notification of the application result issued by the ImmD will include a webpage link for payment of the visa issuance fee. Payment of relevant fees could be made through the said webpage link or the GovHK website or the ImmD Mobile Application by credit card (VISA, Mastercard, UnionPay and JCB only), Payment by Phone Service (PPS), Faster Payment System (FPS), or Mainland China’s Licensed Digital Wallets (Alipay, WeChat Pay and UnionPay App only). After payment, applicants can instantly download or print the “e-Visa” by themselves.
The applicants must be physically present in Hong Kong at the time of payment and collection of the "e-Visa".
After the receipt of the application has been acknowledged, applicants can enquire their application status here or through the 24-hour telephone enquiry system at (852) 3160 8663.
For the purpose of Schedule 2 of the Immigration Regulations (Cap.115A), the CIES is a “specified scheme”. For entry visa/permit applications or change of condition of stay (including extension of limit of stay) applications made under a “specified scheme”, the principal applicant and each of his/her dependant(s) (if any) are required to pay a non-refundable application fee and the corresponding visa issuance fee. For more details on the fee structure, please refer to New Fee Structure for Visa Applications under Specified Schemes.
Upon approval, the notification of the application result issued by the ImmD will include a webpage link for payment of the visa issuance fee. Payment of relevant fees could be made through the said webpage link or the GovHK website or the ImmD Mobile Application by credit card (VISA, Mastercard, UnionPay and JCB only), Payment by Phone Service (PPS), Faster Payment System (FPS), or Mainland China’s Licensed Digital Wallets (Alipay, WeChat Pay and UnionPay App only). After payment, applicants can instantly download or print the “e-Visa” by themselves.
The applicants must be physically present in Hong Kong at the time of payment and collection of the "e-Visa".
This webpage sets out information about extension of stay for entrants admitted for investment as entrepreneurs under the General Employment Policy (hereafter “GEP”), i.e. to establish or join in business in the HKSAR, and their dependants.
Persons admitted for investment as entrepreneurs (to establish or join in business) under the GEP will normally be granted an initial stay of 36 months on employment condition upon entry. They may apply for extension of stay in the HKSAR with the relevant application fee paid within four weeks before their limit of stay expires. The application fee paid is non-refundable in any circumstance irrespective of the application result. Such applications will be considered only when the applicants continue to meet the eligibility criteria for entry for investment. Successful applicants will normally be granted an extension of stay following the 3-2 year pattern, on employment condition.
A dependant may apply for extension of stay for residence in the HKSAR within four weeks before his/her limit of stay expires. Such applications will be considered only when the applicant continues to meet the eligibility criteria for entry for residence as dependants (including that there is no change in circumstances which would have otherwise resulted in loss of sponsorship for the applicant, e.g. change in marriage relationship between the dependent spouse and the sponsor, or death of sponsor) and the sponsor remains a bona fide Hong Kong resident living in the HKSAR.
The length of stay of dependants of persons admitted for investment as entrepreneurs (to establish or join in business) will normally be linked to that of their sponsors.
Routine applications will normally be finalised within two to three weeks upon receipt of all the required documents and the relevant application fee.
The processing time is subject to the circumstances of individual applications and the number of applications received at the time.
Depending on the applicant’s current immigration status, the following documents are required upon online submission of the application:
Documents Required |
The applicant’s valid travel document and, where applicable, his/her previous travel document page showing the latest visa/entry permit label/arrival stamp/landing slip/extension of stay label in the HKSAR and the latest issued “e-Visa” (if applicable) |
The applicant’s Hong Kong identity card |
Supporting letter from the current company stating the applicant’s contribution to Hong Kong (including the amount of capital invested and to be invested in the coming three years, the number of posts created for local employees with post titles and those to be created in the coming three years, etc.) |
Business Registration Certificate |
Letter indicating valid support by a government-backed programme* |
* For applicants who wish to establish or join in, or has established or joined, in a start-up business supported by a government-backed programme. For examples of government-backed programmes, please refer to paragraph 3(c)(ii) of Part II of the Guidebook for Entry for Investment as Entrepreneurs in Hong Kong [ID(E) 1000]
Documents Required |
The applicant’s valid travel document and, where applicable, his/her previous travel document page showing the latest visa/entry permit label/arrival stamp/landing slip/extension of stay label in the HKSAR and the latest issued “e-Visa” (if applicable) |
The applicant’s Hong Kong identity card |
The sponsor’s valid travel document (showing personal particulars and current permission of stay) |
Applicant’s birth certificate (for children born in the HKSAR to non-permanent residents only) ^ |
Applicant’s Form ID 235B (for children born in the HKSAR to non-permanent residents only) ^ |
Parents’ marriage certificate (for children born in the HKSAR to non-permanent residents only) ^ |
^ For first time application only
Important Notice
Notwithstanding that the documents and information required have been furnished, applicants, dependants and companies may still be required to submit further supporting documents and information in connection with the application(s) when necessary.
