Publications and Press Releases

Immigration Department and ASTRI sign MOU to promote innovative technologies in public services (with photos)

30 April 2024

The Immigration Department (ImmD) and the Hong Kong Applied Science and Technology Research Institute (ASTRI) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) today (April 30) to explore an innovative proposal for the application of technologies in four areas, i.e. Innovative Immigration Control Operation, Biometric Identification and Authentication, Artificial Intelligence Assisted Immigration Application and Collaborative Robotics Technology, with a view to providing quality and efficient public services. The MOU was jointly signed by the Director of Immigration, Mr Benson Kwok, and the Chief Executive Officer of ASTRI, Dr Denis Yip, witnessed by the Secretary for Security, Mr Tang Ping-keung, and the Board Chairman of ASTRI, Mr Sunny Lee.

In his speech, Mr Kwok stated that the ImmD has been actively adopting advanced technologies and innovative thinking in various business areas to enhance service quality and efficiency. The collaboration with ASTRI this time will support the research and development of local innovation and technology, and pursue the goal of developing Hong Kong into a Smart City. It is of paramount importance to facilitate Hong Kong's transformation into an international innovation and technology centre under the National 14th Five-Year Plan, enabling the public and visitors from around the world to experience the benefits of innovative technologies.

In appreciation of the ImmD's decision to co-operate with ASTRI to support technology research in Hong Kong, Mr Lee stressed that the collaboration would set an example for neighbouring smart cities to expedite the adoption of innovative solutions that enhance public convenience.

Witnessed by the Secretary for Security, Mr Tang Ping-keung (back row, left), and the Board Chairman of the Hong Kong Applied Science and Technology Research Institute (ASTRI), Mr Sunny Lee (back row, right), the Director of Immigration, Mr Benson Kwok (front row, left), today (April 30) signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Chief Executive Officer of ASTRI, Dr Denis Yip (front row, right), to promote innovative technologies in public services.

The Immigration Department and the Hong Kong Applied Science and Technology Research Institute signed a Memorandum of Understanding today (April 30) to promote innovative technologies in public services. Photo shows the Director of Immigration, Mr Benson Kwok, delivering a speech at the signing ceremony.

The Immigration Department and the Hong Kong Applied Science and Technology Research Institute (ASTRI) signed a Memorandum of Understanding today (April 30) to promote innovative technologies in public services. Photo shows (front row, from second left) the Deputy Director of Immigration (Enforcement, Systems and Management), Mr Tai Chi-yuen; the Director of Immigration, Mr Benson Kwok; the Secretary for Security, Mr Tang Ping-keung; the Board Chairman of ASTRI, Mr Sunny Lee; the Chief Executive Officer of ASTRI, Dr Denis Yip, with other guests at the signing ceremony.
