Management and Support Branch
Under the charge of an Assistant Director, the Management and Support Branch comprises the Service Management Division and the Immigration Service Institute of Training and Development, each headed by a Principal Immigration Officer.
The Service Management Division deals with matters relating to public relations, staff welfare, discipline of about 5 130 service staff, as well as conducts management audit and reviews complaints from the public. The Immigration Service Institute of Training and Development is responsible for the recruitment, training, deployment and career development of service staff.
Organisation Chart of the Management and Support Branch as at March 31, 2010. |
Departmental Management Division
The Departmental Management Division is put under the charge of a Principal Executive Officer who is directly responsible to the Deputy Director for matters on personnel management, establishment control, finance, supplies and general administration of the Department.
Recruitment Exercise
The Department launched a recruitment exercise in January 2010, for recruiting about 130 Immigration Officers. Induction training for the new recruits will commence in November / December 2010 and they will join the workforce in June 2011 so as to meet the demand on manpower resources arising from new initiatives and to maintain our quality service to the public.
The Department participated in the Education & Careers Expo held at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre in February 2010, introducing our recruitment activities to the public and promoting the professional image of the Department. We also organised career talks at tertiary institutions, professional education institutes and schools of continuing studies with a view to attracting persons with high calibre to join our Department.
Immigration officers introducing the work of the Department to the public in the Education & Careers Expo 2010. |
Career Development
We have strong belief that a professional and effective workforce relies on the excellent performance and service contributed by each staff member. The Career Development Sub-division of the Management and Support Branch strives to formulate strategic plans on career development of Immigration Service Grade staff through overseeing recruitment activities, making strategic staff posting arrangements, managing staff performance, and identifying training needs for all service staff. The Career Development Sub-division also reviews the overall staff deployment plan to meet the operational needs.
Immigration Service Institute of Training and Development
The Immigration Service Institute of Training and Development (ISITD) is responsible for ascertaining training needs, formulating the annual training and development plan, implementing training activities and evaluating the effectiveness of training programmes. It provides in-service and induction training as well as learning resources to Immigration Service Grade staff and ensures that service staff at different levels are equipped with the necessary skills to meet the challenges. It also promotes the culture of life-long learning in the Department.
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Immigration Service Institute of Training and Development |
ISITD is a 13-storey purpose-built complex that houses a variety of training facilities as well as residential facilities. Generic facilities include drill ground, classrooms, lecture theatre, indoor swimming pool, Learning Resource Centre, Information Resources Centre, obstacle training ground, physical fitness centre and gymnasium with elevated running tracks. Specific training facilities such as Entry/Exit Processing and Records System (EXPRESS) Training Centre, Automated Passenger and Vehicle Clearance (APVC) Training Centre, video recording interview rooms and mock court are set up to cater for job-related training in a mock environment. ISITD also provides residential facilities to trainees to help cultivate a sense of discipline and to boost esprit de corps. In addition, there is an Immigration Museum established at ISITD which aims to provide better knowledge on the work and historical development of the Department.
ISITD serves to equip service staff with professional knowledge and skills to serve the community. ISITD keeps enhancing the induction and in-service training so as to keep pace with the Department's latest developments. ISITD also actively collaborates with the Mainland and overseas counterparts in organising exchange programmes. To help cultivate the culture of continuous learning and enhance personal development, the Department sponsors staff to undertake study programmes at different areas and levels provided by other government departments or outside organisations.
Induction Training
ISITD conducts two major categories of training: induction training and in-service training. Induction training aims to equip new recruits with the necessary skills and knowledge that they require in performing their duties. The duration of the induction course for Immigration Assistant is 14 weeks, whereas that for Immigration Officer is 25 weeks. The training curriculum is a combination of theories and practices, covering areas of laws, immigration policies and procedures, as well as the functions and organisation of the Department. Particular emphasis is placed on nourishing a strong sense of discipline and developing commitment to serve the community effectively and efficiently. Other training includes foot drill, tactical training, physical fitness, swimming, etc. During the training, the management and leadership skills of Immigration Officer are further strengthened through management workshops, supervision exercises and leadership training camps.
