- Before Applying
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- After Applying
Before Applying
Entry Visa for New Foreign Domestic Helper
Apply Now
This webpage sets out the eligibility criteria, application procedures and points to note for persons who wish to employ a domestic helper from abroad (Helper).
Employers who wish to employ Helpers have to satisfy the following criteria:
- The employer is financially capable of employing a Helper after his/her household expenditure has been deducted. In general, for every Helper to be employed, the employer must have a household income of no less than HK$15,000 per month or assets of comparable amount to support the employment of a Helper for the whole contractual period. The monthly household income figure of HK$15,000 may be adjusted by the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) from time to time.
- The Helper and the employer shall enter into a standard Employment Contract (ID 407) as specified by the Director of Immigration.
- The Helper shall only be required to perform domestic duties for the employer as per the Schedule of Accommodation and Domestic Duties attached to the standard Employment Contract (ID 407).
- The Helper shall not be required or allowed by the employer to take up any other employment with any other person during his/her stay in the HKSAR and within the contract period specified in Clause 2 of the standard Employment Contract (ID 407).
- The employer undertakes to pay the Helper a salary that is no less than the minimum allowable wage announced by the HKSAR Government and prevailing at the date of application for employing the Helper.
- The Helper shall work and reside in the employer's residence Note 1 as specified in Clause 3 of the standard Employment Contract (ID 407).
- The Helper shall be provided with suitable accommodation and with reasonable privacy Note 2.
- The bona fides of the employer and the Helper are not in doubt; there is no known record to the detriment of the employer and the Helper. For details of matters which will be taken into account, please refer to the part “Breaches” below.
- The employer is a bona fide resident in the HKSAR.
A Helper must be in possession of a proper visa before he/she travels to the HKSAR. The issuance of a visa to individual Helper is subject to the normal immigration requirements being met (such as holding a valid travel document with adequate returnability to his/her country of residence or citizenship; be of clear criminal record and raises no security or criminal concerns to the HKSAR, has no likelihood of becoming a burden on the HKSAR; etc). Employers who satisfy the above criteria should not assume that their Helper's visa application would be approved automatically.
This entry arrangement does not apply to Chinese Residents of the Mainland, Macao and Taiwan as well as nationals of Afghanistan, Cuba, Laos, Korea (Democratic People's Republic of), Nepal and Vietnam.
Helpers are not admitted to Hong Kong for settlement. They are not eligible to bring their dependants to Hong Kong for residence.
Note 1:
Employers who have obtained the Director of Immigration's approval before 1 April 2003 to let their Helpers live out can continue to do so, so long as they continue to employ Helpers without a break of more than 6 months.
Note 2:
Examples of unsuitable accommodation are: the Helper having to sleep on made-do beds in the corridor with little privacy or sharing a room with an adult or teenager of the opposite sex.
All Helpers and their employers are required to give an undertaking to the Government of the HKSAR. If an employer breaches the undertaking under Part 5 of the "Application for Employment of Domestic Helper from Abroad" form (ID 988B), his/her conduct will be taken into account in considering any future application he/she may make to employ a Helper and any such application may be refused. If a Helper breaches the undertaking under Part 6 of the "Visa/Extension of Stay Application Form for Domestic Helper from Abroad" (ID 988A), his/her conduct will be an adverse consideration in considering any future application for employment visa or for extension of stay in the HKSAR and any such application may be refused.
An employer will not normally be considered eligible to employ a Helper for a period of time where he/she has breached/has been convicted of any of the following breaches/offences:
- Offences relating to a Helper(s) under immigration laws (including aiding and abetting in the breach of a condition of stay);
- Offences relating to a Helper(s) under labour laws;
- Offences relating to assault or harassment of a Helper(s); or
- Breach of the standard Employment Contract (ID 407) or of the undertaking given to the Government of the HKSAR under Part 5 of the "Application for Employment of Domestic Helper from Abroad" form (ID 988B).