Where a document is not in Chinese or English, it must be accompanied by a Chinese or English translation certified as a true translation by a sworn translator, court translator, authorised public translator, certified translator, expert translator or official translator.
It is an offence to make false statements or representations to an immigration officer. To verify the authenticity of the information and documents submitted with a visa application, field visits may be conducted. A person who knowingly and willfully makes a statement or gives information which he/she knows to be false or does not believe to be true shall be guilty of an offence under the Laws of Hong Kong and any such visa/entry permit issued or permission to enter or remain in the HKSAR granted shall have no effect.
Eligible applicants can submit their applications for extension of stay online here and upload all supporting documents with the relevant application fee paid. The application fee paid is non-refundable in any circumstance irrespective of the application result.
Applicants must be physically present in Hong Kong at the time of application.
Routine applications will normally be finalised within two to three weeks upon receipt of all the required documents and the relevant application fee.
The processing time is subject to the circumstances of individual applications and the number of applications received at the time.
For the purpose of Schedule 2 of the Immigration Regulations (Cap.115A), the GEP is a “specified scheme”. For entry visa/permit applications or change of condition of stay (including extension of limit of stay) applications made under a “specified scheme”, the principal applicant and each of his/her dependant(s) (if any) are required to pay a non-refundable application fee and the corresponding visa issuance fee. For more details on the fee structure, please refer to New Fee Structure for Visa Applications under Specified Schemes.
Upon approval, the notification of the application result issued by the ImmD will include a webpage link for payment of the visa issuance fee. Payment of relevant fees could be made through the said webpage link or the GovHK website or the ImmD Mobile Application by credit card (VISA, Mastercard, UnionPay and JCB only), Payment by Phone Service (PPS), Faster Payment System (FPS), or Mainland China’s Licensed Digital Wallets (Alipay, WeChat Pay and UnionPay App only). After payment, applicants can instantly download or print the “e-Visa” by themselves.
The applicant must be physically present in Hong Kong at the time of payment and collection of “e-Visa”.
After the receipt of the application has been acknowledged, applicants can enquire their application status here or through the 24-hour telephone enquiry system at (852) 3160 8663.
For the purpose of Schedule 2 of the Immigration Regulations (Cap.115A), the GEP is a “specified scheme”. For entry visa/permit applications or change of condition of stay (including extension of limit of stay) applications made under a “specified scheme”, the principal applicant and each of his/her dependant(s) (if any) are required to pay a non-refundable application fee and the corresponding visa issuance fee. For more details on the fee structure, please refer to New Fee Structure for Visa Applications under Specified Schemes.
Upon approval, the notification of the application result issued by the ImmD will include a webpage link for payment of the visa issuance fee. Payment of relevant fees could be made through the said webpage link or the GovHK website or the ImmD Mobile Application by credit card (VISA, Mastercard, UnionPay and JCB only), Payment by Phone Service (PPS), Faster Payment System (FPS), or Mainland China’s Licensed Digital Wallets (Alipay, WeChat Pay and UnionPay App only). After payment, applicants can instantly download or print the “e-Visa” by themselves.
The applicant must be physically present in Hong Kong at the time of payment and collection of “e-Visa”.
This webpage sets out information about extension of stay for Mainland residents admitted as student and their dependants.
In general, non-local students admitted to take up studies in full-time locally-accredited local and non-local post-secondary programmes will be granted a length of stay in line with the normal duration of their study programmes, subject to a maximum period of six years upon entry and the validity of the travel document held. For those studying other courses, they will normally be granted permission to stay for 12 months upon entry or in accordance with the duration of their studies, whichever is shorter.
Persons admitted for study may apply for extension of stay, if necessary, within 4 weeks before their limit of stay expires to continue their study in the HKSAR. Such applications will be considered only when the applicants continue to meet the eligibility criteria for entry for study. Extension of stay, if approved, will normally be on a yearly basis or in accordance with the duration of their studies, as appropriate.
