About Us

Immigration Department Users' Committee

The Immigration Department Users' Committee was established in September 1993 for effective monitoring of the performance of the Department in comparison with the pledges made. It is chaired by the Director of Immigration and meets half-yearly. 

Terms of reference

  • To monitor and review the fulfilment of performance pledges by the Immigration Department
  • To receive and consider reports on suggestions by members of the public in regard to performance pledges
  • To advise the Director of Immigration on areas which may require improvements for Immigration Department users and help to determine level of resources required to achieve the standards set


The Committee is chaired by the Director of Immigration. Its members include fourteen non-official members appointed by the Secretary for Security, a representative from the Security Bureau and departmental representatives headed by the Deputy Directors of Immigration. The fourteen non-official members are appointed from various trade and industries relating to immigration matters.

Official members

  • Director of Immigration (Chairperson)
  • A representative from the Security Bureau
  • Departmental representatives headed by the Deputy Directors of Immigration

Non-official members

  • Mr CHENG Wan-wai, MH
  • Mr Steve LAM Ho-fai
  • Mrs Amanda LEE HO Tsz-wan, JP
  • Ms Anthea LO Wing-sze, BBS, JP
  • Mr Kazaf TAM Chun-kwok, BBS
  • Mr Nick TANG Ho-hong
  • Mr WONG Kam-choi, MH
  • Mr Alan WONG Man-chung
  • Mr YEUNG Fun-bun, BBS, MH
  • Ms Jeny YEUNG Mei-chun
  • Mrs Virginia YIM TSUI Yuk-shan, MH
  • Mr YIP Kin-ming, MH, JP
  • Mr Vincent YU Chi-wang
  • Mr Solomon YUNG Sze-hon


Secretary: Principal Immigration Officer (Service Management)
Address: Immigration Headquarters,
61 Po Yap Road,
Tseung Kwan O,
New Territories

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Fax-line: (852) 2507 3581
Email: uc@immd.gov.hk
(For enquiry on services of the Immigration Department, please send an e-mail to enquiry@immd.gov.hk.)