In addition to requiring the Helper to meet normal immigration requirements (such as holding a valid travel document with adequate returnability to his/her country of residence or citizenship; be of clear criminal record and raises no security or criminal concerns to the HKSAR, has no likelihood of becoming a burden on the HKSAR; etc), the Director of Immigration will take the following offences/breaches into account in considering any future application by a Helper for employment visa or for extension of stay in the HKSAR and such future application will not normally be approved:
The requirement for the collection of the Employees Retraining Levy (levy) from employers of Helpers has been abolished after the expiry of the suspension of its collection on 1 August 2013.
Nevertheless, employers who owe an overdue levy to the Director of Immigration are still required to settle the outstanding payment immediately. Should any employer fail to settle the outstanding payment, Immigration Department would take into account such adverse record and he/she may be considered ineligible for employment of Helpers for a certain period of time.
All levy paid is not refundable under any circumstances.
It normally takes about four to six weeks to process an application for the employment of a Helper upon receipt of all necessary documents. Please do not make enquiries about the progress of the application unless it is absolutely necessary as it may delay the processing of the application.
- Department of Health’s letter to employment agencies of foreign domestic helpers on Measles, Mumps and Rubella Vaccination
- Department of Health’s letter to employers of foreign domestic helpers on Measles, Mumps and Rubella Vaccination
- Labour Department
- Equal Opportunities Commission (Hong Kong)
- GovHK website
Entry Visa for New Foreign Domestic Helper
Apply Now
The Helper should complete application form ID 988A whilst the employer should complete application for ID 988B. The application forms (ID 988A and ID 988B) can be obtained free of charge from the following offices:
- Immigration Department Headquarters; and
- Immigration Branch Offices except Hong Kong Island Travel Documents Issuing Office.
The forms can also be downloaded from the Immigration Department's website at www.immd.gov.hk.
The notes below are aimed at helping employers to submit applications direct to the Director of Immigration for an entry visa for a new Helper. List of forms and documents in support of an application to employ a domestic helper from abroad is available for download at “Checklist of Forms and Documents Required for Application for Domestic Helpers from Abroad“. Please follow the procedures step by step. Omitting a step may result in delay or refusal of the application.
Step 1. Complete ID988A and 4 Copies of ID407
Arrange with the Helper to complete the Visa/Extension of Stay Application Form for Domestic Helper from Abroad (ID 988A) and four copies of the standard Employment Contract (ID 407)
- The Visa/Extension of Stay Application Form for Domestic Helper from Abroad (ID 988A) should be completed and signed by the Helper. A photograph of the Helper has to be affixed to the form (ID 988A).
- All four copies of the standard Employment Contract (ID 407) should be completed and signed by the employer and then forwarded to the Helper for his/her agreement and signature. The completed standard Employment Contract (ID 407) should be distributed as follows:
- one copy each for retention by the employer and the Helper;
- one copy for the consulate concerned in the HKSAR; and
- one copy for the Immigration Department for the purpose of applying for a visa for the Helper.
- When submitting the application, the employer has to enclose:
- copy of the Helper's travel document containing his/her personal particulars, its date of expiry, details of any re-entry visa to his/her place of origin held (if applicable);
- an original copy of the standard Employment Contract (ID 407) which should have been notarised by the appropriate consulate in the HKSAR if so required by the relevant consulate; and
- copy of the Helper's Hong Kong Identity Card (if any).
Note: The Helper's signatures on all the forms mentioned above and the standard Employment Contract (ID 407) are to be the same as that on his/her passport. The Helper must hold a valid national passport. Any given permission to stay in Hong Kong will expire on a specified date which in any case shall not be beyond one month prior to the expiry of the passport.
Step 2. Complete ID988B
Complete the Application for Employment of Domestic Helper from Abroad (ID 988B)
- Please complete every item; and
- Remember to sign.
Note: The employer's signatures on the application form are to be the same as that on the standard Employment Contract (ID 407).
Step 3. Enclose Supporting Documents
Enclose the following supporting documents:
- A copy of the employer's Hong Kong Permanent Identity Card/Hong Kong Identity Card/travel document (If the employer is not a Hong Kong permanent resident, a person with right to land or on unconditional stay).
