Commitment to Service Excellence and Sustainable Development |
Performance Pledges
It has always been the goal of the Immigration Department to render efficient and courteous services to members of the public while maintaining effective immigration control.
With this in mind, the Department launched its performance pledges in December 1992. Since then, performance pledges have been published annually. Through these pledges, members of the public are informed of the standards of service which they can expect from the Department in its immigration clearance work, registration of births, deaths and marriages, and issuing of identity cards, travel documents and visas. They are also advised what they can do when the standards are not met.
    Immigration Department publishes performance pledges annually.
Immigration Department Users' Committee
For the purpose of effectively monitoring the performance of the Department on the pledges made, a Users’ Committee has been established since September 1993. It is chaired by the Director of Immigration. Members include representatives from various trades and industries concerned. The Committee meets half-yearly to monitor and review the fulfillment of performance pledges, advises the Director of Immigration on areas of service that may require improvements, and helps determine the level of resources required to achieve the standards set.
 Immigration Department Users’ Committee
Visas and Permits
The Department provides efficient and courteous visa processing services.
Pledges for different types of entry visa applications were generally achieved. In 2011, 97.8 per cent of employment visa applications were finalised within four weeks, exceeding the pledge of 90 per cent within four weeks. For other visa applications, 97.6 per cent were finalised within six weeks, exceeding the pledge of 90 per cent within six weeks. As regards visit visa applications, 100 per cent were finalised within the pledged four weeks.
In the same period, all applications for HKSAR Travel Passes, working holiday visas, entry permits for Mainland fisherman deckhands, entry permits under the Admission Scheme for Mainland Talents and Professionals, and multiple entry permits for Chinese residents of Taiwan working, studying or residing in Hong Kong met the pledged standards. As regards iPermit for Taiwan residents, all applications were finalised with results made known to the applicants on the day of application, whereas 97 per cent of multiple visit permits for Taiwan residents for a stay of 30 days were finalised within the pledged two working days. For applications for Certificate of Entitlement to Right of Abode in the HKSAR, 99.6 per cent of the applications were finalised within three months, exceeding the pledge of 90 per cent within three months.
Immigration Control Points
In 2011, all the control points were able to clear Hong Kong residents within 15-minute waiting time. As regards visitors, the Airport Control Point cleared 98.1 per cent of visitors within 15-minute waiting time, which was better than the pledged standard. For other control points at China Ferry Terminal, Macau Ferry Terminal, Tuen Mun Ferry Terminal, Lo Wu, Hung Hom, Lok Ma Chau Spur Line, Lok Ma Chau, Man Kam To, Sha Tau Kok and Shenzhen Bay, they were able to clear on average over 98.6 per cent of the visitors within 30 minutes.
The Department is committed to providing efficient clearance services at all control points.
Registration for Identity Cards
The quality service for the registration of identity card is well received by the public.
In 2011, the performance pledge that registration for identity card could be completed at counter within 75 minutes was generally achieved, while all identity cards would be issued on the 10th working day. Moreover, 100 per cent of the applicants could be provided with service on the day of attendance.
Registration of Births, Deaths and Marriages
According to the Births and Deaths Registration Ordinance, any birth in Hong Kong must be registered within 42 days from the day of such birth.
The pledged processing time of 30 minutes at the counter for registration of births and deaths, and for giving notice of intended marriage was generally met in 2011. Moreover, the pledge of issuing certified copy of birth, death or marriage certificate within nine working days (issuing within 10 minutes if the birth or death records concerned have been converted as computer records) was also achieved.
Travel Documents
In 2011, the pledges of issuing HKSAR passport and Document of Identity for Visa Purposes within 10 working days and issuing HKSAR passport to a child applicant not holding a permanent identity card in 14 working days were met. Moreover, the pledge of issuing Seaman's Identity Book and Re-entry Permit on the same day of application was also achieved.
The pledge to issue HKSAR passport to a child applicant not holding a permanent identity card in 14 working days was met.
For refund in respect of travel document applications, the pledge of completing the internal procedures in 20 working days was met.
Chinese Nationality Matters
In 2011, the pledge that 100 per cent of applicants would be issued with confirmation letters on declaration of change of nationality on the same day of application was achieved. The pledge that 80 per cent of applications for renunciation of Chinese nationality would be finalised within two months was also met. As regards applications for naturalisation as a Chinese national and restoration of Chinese nationality, the pledge of finalising 80 per cent of the applications within three months after receipt of all necessary supporting documents was achieved.
Customer Service
Immigration Department Homepage
The Department’s homepage ( is available in traditional Chinese, simplified Chinese and English versions. It contains up-to-date information on immigration services and gives Internet users the convenience of downloading commonly used application forms. The homepage serves as a link between the public and the Department.
Courtesy Campaign
An officer was appointed as the ‘Hong Kong Courtesy Ambassador’.
