- Before Applying
- Applying
- After Applying
Before Applying
Place of Application: In Hong Kong
A person is eligible to apply for a Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) Passport if he/she is:
- a Chinese citizen;
- a permanent resident of the HKSAR; and
- a holder of a valid Hong Kong permanent identity card.
Before submitting an application for a HKSAR Passport, the person concerned should read the definitions below to ascertain if he/she is a person of Chinese nationality and a permanent resident of the HKSAR.
In addition, if the person concerned is a permanent resident of the HKSAR but does not have a Hong Kong permanent identity card, he/she must apply for an identity card before applying for a HKSAR Passport. The parent/legal guardian of a child aged below 11 should submit the child’s Hong Kong permanent identity card application upon the child’s first application for HKSAR passport.
Application for Hong Kong identity card
Chinese National
A person is regarded as of Chinese nationality if he/she is a Hong Kong resident:
(a) of Chinese descent who was born in Hong Kong or other parts of China; or
(b) who fulfils the criteria of Chinese nationality in the Nationality Law of the People's Republic of China.
If the person concerned has declared a change of nationality and is no longer a Chinese national, he/she is not eligible for a HKSAR Passport.
Nationality Law of the People’s Republic of China
More about Chinese nationality
Permanent Resident of the HKSAR
A person who is within one of the following categories is a permanent resident of the HKSAR:
(a) A Chinese citizen born in Hong Kong before or after the establishment of the HKSAR;
(b) A Chinese citizen who has ordinarily resided in Hong Kong for a continuous period of not less than seven years before or after the establishment of the HKSAR;
(c) A person of Chinese nationality born outside Hong Kong before or after the establishment of the HKSAR to a parent who, at the time of birth of that person, was a Chinese citizen falling within category (a) or (b) above.
More about HKSAR permanent residents who enjoy right of abode in HKSAR
The Immigration Department pledges to complete the processing of applications in 5 working days after receiving all necessary documents, application fees and photographs, and in 10 working days for applications from children aged under 11 not holding a Hong Kong permanent identity card (working days denote Monday to Friday excluding General Holidays). In general, applicants can obtain the new passport on the next working day after the completion of the processing by the Immigration Department. For applications not submitted in person (e.g. via drop-in box), an extra two to three working days may be required. The processing time may be longer for passport application due to loss, damage or amendment of personal particulars. Whether this pledge can be met will also depend on the circumstances of individual applications and the number of applications received at a particular time. If applicants have any travel plans, they should apply early.
If applicants have an urgent need for obtaining a passport, they may approach any one of the Immigration Offices stating their reasons in writing and producing evidence to support their requests. The applicants may be required to collect the passport at the Travel Documents (Issue) Section at 1st Floor, Administration Tower, Immigration Headquarters, 61 Po Yap Road, Tseung Kwan O, New Territories. Generally, requests from pleasure trippers for urgent issue of a passport will not be entertained.
Note for applicants who choose to collect passport via the Chinese Diplomatic and Consular Missions or the Immigration Divisions of the Mainland Offices: The time for dispatching the prepared passport is excluded from the processing time listed above. The mail service for passport delivery is provided by the Hong Kong Post, and the actual mail delivery time will be subject to factors including the duration of aviation security check, air freight capacity, and progress of customs clearance at the destination. Extra time may be necessary for destinations that are more remote. Please visit the Hong Kong Post website (https://www.hongkongpost.hk/) for the updated information on the provision of airmail services. Given it will take time to complete the passport application until the new passport reaches the selected CDCM or Mainland Office, applicants with travel plans are reminded to allow sufficient time for the application for and collection of their new passports.
The passport contains only the personal particulars of the passport holder. Applicants should apply for a separate passport for each of their accompanying children.
Place of Application: In Hong Kong
In person
The applicant is required to submit his/her application in person under the following circumstances:
- his/her previous HKSAR passport has been damaged or defaced;
- his/her passport has been lost or is otherwise not available; or
- he/she needs to amend the personal particulars in the passport.
An applicant should make an appointment booking through the Internet (www.gov.hk/tdbooking), Immigration Department Mobile Application or by phone (2598 0888) before submitting an application in person.