A dependant may apply for extension of stay for residence in the HKSAR within four weeks before his/her limit of stay expires. Such applications will be considered only when the applicant continues to meet the eligibility criteria for entry for residence as dependants (including that there is no change in circumstances which would have otherwise resulted in loss of sponsorship for the applicant, e.g. change in marriage relationship between the dependent spouse and the sponsor, or death of sponsor) and the sponsor remains a bona fide Hong Kong resident living in the HKSAR.
Dependants of persons who have been admitted into the HKSAR to take up studies will normally be granted an initial stay of 12 months upon entry which is subject to annual extension upon approval.
Routine applications will normally be finalised within two to three weeks upon receipt of all necessary documents.
The processing time is subject to the circumstances of individual applications and the number of applications received at the time. A longer processing time may be required during summer rush period between June and August.
Depending on the applicant’s current immigration status, the following forms and documents (original) are required to be submitted or uploaded upon submission of the application:
Mainland residents on student status #
# For applications submitted in paper form, applicants should submit copies of the aforementioned supporting documents.
Dependants (Dependants shall submit applications through the ImmD's online application system and upload the supporting documents listed below.)
Important Notice
Notwithstanding that the documents and information required have been furnished, the applicants and dependants may still be required to submit further supporting documents and information in connection with the application(s) when necessary.
Where a document is not in Chinese or English, it must be accompanied by a Chinese or English translation certified as a true translation by a sworn translator, court translator, authorised public translator, certified translator, expert translator or official translator.
It is an offence to make false statements or representations to an immigration officer. To verify the authenticity of the information and documents submitted with a visa application, field visits may be conducted. A person who knowingly and willfully makes a statement or gives information which he/she knows to be false or does not believe to be true shall be guilty of an offence under the Laws of Hong Kong and any such visa/entry permit issued or permission to enter or remain in the HKSAR granted shall have no effect.
Applicants must be physically present in Hong Kong at the time of application. Applications may be submitted as follows:
Mainland residents on student status
Applicants may click here for online submission of application and uploading of supporting documents. The completed application forms, i.e. ID 91, and all supporting documents may also be submitted by the applicant to the office below. All the forms must be duly completed and signed. If the applicant is under the age of 16, the online application form/ application form, i.e. ID 91, must be signed by the applicant’s parent or legal guardian. The form can be obtained free of charge from the ImmD Headquarters or Immigration Branch Offices and can also be downloaded here.
Where to Apply
Quality Migrants and Mainland Residents Section of the Immigration Department
6th Floor, Administration Tower,
Immigration Headquarters,
61 Po Yap Road, Tseung Kwan O,
New Territories
Working Hours
8:45 am - 5:00 pm (Monday to Friday)
Closed on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays
Dependants shall submit applications here and upload all supporting documents. If the applicant is under the age of 16, the online application form must be signed by the applicant's parent or legal guardian.
Eligible applicants may submit the application for extension of stay in person or through his/her authorised representative by making an appointment online here or at (852) 2598 0888.
Routine application will normally be finalised within two to three weeks upon receipt of all necessary documents.
The processing time is subject to the circumstances of individual applications and the number of applications received at the time. A longer processing time may be required during summer rush period between June and August.
Upon approval of the applications, the notification of the application result issued by the Immigration Department will include a webpage link for payment. Payment of relevant fees could be made through the said webpage link or the GovHK website or the ImmD Mobile Application by credit card (VISA, Mastercard, UnionPay and JCB only), Payment by Phone Service (PPS), Faster Payment System (FPS) or Mainland China’s Licensed Digital Wallets (Alipay, WeChat Pay and UnionPay App only). After payment, applicants could instantly download or print the “e-Visa” by themselves.
If the applicant or his/her authorised representative attend the relevant Immigration office in person to pay, the relevant fee could be settled by cash, EPS, Octopus, FPS, Mainland China’s Licensed Digital Wallets (Alipay, WeChat Pay and UnionPay App only) or cheque. The cheque should be crossed, made payable to “The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region”, properly dated and signed. After payment, the applicant or his/her authorised representative will be issued with an “e-Visa” printed on a sheet of A4 white paper on the spot. The applicant can then download or print the “e-Visa” through the GovHK website or the ImmD Mobile Application.
The applicant must be physically present in Hong Kong at the time of payment and collection of “e-Visa”.