Foot drill training |
Mock court exercise |
In 2009-2010, 43 Immigration Officers and 147 Immigration Assistants completed induction training at ISITD. In early 2010, 21 Immigration Officers and 24 Immigration Assistants joined the Department and were now undergoing induction training. They will complete their induction training in June/July 2010.
In-service Training
Immigration officers attending the Lecture on Civil Law. |
In 2009-2010, ISITD conducted a variety of in-service training for service staff of the ranks from Senior Immigration Officer to Immigration
Assistant. During the year, a new course, namely Lecture on Civil Law was introduced with a view to reinforcing the alertness and
awareness of service staff towards civil liability, equipping them with basic knowledge of administrative law and civil litigation process. A total
of 190 Chief Immigration Officers / Senior Immigration Officers attended this course in 2009-2010. The course will continue in 2010-2011 and will be extended to Immigration Officers.
Immigration officers attending development course. |
In 2009-2010, ISITD organised various in-service
training courses for 650 officers at different ranks to sharpen their minds and skills, such as Management Competency Course for Senior
Immigration Officer and Enhancement Course for Immigration Officer. In 2010, ISITD enhanced three training courses for Immigration Assistant
Grade staff, namely Senior Immigration Assistant Development Course, Senior Immigration Assistant Efficiency Course and Fundamental
Course for Chief Immigration Assistant Duties. These courses aim to enrich the participants' skills in emotion management and lateral thinking as well as to keep the officers abreast of the latest immigration-related knowledge and procedures.
Specific courses on EXPRESS and APVC systems are conducted for service staff of control
points. In 2009-2010, a total of 304 officers and supervisors working in control points attended these courses.
Immigration officers receiving training on EXPRESS and APVC systems. |
Other Training
ISITD also arranges officers to attend training courses in other areas organised by other
departments, organisations and institutes. These include management, language,
communication and national studies courses organised by the Civil Service Training and Development Institute of the Civil Service Bureau, Command Courses and Criminal Investigation Courses organised by the Hong Kong Police Force, Penal Management Courses and Tactical Training organised by the Correctional Services Department and Chief Investigator's Command Course organised by the Independent Commission Against Corruption.
To enhance safety measures in the office and that of the public, ISITD arranged a total of 54 and 19 officers to attend the Basic First Aid Course and the Refresher First Aid Course organised by the Auxiliary Medical Service respectively.
Overseas Training
Immigration officers paying study visits to overseas counterparts to exchange knowledge, expertise and experience. |
Human resources development is essential for a healthy and sustainable organisation. Overseas training and visits are valuable opportunities for officers to exchange knowledge, expertise and experience with their global counterparts, broaden their perspectives, enhance their knowledge and develop their leadership skills. In 2009-2010, the Department arranged 18 officers to attend various overseas courses on management, development and investigation techniques.
A delegation of Mainland officials attended a study programme at the ISITD. |
Mainland Training
Liaison and contact between the Department and the relevant Mainland authorities have become more frequent. The training and study visits in the Mainland provides good opportunities for service staff to broaden their horizons, better understand the various systems, laws and developments of the Mainland and foster a good working relationship with the Mainland counterparts. In 2009-2010, a total of 129 officers of the ranks from Assistant Director to Senior Immigration Assistant participated in different study visit programmes or training courses in the Mainland.
A delegation of the Department attended a Mainland study programme at the Chinese People's Public Security University. |
During the year, six delegations with a total of 153 Mainland officials attended different study programmes at ISITD. Through these exchange programmes, the communication and working relationship between the Mainland counterparts and the Department were further enhanced.
Customer Service Training Workshop
To enhance communication skills and esprit de corps, customer service training workshops and related training seminars were conducted for 146 officers of the ranks from Immigration Officer to Immigration Assistant in 2009-2010.
Tactical Training
Training courses on the proper use of different types of self-defence equipment including Blackman Suit, field dress, anti-riot helmet, anti-riot shield, non-steel extendible baton and oleoresin capsicum foam (pepper spray) are provided to staff. In 2009-2010, 34 in-service staff received tactical training.