Online booking for travel document applications
Travel Document Submission Kiosk / Personal Documentation Submission Kiosk
Eligible applicant can submit his/her HKSAR passport application through the Travel Document Submission Kiosk / Personal Documentation Submission Kiosk. However, the Travel Document Submission Kiosk / Personal Documentation Submission Kiosk cannot be used for replacement of a HKSAR passport which has been lost/damaged/defaced/is not available or for applications requiring amendment of personal particulars in the passport. In such cases, the applicant should apply in person at counter.
By post
Applicants can send their applications by post to:
Travel Documents and Nationality (Application) Section
2nd Floor, Administration Tower,
Immigration Headquarters,
61 Po Yap Road, Tseung Kwan O,
New Territories
Underpaid mail items will not be accepted by the Immigration Department. For proper delivery of your mail items, please ensure your mail items bear sufficient postage with return address before posting. (Details)
During office hours, applicants can also put their applications (except for replacement of a passport which has been lost/damaged/defaced/is not available or amendment of personal particulars in a passport) in the drop-in boxes located at any one of the Immigration Offices that handle travel document applications.
Immigration offices for travel document applications
Internet / Immigration Department Mobile Application
Eligible applicants can submit their applications through the Internet or the Immigration Department Mobile Application (except for replacement of a passport which has been lost/damaged/defaced/is not available or amendment of personal particulars in a passport) if they are able to collect their new passports in person at the selected Immigration Office or the Chinese Diplomatic and Consular Mission or the Immigration Divisions of the Mainland Offices. For children aged below 16 and unmarried persons aged 16 or 17, the consenting parent or legal guardian must accompany the child/applicant for collection of the passport in person so as to sign the application form.
There are two types of forms. Applicants can download them, together with the guidance notes.
Application form (Form ID 841) for persons aged 16 or above applying in Hong Kong
Application form (Form ID 842) for children aged under 16 applying in Hong Kong
For replacement of a passport which has been lost/damaged/defaced/is not available, applicants should complete an additional application form ID645.
For amendment of personal particulars in the passport, applicants should complete application form ID854.
For applicants who choose to collect the passport at the Chinese Diplomatic and Consular Missions or the Immigration Divisions of the Mainland Offices, they should submit a completed “Fee payment form for Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Passport to be collected outside Hong Kong” (Form ID 853A) together with application form (Form ID 841 / ID 842) and indicate the respective collection office code on the application form.
Applicants can also obtain the application forms by:
- calling 2824 6111;
- faxing a request to 2877 7711;
- sending an email to enquiry@immd.gov.hk; or
- visiting any Immigration Office or district office in Hong Kong.
Applicants should complete the application forms in block letters in black or blue ink. Applications for children under 16 years of age must be signed by a parent or legal guardian.
Reminder for Form-filling
- In completing the application form, applicants should choose the collection office code in the ‘Means of Collection’ column.
- Applicants should state clearly their address and contact telephone number. Applicants may provide a contact telephone number which can receive Short Message Service (SMS) on the application form. Reminders in relation to the application may be sent to the telephone number.
- If the applicant was born in the Mainland, he / she should provide province / municipality in the ‘Place of birth’ column. If the applicant was born overseas, he / she should provide name of the country. For non-country name, the applicant may be required to submit relevant supporting document.
- Visually impaired person or other applicant in need may choose, by indicating in the “Additional Information” column of the application form, to apply for a HKSAR passport with braille printing.
Applicants must submit their applications with a recent colour photograph with white background that conforms to the specifications as set out in the photograph requirements page accessible here.
Photograph requirements for HKSAR Passport
If the application is made for a child who does not have a Hong Kong permanent identity card, an additional colour photograph identical to the one mentioned above should be submitted.
Applicants should bring along the original supporting documents when submitting the application in person. In case of postal or drop-in application, applicants should submit the application form, photograph and cheque together with photocopies of supporting documents, except photocopy/ photocopies of Hong Kong identity card(s), on A4-size paper (i.e. 210 mm X 297 mm). Please note that the photocopies will not be returned. Please provide the original Hong Kong identity card(s) and submitted supporting documents upon collection of HKSAR passport for verification.
Application for Persons Aged 16 or Above
The applicant should provide the following documents together with the application.