After the receipt of application has been acknowledged, applicants can enquire the application status here or through the 24-hour telephone enquiry system at (852) 3160 8663.
Upon approval of the applications, the notification of the application result issued by the Immigration Department will include a webpage link for payment. Payment of relevant fees could be made through the said webpage link or the GovHK website or the ImmD Mobile Application by credit card (VISA, Mastercard, UnionPay and JCB only), Payment by Phone Service (PPS), Faster Payment System (FPS) or Mainland China’s Licensed Digital Wallets (Alipay, WeChat Pay and UnionPay App only). After payment, applicants could instantly download or print the “e-Visa” by themselves.
If the applicant or his/her authorised representative attend the relevant Immigration office in person to pay, the relevant fee could be settled by cash, EPS, Octopus, FPS, Mainland China’s Licensed Digital Wallets (Alipay, WeChat Pay and UnionPay App only) or cheque. The cheque should be crossed, made payable to “The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region”, properly dated and signed. After payment, the applicant or his/her authorised representative will be issued with an “e-Visa” printed on a sheet of A4 white paper on the spot. The applicant can then download or print the “e-Visa” through the GovHK website or the ImmD Mobile Application.
The applicant must be physically present in Hong Kong at the time of payment and collection of “e-Visa”.
This webpage sets out information about extension of stay for non-Mainland residents admitted as student and their dependants.
In general, non-local students admitted to take up studies in full-time locally-accredited local and non-local post-secondary programmes will be granted a length of stay in line with the normal duration of their study programmes, subject to a maximum period of six years upon entry and the validity of the travel document held. For those studying other courses, they will normally be granted permission to stay for 12 months upon entry or in accordance with the duration of their studies, whichever is shorter.
Persons admitted for study may apply for extension of stay, if necessary, within 4 weeks before their limit of stay expires to continue their study in the HKSAR. Such applications will be considered only when the applicants continue to meet the eligibility criteria for entry for study. Extension of stay, if approved, will normally be on a yearly basis or in accordance with the duration of their studies, as appropriate.
A dependant may apply for extension of stay for residence in the HKSAR within four weeks before his/her limit of stay expires. Such applications will be considered only when the applicant continues to meet the eligibility criteria for entry for residence as dependants (including that there is no change in circumstances which would have otherwise resulted in loss of sponsorship for the applicant, e.g. change in marriage relationship between the dependent spouse and the sponsor, or death of sponsor) and the sponsor remains a bona fide Hong Kong resident living in the HKSAR.
Dependants of persons who have been admitted into the HKSAR to take up studies will normally be granted an initial stay of 12 months upon entry which is subject to annual extension upon approval.
Routine applications will normally be finalised within two to three weeks upon receipt of all necessary documents.
The processing time is subject to the circumstances of individual applications and the number of applications received at the time. A longer processing time may be required during summer rush period between June and August.
Depending on the applicant’s current immigration status, the following forms and documents are required to be submitted or uploaded upon submission of the application:
Non-Mainland Students #
Forms/Documents Required |
Completed form ID 91 (only for persons who submit applications in paper forms) |
The applicant’s valid travel document and, where applicable, his/her previous travel document page showing the latest visa/entry permit label/arrival stamp/landing slip/extension of stay label in the HKSAR and the latest issued “e-Visa” (if applicable) |
The applicant’s Hong Kong identity card |
Current school letter addressed to the Immigration Department confirming that the student requires extension of stay to continue study |
# For applications submitted in paper form, applicants should submit copies of the aforementioned supporting documents.
Dependants (Dependants shall submit applications through the ImmD's online application system and upload the supporting documents listed below.)
Documents Required |
The applicant’s valid travel document and, where applicable, his/her previous travel document page showing the latest visa/entry permit label/arrival stamp/landing slip/extension of stay label in the HKSAR and the latest issued “e-Visa” (if applicable) |
The applicant’s Hong Kong identity card |
The sponsor’s valid travel document (showing personal particulars and current permission of stay) |
Applicant’s birth certificate (for children born in the HKSAR to non-permanent residents only) ^ |
Applicant’s Form ID 235B (for children born in the HKSAR to non-permanent residents only) ^ |
Parents’ marriage certificate (for children born in the HKSAR to non-permanent residents only) ^ |
^ For first time application only
Important Notice
Notwithstanding that the documents and information required have been furnished, applicants and dependants may still be required to submit further supporting documents and information in connection with the application(s) when necessary.