- Evidence showing that the employer is financially capable of employing a Helper after his/her household expenditure has been deducted. Examples of such evidence are:
If the employer is an employee of a company- Latest notice of assessment and demand for tax issued by the Inland Revenue Department; or
- Bank passbook/statement showing auto-payment of the monthly salary for the last 3 months; or
- Salary statements/slips issued by the employer's company for the last 3 months; or
- Evidence showing that the employer is in control of substantial assets such as recent properties tax assessment, fixed deposits/bank savings statements for the last 6 months (with an aggregated amount of no less than HK$350,000), etc.
- If the employer is self-employed or a company director
- Latest notice of assessment and demand for tax issued by the Inland Revenue Department; or
- Company profit tax assessment return together with evidence to show the employer's connection with the company such as Certificate of Business Registration/Return of Share Allotment [Form 1(b)]; or
- Bank reference letter showing banking facilities granted to the employer's company or evidence showing that the employer is in control of substantial assets such as recent properties tax assessment, fixed deposits/bank savings statements for the last 6 months (with an aggregated amount of no less than HK$350,000), etc.
- Proof of the employer's residential address as reported in the standard Employment Contract (ID 407), that is the latest demand for rates note or water/telephone/ electricity etc. utility bills within the last 3 months.
If the contractual address refers to a flat in a housing estate run by the Housing Department/Hong Kong Housing Society:- letter of consent from the Housing Department/Hong Kong Housing Society, granting permission for the Helper to reside in the premises; and
- copies of page 1 to 4 of the tenancy agreement with the Housing Department/Hong Kong Housing Society showing the address and personal particulars of the family members.
If the documentary evidence is not in the employer's name, please provide additional proof to show the relationship, such as copy of birth certificate, marriage certificate, company's annual return, Return of Share Allotment [Form 1(b)], etc. - Testimonial of the Helper showing that he/she has at least two years' working experience as domestic helper. The testimonial must contain the name and address of the writer to facilitate verification.
Step 4. Submit All the Required Documents
- Applications may be made online via GovHK (Link).
Alternatively, applicant can send all the required documents above by post or in person to the following address:
Director of Immigration
The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
Receipt and Despatch Unit
Ground Floor, Administration Tower,
Immigration Headquarters,
61 Po Yap Road, Tseung Kwan O,
New TerritoriesUnderpaid mail items will not be accepted by the Immigration Department. For proper delivery of your mail items, please ensure your mail items bear sufficient postage with return address before posting. (Details)
The above represents requirements laid down by the Director of Immigration of the HKSAR. The employer is advised to find out from the relevant consulate in the HKSAR the latest requirements and policies on employment and immigration matters which may affect the Helper's employment in the HKSAR before submitting the contracts to the Director of Immigration in support of the Helper's application for a visa.
- Unless asked to do so, please do not send in originals of the supporting documents (except standard Employment Contract (ID 407)).
- It is an offence to make false statements or representations to an immigration officer. To verify the authenticity of the information and documents submitted with a visa application, field visits may be conducted. A person who knowingly and wilfully makes a statement or gives information which he/she knows to be false or does not believe to be true shall be guilty of an offence under the laws of the HKSAR and any such visa issued or permission to enter or remain in the HKSAR granted shall have no effect. Any aider and abettor in such offence is also liable to criminal prosecution.
- An application with incomplete supporting documents will not be accepted and will be returned to the employer or his/her representative.
- Notwithstanding that the documents and information required have been furnished, the Helper or the employer may still be required to submit further supporting documents and information in connection with the application when necessary.
- Where a document is not in Chinese or English, it must be accompanied by a Chinese or English translation certified as a true translation by a sworn translator, court translator, authorised public translator, certified translator, expert translator or official translator.
It normally takes about four to six weeks to process an application for the employment of a Helper upon receipt of all necessary documents. Please do not make enquiries about the progress of the application unless it is absolutely necessary as it may delay the processing of the application.
