Our Services

e-Channel Service for Consular Corps Identity Card (CCIC) Holders

Eligibility Criteria

A CCIC holder (including his / her dependants holding CCIC) is eligible to enrol for the e-Channel service.


A CCIC holder can enrol for the e-Channel service free of charge at e-Channel Enrolment Offices located at the Immigration Headquarters, the Hong Kong International Airport, Lo Wu Control Point, Lok Ma Chau Spur Line Control Point or Macau Ferry Terminal with his/her valid CCIC and travel document bearing the official endorsement or employment visa.

The locations and opening hours of e-Channel Enrolment Offices are as follows:

Location of e-Channel Enrolment Offices Opening Hours
Immigration Headquarters

Immigration Headquarters

e-Channel Enrolment Office

7th Floor, Administration Tower,
Immigration Headquarters,
61 Po Yap Road, Tseung Kwan O, New Territories

Monday to Friday:

8:45 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.

Closed on Saturdays, Sundays

and public holidays

Hong Kong International Airport

Hong Kong International Airport

Terminal 1

Arrival North Hall (after arrival counters)

Arrival South Hall (after arrival counters)

10:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.

7:30 a.m. – 11:00 p.m

Lo Wu

Lo Wu

Arrival Hall (after arrival counters)

8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m

Lok Ma Chau Spur Line

Lok Ma Chau Spur Line

Arrival Hall (before arrival counters)

8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m

Macau Ferry Terminal

Macau Ferry Terminal

Arrival Hall (before arrival counters)

10:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.


Location of the Enrolment Offices at Hong Kong International Airport

Location of the Enrolment Offices at Hong Kong International Airport

Location of the Enrolment Offices at Lo Wu Control Point

Location of the Enrolment Offices at Lo Wu Control Point

Location of the Enrolment Offices at Lok Ma Chau Spur Line Control Point

Location of the Enrolment Offices at Lok Ma Chau Spur Line Control Point

Location of the Enrolment Office at Macau Ferry Terminal

Location of the Enrolment Office at Macau Ferry Terminal

At the enrolment, the CCIC holder is required to

  • present his/her CCIC and travel document bearing the official endorsement or employment visa;
  • sign an enrolment form; and
  • have his/her fingerprints taken;

If the CCIC holder is aged between 11 and 17, he/she is required to be accompanied by a parent or guardian. The CCIC of the accompanying parent or guardian should be provided for enrolment.

If there are any changes in the enrolment information, for example, replacement of the travel document, the enrolled CCIC holder has to update the changes in person at any one of the abovementioned Enrolment Offices before continuing to use the e-Channel service. The updating service is free of charge.

Use of e-Channel

Enrolled CCIC holder can use the e-Channel with overhead signage showing “Hong Kong Residents”. The details of all control points are available through the following link.

Control Point Locations

Upon using the e-Channel, the enrolled CCIC holder should either place his/her CCIC (chip facing upward) onto the document reader and push it inward to the upper edge, or insert his/her CCIC (chip facing upward) into the smart card reader. After completion of the reading process, he/she can take back the CCIC and then enter the e-Channel.

place CCIC (chip facing upward) onto the document reader and push it inward to the upper edge insert CCIC (chip facing upward) into the smart card reader

Enrolled CCIC holders may also place their enrolled travel documents, instead of their CCICs, onto the document reader to use the e-Channel service.

place enrolled travel documents

After entering the e-Channel, he/she will need to place his/her enrolled finger flat on the centre of the fingerprint scanner for fingerprint verification as shown in the following illustration.

Production of the enrolled travel document and CCIC for inspection is required upon request.

CCIC holders using their CCICs for departure clearance at Hong Kong are advised to observe the entry requirements of their onward destinations.

Simple guide to fingerprint verification

After successful fingerprint verification, the passenger can leave the e-Channel.

Cancellation of Enrolment

For cancellation of enrolment, an enrolled CCIC holder aged 18 or above, may apply for cancellation of the enrolment by completing the cancellation form, which can be downloaded from the link below, and return it in person to immigration staff at the e-Channel Enrolment Office in Immigration Headquarters or at any control point. Upon submission of the cancellation form, production of his/her CCIC for verification is required.

For an enrolled CCIC holder aged between 11 and 17, the cancellation form should be completed by his/her parent or guardian, which can be downloaded from the link below. The parent or guardian of the enrolled CCIC holder should submit it in person to immigration staff at the e-Channel Enrolment Office in Immigration Headquarters or at any control point and produce his/her CCIC for verification.

The cancellation of enrolment is free of charge.

Cancellation of Enrolment for e-Channel Service for CCIC holder (Aged 18 or above)

Cancellation of Enrolment for e-Channel Service for CCIC holder (Aged between 11 and 17)

The enrolment for e-Channel service of any enrolled CCIC holder will be invalid if he/she has completed his/her duty in Hong Kong or is no longer eligible for holding a CCIC.