Where a document is not in Chinese or English, it must be accompanied by a Chinese or English translation certified as a true translation by a sworn translator, court translator, authorised public translator, certified translator, expert translator or official translator.
It is an offence to make false statements or representations to an immigration officer. To verify the authenticity of the information and documents submitted with a visa application, field visits may be conducted. A person who knowingly and willfully makes a statement or gives information which he/she knows to be false or does not believe to be true shall be guilty of an offence under the Laws of Hong Kong and any such visa/entry permit issued or permission to enter or remain in the HKSAR granted shall have no effect.
Applicants must be physically present in Hong Kong at the time of application. Applications may be submitted as follows:
Non-Mainland students
Applicants may click here for online submission of application and uploading of supporting documents. The completed application forms, i.e. ID 91, and all supporting documents may also be submitted by the applicant to the office below. All the forms must be duly completed and signed. If the applicant is under the age of 16, the online application form/ application form, i.e. ID 91, must be signed by the applicant’s parent or legal guardian. The form can be obtained free of charge from the ImmD Headquarters or Immigration Branch Offices and can also be downloaded here.
Where to Apply
Extension Section of the Immigration Department
5th Floor, Administration Tower,
Immigration Headquarters,
61 Po Yap Road, Tseung Kwan O,
New Territories
Working Hours
8:45 am-4:30 pm (Monday to Friday)
9:00 am-11:30 am (Saturday)
Closed on Sundays and public holidays
Dependants shall submit applications here and upload all supporting documents. If the applicant is under the age of 16, the online application form must be signed by the applicant's parent or legal guardian.
Eligible applicants may submit the application for extension of stay in person or through his/her authorised representative by making an appointment online here or at (852) 2598 0888.
Routine applications will normally be finalised within two to three weeks upon receipt of all necessary documents.
The processing time is subject to the circumstances of individual applications and the number of applications received at the time. A longer processing time may be required during summer rush period between June and August.
Upon approval of the applications, the notification of the application result issued by the Immigration Department will include a webpage link for payment. Payment of relevant fees could be made through the said webpage link or the GovHK website or the ImmD Mobile Application by credit card (VISA, Mastercard, UnionPay and JCB only), Payment by Phone Service (PPS), Faster Payment System (FPS) or Mainland China’s Licensed Digital Wallets (Alipay, WeChat Pay and UnionPay App only). After payment, applicants could instantly download or print the “e-Visa” by themselves.
If the applicant or his/her authorised representative attend the relevant Immigration office in person to pay, the relevant fee could be settled by cash, EPS, Octopus, FPS, Mainland China’s Licensed Digital Wallets (Alipay, WeChat Pay and UnionPay App only) or cheque. The cheque should be crossed, made payable to “The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region”, properly dated and signed. After payment, the applicant or his/her authorised representative will be issued with an “e-Visa” printed on a sheet of A4 white paper on the spot. The applicant can then download or print the “e-Visa” through the GovHK website or the ImmD Mobile Application.
The applicant must be physically present in Hong Kong at the time of payment and collection of “e-Visa”.
After the receipt of the application has been acknowledged, applicants can enquire their application status here or through the 24-hour telephone enquiry system at (852) 3160 8663.
Upon approval of the applications, the notification of the application result issued by the Immigration Department will include a webpage link for payment. Payment of relevant fees could be made through the said webpage link or the GovHK website or the ImmD Mobile Application by credit card (VISA, Mastercard, UnionPay and JCB only), Payment by Phone Service (PPS), Faster Payment System (FPS) or Mainland China’s Licensed Digital Wallets (Alipay, WeChat Pay and UnionPay App only). After payment, applicants could instantly download or print the “e-Visa” by themselves.
If the applicant or his/her authorised representative attend the relevant Immigration office in person to pay, the relevant fee could be settled by cash, EPS, Octopus, FPS, Mainland China’s Licensed Digital Wallets (Alipay, WeChat Pay and UnionPay App only) or cheque. The cheque should be crossed, made payable to ”The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region“, properly dated and signed. After payment, the applicant or his/her authorised representative will be issued with an “e-Visa” printed on a sheet of A4 white paper on the spot. The applicant can then download or print the “e-Visa” through the GovHK website or the ImmD Mobile Application.
The applicant must be physically present in Hong Kong at the time of payment and collection of “e-Visa”.