(a) Hong Kong permanent identity card / Acknowledgement of application for a Hong Kong permanent identity card (ROP140/140A).
Additional Requirements for Applicants Aged 16 or 17
(b) Consenting parent or legal guardian's Hong Kong identity card or valid travel document(s).
(c) Birth certificate (not required if the applicant was born in Hong Kong) to prove his/her relationship with the consenting parent, or a court order, if applicable, to prove that the consenting legal guardian concerned has custodial rights in respect of him/her.
(d) If the applicant is married, only his/her marriage certificate (not required if the applicant got married in Hong Kong) is required. Parental or legal guardian's consent and items (b) and (c) are not required.
Application for Children Aged under 16
(a) The child's Hong Kong permanent identity card / Acknowledgement of application for a Hong Kong permanent identity card (ROP140/140A).
(b) Consenting parent or legal guardian's Hong Kong identity card or valid travel document(s).
(c) The child's birth certificate (not required if the child was born in Hong Kong) to prove the relationship between the parent and the child, or a court order, if applicable, to prove that the consenting legal guardian concerned has custodial rights in respect of the child.
Additional Requirements for Children Aged under 11
(d) School document (e.g. a Student's Handbook bearing the child's name, date of birth and photograph that should be certified by a chop of the school) or other proof of identity is required. If such school document or proof of identity is not available, a completed Form for Countersignature (ID641) together with a photocopy of the countersignatory's Hong Kong identity card or valid travel document(s) bearing the countersignatory's signature.
Form for Countersignature (ID 641)
Additional Requirements for Children Aged under 11 Who do not Hold Hong Kong Permanent Identity Cards
(e) An additional photograph (two identical photographs should be submitted in total).
(f) An application form for a Hong Kong permanent identity card (ROP3), duly completed and signed by the parent or legal guardian of the child.
(g) Documents in support of the child's right of abode in the HKSAR (not required if applicant was born in Hong Kong).
Additional documents or information may be required if necessary.
Note: For drop-in and postal applications, no cash, no original supporting documents or previous travel documents should be sent along with the application. Please provide the original Hong Kong identity card(s) and submitted supporting documents, if any, upon collection of the new passport for verification.
Additional Requirements for First Time Application from Person born Outside Hong Kong/Mainland/Macao/Taiwan
If the applicant is born outside Hong Kong/Mainland/Macao/Taiwan, he/she should provide the following additional documents for establishing his/her Chinese citizenship:
- Hong Kong identity card (if any);
- Birth certificate/official census paper (bearing his/her names and his/her parents' names);
- Current travel document(s) (showing his/her photo and personal particulars) / identification document(s) (if any);
- Natural parent's/parents' Hong Kong permanent identity card(s) (if any);
- Natural parent's/parents' travel document(s) showing any foreign residential status/ citizenship at the time of his/her birth;
- Official document(s) issued by foreign competent authorities to confirm the residential status of him/her and his/her parents, including the date of acquiring the indefinite stay there; and/or
- Official proof of his/her Chinese citizenship (if any).
For applications submitted in person, the application fee can be paid by EPS, Octopus, FPS, Mainland China’s Licensed Digital Wallets (Alipay, WeChat Pay and UnionPay App only), cash or crossed cheque payable to ‘The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region’. For applications submitted by post or drop-in, a crossed cheque should be enclosed. Post-dated cheques will not be accepted.
Applicants who submitted a passport application via a Travel Document Submission Kiosk should pay the application fee by EPS, Octopus or FPS at the Travel Document Submission Kiosk. For an applicant who submitted a passport application via the Personal Documentation Submission Kiosk, he/she should pay the application fee by Octopus or FPS at the Personal Documentation Submission Kiosk. Besides, for an application who is required to submit supporting documents, he/she will be directed to a counter for document verification and then to the shroff office for payment of fee by means of EPS, Octopus, FPS, Mainland China’s Licensed Digital Wallets (Alipay, WeChat Pay and UnionPay App only), cash or cheque.
For application submitted through the Internet, applicants must pay the application fee at the time of application through PPS, FPS, Mainland China's Licensed Digital Wallets (Alipay, WeChat Pay and UnionPay App only) or credit card (VISA, Mastercard, UnionPay and JCB only).