To foster a customer-focused service culture and to enhance staff commitment, the ‘Most Courteous Immigration Control Officers’ election campaign was held in October 2011 for the 16th consecutive year. The winners were elected through voting by travellers at immigration control points. The officer with the highest number of votes was also appointed by the Hong Kong Tourism Board as the ‘Hong Kong Courtesy Ambassador’. This activity helps promote tourism. In the same year, a service member of the Department also won an Individual Award in the 'Hong Kong International Airport Customer Service Excellence Programme' organised by the Airport Authority Hong Kong.
Customer Feedback
The Department welcomes any comments or suggestions on the way in which our services are delivered.
The Department treasures all customer feedback, be it praises or complaints. Positive feedback from the public not only recognises our efforts in providing quality services, but also provides the foundation for maintaining the Department’s service standards. In 2011, the Department received more than 2 600 letters of appreciation and thank you notes.
On the other hand, complaints against the Department are monitored and reviewed by the Customer Services Unit. In 2011, 59 complaints were received in which 15 were found justified. Complaints received are treated positively and constructively as a source of inspiration for further improvement. In the course of processing complaints, the Department has the opportunity to examine the quality of services from different perspectives so as to better ourselves in meeting the expectations of our community.
Assistance to Persons with Disabilities
It is the Government’s established policy objective to provide a barrier-free environment for persons with disabilities with a view to enabling them to access to premises and make use of the facilities and services therein on an equal basis with others, thereby facilitating them to live independently and fully integrate into the community. In this connection, the Department has commenced major retrofitting programme to enhance the Department’s facilities and provide a barrier-free environment as far as possible. Staff, especially frontline staff members who have frequent and direct contact with members of the public, are provided with adequate training to deal with the public in a fair and just manner. Officers would take account of the needs of persons with disabilities, handle them in an appropriate manner and render every possible assistance.
Barrier-free service counters and tactile guide paths provide convenience to persons with disabilities.
Induction loop system for persons with hearing impairment to receive clear sound message.
Civil Service Outstanding Service Award Scheme 2011
In the Civil Service Outstanding Service Award Scheme 2011, the Department won Meritorious Award of the Departmental Service Enhancement Award (Large Department), Gold Prize of the Team Award (Crisis/Incident Support Service) and Gold Prize of the Team Award (Regulatory/Enforcement Service). These awards were given in recognition of the Department’s outstanding achievements in making continuous enhancement in the delivery of public services.
 Our Department received three awards in the Civil Service Outstanding Service Award Scheme 2011.
The Ombudsman’s Awards 2011
In 2011, two members of the Department received The Ombudsman’s Awards 2011 for Officers of Public Organisations.
Two members of our Department were awarded with The Ombudsman’s Awards 2011 for Officers of Public Organisations. It had been the 13th consecutive year that our officers were granted the Awards since the introduction of this category in 1999. These awards were given in recognition of the Department’s professional and proactive attitude towards handling complaints as well as our concerted efforts in providing quality services to the public.
The Secretary for the Civil Service’s (SCS) Commendation Award Scheme 2011
Five members of the Department commended under the Secretary for the Civil Service's (SCS) Commendation Award Scheme and the Director of Immigration Mr K K Chan.
Administered by the Civil Service Bureau, the SCS’s Commendation Award Scheme aims at commending civil servants in recognition of their consistently meritorious performance. In 2011, five members of the Department were commended under the Scheme. Since the introduction of the Scheme in 2004, staff members of the Department had been awarded every year.
Hong Kong Government Service Excellence Index (HKGovSEI) 2011
To promote better government services, the Efficiency Unit (EU) of the HKSAR government commissioned a study to compile a Hong Kong Government Service Excellence Index (HKGovSEI) with the top ten government departments with services most often used to measure citizens’ satisfaction with public services.
The Department’s overall score of HKGovSEI 2011 and ‘overall user satisfaction’ rating were the highest amongst the ten major government departments. In the area of ‘overall user loyalty/trust’, the Department’s score was higher than the overall government score as well as the private sector score.
‘Caring Organisation’
The Department had been awarded the Caring Organisation Logo and two of our staff were awarded as 'Caring Ambassadors'.
In recognition of its contributions in practising social responsibility, the Department had been awarded the Caring Organisation Logo by the Hong Kong Council of Social Service under the ‘Caring Organisation Scheme’ every year since 2006. In addition, two of our staff were awarded as ‘Caring Ambassadors’ in 2011 for their active participation and support to the society.
Sustainable Development
In the face of ever changing conditions, the Department attaches great importance to staff’s sustainable development. With the creation of a learning culture within the Department, staff members are encouraged to keep pace with society and strive for excellence. The Immigration Service Institute of Training and Development (ISITD) regularly reviews the departmental training strategy and provides staff with updated job knowledge and management skills through a variety of training programmes. This could enhance not only the overall work efficiency, but also contribute to sustainable development in both the Department and staff.