Trainees with self-defence equipment undergoing tactical training. |
Team Building Programme
To boost the esprit de corps of the frontline working teams at various immigration control points and foster mutual understanding, trust and support among team members and supervisors, ISITD continued to conduct a two-day Team Building Programme for Frontline Staff of Control Points in 2009-2010. During the programme, senior officers at managerial level of respective divisions were invited to visit the participants to further strengthen the sense of belonging and promote caring and supportive culture. In 2009-2010, a total of 332 officers of ranks from Immigration Officer to Senior Immigration Assistant attended the programme.
Team Building Programme |
To get our staff well prepared for challenges in daily work, the Department encourages life-long learning. To achieve this goal, ISITD will launch a new internet e-Learning Platform through the Cyber Learning Centre Plus, which is maintained by the Civil Service Bureau, in May 2010. The e-Learning initiatives allow our staff to gain access to online training resources of the Department by electronic means according to their own pace and schedule conveniently.
Immigration officers receiving training on crisis management, media training and basic first aid to prepare for reinforcement to the Assistance to Hong Kong Residents Unit in case of need. |
Training Workshops for Officers Reinforcing Assistance to Hong Kong Residents Unit
To equip our service staff with necessary skills in providing appropriate assistance to Hong Kong residents outside Hong Kong in case of emergency, ISITD arranged 369 service staff to receive training on crisis management, media training and basic first aid in 2009-2010 so as to ensure sufficient manpower for deployment to the Assistance to Hong Kong Residents Unit in case of need.
Youth Training
The Department actively participates in youth training programmes. In 2009-2010, ISITD and the Education Bureau collaboratively organised two Smart Teen Challenge Camps for a total of 77 Secondary Two students. These five-day residential training camps aim to boost the self-confidence, self-discipline, esprit de corps as well as sense of discipline of the students.
Teachers' training camp widens the horizons of teachers in discipline training. |
Teachers' Training Camp
Since 2006, the Department has been collaborating with the Education Bureau to organise a training camp to teachers of secondary schools. The two-day overnight training aims to widen the horizon of teachers in discipline training with a view to aiding the development of their education work. In 2009-2010, 26 teachers from different secondary schools participated in the camp.
ISITD Homepage
ISITD aims to promote life-long learning culture among the service staff. To achieve this, an ISITD Homepage was launched in July 2007. It provides a convenient portal for all the staff to gain access to updated information and training materials on the work of the Department. The ISITD Homepage includes e-learning, Immigration Museum, Learning Resource Centre, Reader's Corner, Notice Board, video and photographs of training activities, useful links and other reference materials.
Guide on Conduct and Discipline
Apart from job-related training, equipping staff with high standard of integrity is of equal importance. To allow Immigration staff to keep abreast of the up-to-date ethical guidelines on civil servants, the revised version of Guide on Conduct and Discipline (the Guide) was uploaded onto the Department's Intranet in March 2008. The Guide lists out real-life examples regarding conflict of interest and personal conduct. It also emphasises the role of supervisor in terms of accountability and managing conflict of interest. All immigration staff should adhere to the core values stated in the Guide in order to uphold the highest standard of integrity and to enhance the quality and efficiency of services provided to the community.
Welfare and Recreation
The Department attaches great importance in maintaining a close dialogue with staff in order to improve staff welfare and relations and to strengthen staff's esprit de corps as well as commitment. There are various channels of consultation and communication between staff and the management. These include formal committees, informal meetings and group discussions, welfare visits, newsletters, etc. At the same time, various recreational activities were organised to deepen mutual understanding between staff and the management. Staff are encouraged to offer suggestions on improving their working environment and quality of service, which are dealt with seriously and expeditiously.