FAQs about Online Payment Service
For application submitted through Immigration Department Mobile Application, applicants must pay the application fee at the time of application through FPS, Mainland China’s Licensed Digital Wallets (Alipay, WeChat Pay and UnionPay App only) or credit card (VISA, Mastercard, UnionPay and JCB only).
An additional charge for the delivery of passport is required if applicant chooses to collect the passport at the Chinese Diplomatic and Consular Missions or the Immigration Divisions of the Mainland Offices.
If the applicant is submitting the application in person, he/she should bring along the original supporting documents for verification.
If the applicant is sending the application by post or putting it into a drop-in box:
(a) He/She should send in the application form, photograph and cheque along with photocopies of the supporting documents, except Hong Kong identity card(s). All photocopies submitted should be made on A4 size (210mm X 297mm) paper and will not be returned.
(b) He/She should fill in the cheque as shown below. The cheque should be crossed, made payable to "The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region", properly dated and signed. Post-dated cheques are not accepted. No cash should be sent along with the application.
(c) An application with insufficient supporting documents will not be processed and will be returned to the applicant. Additional documents or information may be required if necessary.
After Applying
Place of Application: In Hong Kong
The applicant must collect the new passport in person at the selected Immigration Office or Chinese Diplomatic and Consular Mission or the Immigration Divisions of the Mainland Offices (the Mainland Offices) by producing his/her permanent identity card and the original supporting documents (if any) submitted in the application for verification. The applicant must also sign the application form upon collection of the passport. For children aged below 16 and unmarried persons aged 16 or 17, the consenting parent or legal guardian must accompany the child/applicant for collection of the passport so as to sign the application form and make a declaration to confirm the correctness of information furnished upon application through the Internet.
For replacement application, the previous passport must be produced for cancellation upon collection of the new one. If the applicant previously held a HKSAR Document of Identity for Visa Purposes, it should also be produced for cancellation.
If only the Acknowledgement for a Hong Kong permanent identity card (ROP140/140A) was available upon application:
- If the applicant chooses to collect the passport in Hong Kong, the original Hong Kong permanent identity card should be produced for verification upon collection of passport.
- If the applicant chooses to collect the passport at the Chinese Diplomatic and Consular Missions or the Mainland Offices, the applicant may request the Immigration Department to send the Hong Kong permanent identity card together with the passport to the selected Chinese Diplomatic and Consular Mission or the selected Mainland Office for issue. The Acknowledgement for a Hong Kong permanent identity card (ROP140/140A) should be produced for cancellation upon collection of the identity card. If the applicant did not make such request, the original Hong Kong permanent identity card should be produced for verification upon collection of passport.
Collection at Immigration Office
After receipt of the Collection Notice issued by the Immigration Department notifying the period and office for collecting the passport, unless receiving further notice from the Immigration Department, the applicant may proceed to the selected office direct according to the prescribed details on the Collection Notice, and should present the Collection Notice at the Reception Counter or obtain a tag using the Self-service Tag Issuing Kiosk and wait for service.
Eligible applicant may choose to collect his / her new passport in person at Passport Collection Kiosk / Personal Documentation Collection Kiosk of the selected Immigration Office. The collection arrangement will be sent by Short Message Service (SMS) notification prior to the collection period. Applicant is therefore advised to provide a mobile phone number subscribed with SMS. Depending on the circumstances, the applicant may still be required to collect the passport at collection counter.
Collection at Chinese Diplomatic and Consular Missions or the Mainland Offices
If the applicant / consenting parent or legal guardian of the child chooses to collect the new passport at the Chinese Diplomatic and Consular Missions or the Mainland Offices, the new passport will be delivered to the selected Chinese Diplomatic and Consular Mission or the selected Mainland Office by double registered airmail or express despatch service. The applicant / consenting parent or legal guardian of the child should collect the passport according to the instructions of the Chinese Diplomatic and Consular Missions or the Mainland Offices. The mail service for passport delivery is provided by the Hong Kong Post and the availability of mail service varies by country/region. Please visit the Hong Kong Post website (https://www.hongkongpost.hk/) for the updated information on the provision of airmail services.