Upon approval of the applications, the notification of the application result issued by the Immigration Department will include a webpage link for payment. Payment of relevant fees could be made through the said webpage link or the GovHK website or the ImmD Mobile Application by credit card (VISA, Mastercard, UnionPay and JCB only), Payment by Phone Service (PPS), Faster Payment System (FPS) or Mainland China’s Licensed Digital Wallets (Alipay, WeChat Pay and UnionPay App only). After payment, applicants could instantly download or print the “e-Visa” by themselves.
If the applicant or his/her authorised representative attend the relevant Immigration office in person to pay, the relevant fee could be settled by cash, EPS, Octopus, FPS, Mainland China’s Licensed Digital Wallets (Alipay, WeChat Pay and UnionPay App only) or cheque. The cheque should be crossed, made payable to “The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region”, properly dated and signed. After payment, the applicant or his/her authorised representative will be issued with an “e-Visa” printed on a sheet of A4 white paper on the spot. The applicant can then download or print the “e-Visa” through the GovHK website or the ImmD Mobile Application.
After Applying
Entry Visa for New Foreign Domestic Helper
Apply Now
Once the receipt of application has been acknowledged, applicants can enquire their application status here or through the 24-hour telephone enquiry system at (852) 3160 8663.
Notwithstanding that the employer has sent in all the supporting documents, the employer may still be required to attend an interview in connection with the application. Furthermore, other documents in support of the application may be required by the processing officer in individual cases.
After completing the application assessment, the Immigration Department will issue a notification of the application result by post or email.
The standard Employment Contract (ID 407) is not transferrable and if for any reason it is terminated before the standard contract period of two years has been completed, the initiating party should in writing inform the other party of the exact date of termination of the contract. Both the employer and the Helper should notify the Director of Immigration by submitting a completed "Notification of Termination of Employment Contract with Foreign Domestic Helper" (ID 407E) or a letter within 7 days of the date of termination. Alternatively, notifications may be made online at www.gov.hk/fdhtermination. Please click for more on “Standard Employment Contract & Terms of Employments of Helpers“
Helpers are normally admitted for a period of two years or until two weeks after termination of contract, whichever is the earlier. Only in exceptional circumstances that they may submit applications to Foreign Domestic Helpers Section to extend their stay in Hong Kong as a visitor by completing Application for Extension of stay (ID91).
Employer and Helper should notify the Director of Immigration if the employer’s residential address registered on the employment contract is no longer valid or there is any change to the Schedule of Accommodation and Domestic Duties of the employment contract by completing form ID 407G. Alternatively, notifications may be made online at https://www.gov.hk/en/residents/immigration/nonpermanent/id407g.htm.
If the new address is a flat in a housing estate run by the Housing Department or the Hong Kong Housing Society, the employer should produce:
- A letter of consent from the appropriate authority granting permission for the Helper to reside in the premises
- A copy of the tenancy agreement
Upon approval of the applications, the notification of the application result issued by the Immigration Department will include a webpage link for payment. Payment of relevant fees could be made through the said webpage link or the GovHK website or the ImmD Mobile Application by credit card (VISA, Mastercard, UnionPay and JCB only), Payment by Phone Service (PPS), Faster Payment System (FPS) or Mainland China’s Licensed Digital Wallets (Alipay, WeChat Pay and UnionPay App only). After payment, applicants could instantly download or print the “e-Visa” by themselves.
If the applicant or his/her authorised representative attend the relevant Immigration office in person to pay, the relevant fee could be settled by cash, EPS, Octopus, FPS, Mainland China’s Licensed Digital Wallets (Alipay, WeChat Pay and UnionPay App only) or cheque. The cheque should be crossed, made payable to “The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region”, properly dated and signed. After payment, the applicant or his/her authorised representative will be issued with an “e-Visa” printed on a sheet of A4 white paper on the spot. The applicant can then download or print the “e-Visa” through the GovHK website or the ImmD Mobile Application.