Immigration Department Consultative Committee
The Immigration Department Consultative Committee is a formal consultative forum between the staff and the management. It aims at achieving better understanding and co-operation of both sides on matters affecting the well-being of the staff such as conditions of service, quarters, training, promotion and career development. The committee meets quarterly and is chaired by the Assistant Director (Management and Support). The official side comprises six members, while the staff side comprises 17 members being representatives from the Immigration Service Officers Association, the Hong Kong Immigration Assistants Union and different civilian grades. A representative from the Civil Service Bureau attends all meetings of the committee.
Welfare Visits and Counselling Service
Apart from formal and informal meetings between the staff and the management, welfare officers of the Department pay regular visits to staff at places of work with a view to understanding their concerns and feelings. The Frontline Supporting Team (the Team) that was formed in July 2007 under the Welfare Section conducts frequent welfare visits to frontline service staff and to share their views on work-related issues and to respond to their requests. Since its establishment and up to March 31, 2010, the team has paid 102 visits to various frontline sections and offices.
Hospital visits and home visits are paid to those who are ill or injured and those who need after-care assistance. There were 33 hospital visits, home visits and consolation enquiries made in 2009-2010.
Welfare officers also conduct personal interviews with officers who feel stressed due to work pressure or personal problems and provide them with counselling service or assistance. In 2009-2010, 10 interviews were conducted.
Immigration Wellness Service Centre
In order to render extensive support for the mental health of our staff and provide immediate counselling service to the staff in need, the Immigration Wellness Service Centre (the Centre) was set up on March 17, 2008 and a Clinical Psychologist was employed on contract terms. The Clinical Psychologist provides professional counselling services to help our staff to manage pressure arising from their work and life positively. Moreover, the Clinical Psychologist also assists the management in formulating and implementing departmental psycho-educational and related health promotion programmes, such as Facing Critical Incidents and Stress Management for the psychological well-being of staff. By March 31, 2010, the Centre had provided 696 times of counselling service and 167 workshops on promoting healthy psychological life to our staff. To cope with the persistent demand from staff, a civil service post for the Clinical Psychologist was created in May 2009 and suitable candidate has been recruited to the post.
Since its establishment, the Centre has kept on enhancing the in-house counselling service. The Clinical Psychologist of the Centre also developed psychological wellness and related health promotion programmes to all staff members for foster a healthy and balanced lifestyle.
Immigration Department Staff Club
Sports and recreational activities are organised by the Immigration Department Staff Club for staff and their families to promote understanding and esprit de corps. |
Sports and recreational activities are organised by the Immigration Department Staff Club round the year to promote a healthy lifestyle among the staff and their families, enhance understanding among staff and to boost esprit de corps. With the support of the Sports and Recreation Team of the Welfare Section, a wide range of sports activities including Dragon Boat races, ball games, Sports Day, 7-km Long Distance Run, Yoga, Funky Jazz and Kung Fu classes were arranged for the staff in 2009-2010. Other programmes such as hiking, summer cruises, family outings, Christmas Children's Party, Annual Dinner, Departmental Karaoke Competition and Chinese New Year gathering organised during the year were all welcomed by the staff and their families.
To promote volunteer social service among the staff, the Immigration Department Volunteer Work Team was set up under the wings of the Immigration Department Staff Club in June 2002. With 568 members by the end of March 2010, the team provided a wide range of community services and was proud to receive the Gold Award for Volunteer Service from the Volunteer-in-Chief and the Director of Social Welfare for its contribution of 7 980 hours of volunteer service to the community in 2009.
The Immigration Department Volunteer Work Team joined various charity raising activities. |
The Immigration Service Welfare Fund
The Immigration Service Welfare Fund is established under the Immigration Service Ordinance for the purposes of procuring benefits and granting loans to members or former members of the Immigration Service. The fund also provides grants to dependants who need financial assistance for funeral expenses in respect of any deceased member or deceased former member of the Immigration Service.
In 2009-2010, $591,542 was spent on welfare equipment, consolation gifts, sports, recreational activities, etc.
Management Audit
In 2009-2010, the Management Audit Section under the line management of the Service Management Division paid a number of visits to various control points and offices to ensure that relevant immigration policies, application procedures and administration rules had been properly followed, and to identify areas where the quality of work and customer services could be further improved.