For persons aged 16 or above
Upon receiving a passport application, the Immigration Department will mail the applicant a Collection Notice indicating the date and office for collection of the passport. The applicant must collect the passport in person at the selected Immigration Office or Chinese Diplomatic and Consular Mission or The Immigration Divisions of the Mainland Offices (the Mainland Offices) by producing his/her permanent identity card and the original supporting documents for verification.
For replacement application, the previous passport should be produced for cancellation upon collection of the new one. If the applicant previously held a HKSAR Document of Identity for Visa Purposes, it should also be produced for cancellation.
If only the Acknowledgement for a Hong Kong permanent identity card (ROP140/140A) was avaliable upon application:
- If the applicant chooses to collect the passport in Hong Kong, the original Hong Kong permanent identity card should be produced for verification upon collection of passport.
- If the applicant chooses to collect the passport at the Chinese Diplomatic and Consular Missions or the Mainland Offices, the applicant may request the Immigration Department to send the Hong Kong permanent identity card together with the passport to the selected Chinese Diplomatic and Consular Mission or the selected Mainland Office for issue. The Acknowledgement for a Hong Kong permanent identity card (ROP140/140A) should be produced for cancellation upon collection of the identity card. If the applicant did not make such request, the original Hong Kong permanent identity card should be produced for verification upon collection of passport.
Collection at Immigration Office
After receipt of the Collection Notice issued by the Immigration Department notifying the period and office for collecting the passport, unless receiving further notice from the Immigration Department, the applicant may proceed to the selected office direct according to the prescribed details on the Collection Notice, and should present the Collection Notice at the Reception Counter or obtain a tag using the Self-service Tag Issuing Kiosk and wait for service.
Eligible applicant may choose to collect his / her new passport in person at Passport Collection Kiosk / Personal Documentation Collection Kiosk of the selected Immigration Office. The collection arrangement will be sent by Short Message Service (SMS) notification prior to the collection period. Applicant is therefore advised to provide a mobile phone number subscribed with SMS. Depending on the circumstances, the applicant may still be required to collect the passport at collection counter.
Collection at Chinese Diplomatic and Consular Missions or the Mainland Offices
If the applicant chooses to collect the new passport at the Chinese Diplomatic and Consular Missions or the Mainland Offices, the new passport will be delivered to the selected Chinese Diplomatic and Consular Mission or the selected Mainland Office by double registered airmail or express despatch service. The applicant should collect the passport according to the instructions of the Chinese Diplomatic and Consular Missions or the Mainland Offices. The mail service for passport delivery is provided by the Hong Kong Post and the availability of mail service varies by country/region. Please visit the Hong Kong Post website (https://www.hongkongpost.hk/) for the updated information on the provision of airmail services.
For children aged below 16
Upon receiving a passport application from a child aged below 16, the Immigration Department will mail the consenting parent or legal guardian (i.e. the one who has signed on the application form) a Collection Notice indicating the date and office for collection of the child's passport. The consenting parent or legal guardian should accompany the child to collect the passport in person at the selected Immigration Office or Chinese Diplomatic and Consular Mission or the Mainland Office by producing his/her permanent identity card and the original supporting documents for verification. The consenting parent or legal guardian may authorise a person who is over 18 years of age as the representative to accompany the child to collect the passport. Authorisation must be provided in writing on the authorisation form (ID678), clearly stating the representative’s full name and identity document number. The signature on the authorisation form must be the same as that signed on the application form. The representative must produce his/her identity document, the original valid identity document (e.g. Hong Kong identity card, passport or Re-entry Permit, etc.) of the consenting parent or legal guardian, and the original supporting documents for verification. Should the Immigration Department consider it necessary, the consenting parent or legal guardian may still be required to attend in person for collection of the passport.
Authorisation form for the collection of travel document (ID 678)
For replacement application, the consenting parent/legal guardian or the authorised representative should produce the child’s previous passport for cancellation upon collection of the new passport. If the child previously held a HKSAR Document of Identity for Visa Purposes, it should also be produced for cancellation.
If only the Acknowledgement for a Hong Kong permanent identity card (ROP140/140A) was avaliable upon application:
- If the consenting parent/legal guardian or the authorised representative chooses to collect the passport in Hong Kong, the original Hong Kong permanent identity card should be produced for verification upon collection of passport.
- If the consenting parent/legal guardian or the authorised representative chooses to collect the passport at the Chinese Diplomatic and Consular Missions or the Mainland Offices, consenting parent/legal guardian or the authorised representative may request the Immigration Department to send the Hong Kong permanent identity card together with the passport to the selected Chinese Diplomatic and Consular Mission or the selected Mainland Office for issue. The Acknowledgement for a Hong Kong permanent identity card (ROP140/140A) should be produced for cancellation upon collection of the identity card. If the consenting parent/legal guardian or the authorised representative did not make such request, the original Hong Kong permanent identity card should be produced for verification upon collection of passport.
Children who do not hold a Hong Kong permanent identity card will be issued the identity card together with the HKSAR Passport.
Collection at Immigration Office
After receipt of the Collection Notice issued by the Immigration Department notifying the period and office for collecting the passport, unless receiving further notice from the Immigration Department, the consenting parent / legal guardian of the child or the authorised representative may proceed to the selected office direct according to the prescribed details on the Collection Notice, and should present the Collection Notice at the Reception Counter or obtain a tag using the Self-service Tag Issuing Kiosk and wait for service.
Collection at Chinese Diplomatic and Consular Missions or the Mainland Offices
If the consenting parent or legal guardian of the child chooses to collect the new passport at the Chinese Diplomatic and Consular Missions or the Mainland Offices, the new passport will be delivered to the selected Chinese Diplomatic and Consular Mission or the selected Mainland Office by double registered airmail or express despatch service. The consenting parent or legal guardian of the child / the authorised representative should collect the passport according to the instructions of the Chinese Diplomatic and Consular Missions or the Mainland Offices. The mail service for passport delivery is provided by the Hong Kong Post and the availability of mail service varies by country/region. Please visit the Hong Kong Post website (https://www.hongkongpost.hk/) for the updated information on the provision of airmail services.
For persons aged 16 or above
When the applicant submits an application in person or via the Travel Document Submission Kiosk / Personal Documentation Submission Kiosk, he/she will be given a Collection Notice or receipt indicating the date and selected Immigration Office or Chinese Diplomatic and Consular Mission or the Immigration Divisions of the Mainland Offices (the Mainland Offices) for the collection of the passport. The applicant may collect the passport in person or authorise a person who is over 18 years of age as his/her representative to collect the new passport. Authorisation must be provided in writing on the authorisation form (ID678), clearly stating the representative’s full name and identity document number. The signature on the authorisation form must be the same as that signed on the application form. The representative must produce his/her identity document and any other supporting document(s) as stated in the Collection Notice for verification. Should the Immigration Department consider it necessary, the applicant may still be required to attend in person for collection of the passport.
For replacement application, the previous passport should be produced for cancellation upon collection of the new one. If the applicant previously held a HKSAR Document of Identity for Visa Purposes, it should also be produced for cancellation.
If only the Acknowledgement for a Hong Kong permanent identity card (ROP140/140A) was produced upon application:
- If the applicant chooses to collect the passport in Hong Kong, the original Hong Kong permanent identity card should be produced for verification upon collection of passport.
- If the applicant chooses to collect the passport at the Chinese Diplomatic and Consular Missions or the Mainland Offices, the applicant may request the Immigration Department to send the Hong Kong permanent identity card together with the passport to the selected Chinese Diplomatic and Consular Mission or the selected Mainland Office for issue. The Acknowledgement for a Hong Kong permanent identity card (ROP140/140A) should be produced for cancellation upon collection of the identity card. If the applicant did not make such request, the original Hong Kong permanent identity card should be produced for verification upon collection of passport.
Authorisation form for collection of travel document (ID 678)
Collection at Immigration Office
After receipt of the Collection Notice issued by the Immigration Department notifying the period and office for collecting the passport, unless receiving further notice from the Immigration Department, the applicant may proceed to the selected office direct according to the prescribed details on the Collection Notice, and should present the Collection Notice at the Reception Counter or obtain a tag using the Self-service Tag Issuing Kiosk and wait for service.
Eligible applicant may choose to collect his / her new passport in person at Passport Collection Kiosk / Personal Documentation Collection Kiosk of the selected Immigration Office. The collection arrangement will be sent by Short Message Service (SMS) notification prior to the collection period. Applicant is therefore advised to provide a mobile phone number subscribed with SMS. Depending on the circumstances, the applicant may still be required to collect the passport at collection counter.