The Customer Services Unit of the Management Audit Section receives, monitors and reviews complaints from the public. All investigated complaints are further analysed by the Complaints Review Working Party, headed by Assistant Director (Management and Support) with members from the Service Management Division and the Management Audit Section. The Working Party gives advice on whether the complaints are justified and recommends improvements where necessary. In 2009 - 2010, 13 out of 68 complaints were found justified. Within the same period, the Department received more than 2 800 letters of appreciation and notes of thanks.
Awards and Commendations
In 2009-2010, Deputy Director, Mr K K Chan was awarded the Hong Kong Immigration Service Medal for Distinguished Service ( I.D.S.M. ) and four officers were awarded the Hong Kong Immigration Service Medal for Meritorious Service ( I.M.S.M.). Assistant Director, Dr Helen W M Chan I.D.S.M. and Assistant Director, Mr M L Chan were awarded the Chief Executive's Commendation for Government/Public Service.
Seven immigration staff with Director Mr Simon Y L Peh I.D.S.M. at the 2009 Honours and Awards Ceremony. |
Officers who had completed certain years of satisfactory service with exemplary character and good conduct were awarded medals and clasps. In 2009-2010, 115 officers were awarded the Long Service Medal after 18 years of service; 40 officers were awarded the First Clasp to the Medal after 25 years of service; 82 officers were awarded the Second Clasp to the Medal after 30 years of service and one officer was awarded the Third Clasp to the Medal after 33 years of service. On commendation at the departmental level, 18 officers were awarded the Director's Commendation and 63 officers were awarded the Assistant Director's Commendation.
Communications and Public Affairs
The Communications and Public Affairs Section is the Department's news agency responsible for maintaining effective communication with the mass media, handling media enquiries and drawing up publicity plans to promulgate the Department's policies. The section, which maintains close relations with outside organisations, is also the Department's representative in handling public affairs and participating in social functions and activities.
The Director of Immigration, Mr Simon Y L Peh (left), and Deputy Director of Immigration, Mr K K Chan, attending Immigration Department Year-end briefing 2009. |
In 2009-2010, the section issued press releases, answered press enquiries, monitored press reports, arranged location filming and media briefings on immigration matters, such as measures to handle increasing cross-boundary passenger traffic, enforcement actions against illegal workers and immigration offenders, the enhancement of the e-Channels at control points, the implementation of new visa policies and initiatives. The section issued more than 70 press releases and arranged around 150 activities like press briefings, interviews and location film shoot in the past year.
To enhance the public's understanding towards the Department, the section also arranges visit programmes for schools and non-profit organisations to the ISITD and the Immigration Museum.
To promote the work of the Department and its policies, the section is tasked to produce the departmental films and participate in producing the Announcements in the Public Interest. In the first quarter of 2010, the section produced an Announcement in the Public Interest with respect to the implementation of the Immigration (Amendment) Ordinance 2009. Besides, to tie in with the launching of a TV drama series, 'The Threshold of a Persona', with the work of the Immigration Department as the storyline in 2009, the section arranged a series of publicity activities to demonstrate the professionalism and diversity of immigration work and enhance the image of the Department.
Information and Liaison
The Information and Liaison Section plays a major role in handling public enquiries regarding services provided by the Department. The Immigration Enquiry Services System currently employed by the section can centrally process all enquiries made in person, by phone, e-mail, fax and letter.
Officers answering public enquiries at the counter. |
To provide better services to the public, the Section is dedicated to enhancing the enquiry service system. Currently, the system provides one-stop shop service by transferring enquiry calls to the Department's 24-hour Telephone Appointment Booking System. Starting from mid September 2009, it also provides information on the current-day walk-in quota of our Immigration Branch Offices and Registration of Persons offices and the service is further extended to cover some offices at Immigration Headquarters in late November 2009. To facilitate the public to access the pre-recorded information provided in the Department's General Enquiry Hotline in an easy and simple way, the section has specially designed and printed information cards for distribution to members of the public.
To provide better services to the public, the Department is dedicated to enhancing the enquiry service system. |