Collection at Chinese Diplomatic and Consular Missions or the Mainland Offices
If the applicant chooses to collect the new passport at the Chinese Diplomatic and Consular Missions or the Mainland Offices, the new passport will be delivered to the selected Chinese Diplomatic and Consular Mission or the selected Mainland Office by double registered airmail or express despatch service. The applicant or his / her authorised representative should collect the passport according to the instructions of the Chinese Diplomatic and Consular Missions or the Mainland Offices. The mail service for passport delivery is provided by the Hong Kong Post and the availability of mail service varies by country/region. Please visit the Hong Kong Post website (https://www.hongkongpost.hk/) for the updated information on the provision of airmail services.
For children aged below 16
If the consenting parent or legal guardian of the child submits the application in person or via the Travel Document Submission Kiosk / Personal Documentation Submission Kiosk, he/she will be given a Collection Notice or receipt indicating the date and selected Immigration Office or Chinese Diplomatic and Consular Mission or the Mainland Office for the collection of the child’s passport. The consenting parent or legal guardian (i.e. the one who has signed on the application form) should collect the child’s passport in person or authorise a person who is over 18 years of age as the representative to collect the child’s passport. Authorisation must be provided in writing on the authorisation form (ID678), clearly stating the representative’s full name and identity document number. The signature on the authorisation form must be the same as that signed on the application form. The representative must produce his/her identity document and any other supporting document(s) as stated in the Collection Notice for verification. Should the Immigration Department consider it necessary, the consenting parent or legal guardian may still be required to attend in person for collection of the passport. In case the child has not attended in person when submitting the application, he/she must attend in person upon collection of the passport.
Authorisation form for collection of travel document (ID 678)
For replacement application, the consenting parent/legal guardian or the authorised representative should produce the child’s previous passport for cancellation upon collection of the new one. If the child previously held a HKSAR Document of Identity for Visa Purposes, it should also be produced for cancellation.
If only the Acknowledgement for a Hong Kong permanent identity card (ROP140/140A) was produced upon application:
- If the consenting parent/legal guardian or the authorised representative chooses to collect the passport in Hong Kong, the original Hong Kong permanent identity card should be produced for verification upon collection of passport.
- If the consenting parent/legal guardian or the authorised representative chooses to collect the passport at the Chinese Diplomatic and Consular Missions or the Mainland Offices, consenting parent/legal guardian or the authorised representative may request the Immigration Department to send the Hong Kong permanent identity card together with the passport to the selected Chinese Diplomatic and Consular Mission or the selected Mainland Office for issue. The Acknowledgement for a Hong Kong permanent identity card (ROP140/140A) should be produced for cancellation upon collection of the identity card. If the consenting parent/legal guardian or the authorised representative did not make such request, the original Hong Kong permanent identity card should be produced for verification upon collection of passport.
Children who do not hold a Hong Kong permanent identity card will be issued the identity card together with the HKSAR Passport.
Collection at Immigration Office
After receipt of the Collection Notice issued by the Immigration Department notifying the period and office for collecting the passport, unless receiving further notice from the Immigration Department, the consenting parent / legal guardian of the child or the authorised representative may proceed to the selected office direct according to the prescribed details on the Collection Notice, and should present the Collection Notice at the Reception Counter or obtain a tag using the Self-service Tag Issuing Kiosk and wait for service.
Collection at Chinese Diplomatic and Consular Missions or the Mainland Offices
If the consenting parent or legal guardian of the child chooses to collect the new passport at the Chinese Diplomatic and Consular Missions or the Mainland Offices, the new passport will be delivered to the selected Chinese Diplomatic and Consular Mission or the selected Mainland Office by double registered airmail or express despatch service. The consenting parent/legal guardian of the child or the authorised representative should collect the passport according to the instructions of the Chinese Diplomatic and Consular Missions or the Mainland Offices. The mail service for passport delivery is provided by the Hong Kong Post and the availability of mail service varies by country/region. Please visit the Hong Kong Post website (https://www.hongkongpost.hk/) for the updated information on the provision of airmail services.