[Note : Applications will be open upon graduation of the first batch of eligible non-local students enrolled in designated full-time Vocational Training Council Higher Diploma programmes in mid-2026.]
This webpage sets out the entry arrangements for persons who wish to apply for employment in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (hereafter “HKSAR”) under the Vocational Professionals Admission Scheme (hereafter “VPAS”).
The VPAS will run as a pilot programme for two years enabling non-local students Note 1 enrolled in eligible Vocational Training Council (hereafter “VTC”) full-time Higher Diploma programmes Note 2 in the HKSAR for the 2024/25 or 2025/26 academic year to apply upon graduation to remain in the HKSAR for employment in the skilled trades relevant to their programmes of study.
The VPAS does not apply to nationals of Afghanistan, Cuba, Laos, Korea (Democratic People’s Republic of), Nepal and Vietnam, and persons who have been permitted to remain in the HKSAR under the Immigration Arrangements for Non-local Graduates.
Note 1:Non-local students refer to persons entering the HKSAR for the purpose of education with a student visa/entry permit issued by the Director of Immigration.
Note 2:The list of eligible programmes under the VPAS is available on the website of the VTC.
Non-local VTC graduates refer to those non-local students admitted to the HKSAR to take up study in the 2024/25 or 2025/26 academic year who have completed an eligible VTC full-time Higher Diploma programme within three academic years after admission. They shall submit applications to the Immigration Department (hereafter “ImmD”) no later than 12 months after the date of graduation (i.e. the date as shown on their graduation certificates).
Category A applicants
Granting of “initial stay”
Non-local VTC graduates who wish to apply to remain in the HKSAR for taking up employment under the VPAS should apply to the VTC for a “Proof of First Application Eligibility (Category A applicants)” Note 3. Non-local VTC graduates who submit applications to the ImmD after obtaining the “Proof of First Application Eligibility (Category A applicants)” from the VTC and within six months after the date of graduation are classified as Category A applicants. Category A applicants are not required to have secured an offer of employment at the time of application. Provided that normal immigration requirements are met, they may be granted 12 months’ stay on time limitation only without other conditions of stay to seek and take up a full-time job relevant to the disciplines of their programmes of study (hereafter “full-time job relevant to their disciplines”). Each Category A applicant (irrespective of the number of eligible VTC full-time Higher Diploma programmes completed under the VPAS) can only be granted such “initial stay” once under the VPAS.
Note 3:The “Proof of First Application Eligibility (Category A applicants)” is issued by the VTC for Category A applicants to verify that they have enrolled in an eligible VTC full-time locally-accredited programme in the HKSAR in the specified academic years (i.e. the 2024/25 or 2025/26 academic year), have completed the programme within three academic years after admission and have obtained higher diploma qualifications.
Category B applicants
Application to return to work in the HKSAR
Non-local VTC graduates who submit applications to the ImmD to return to work in the HKSAR within 7th to 12th months after the date of graduation are classified as Category B applicants. Category B applicants are required to have secured an offer of a full-time job relevant to their disciplines, which is at a level commonly taken up by holders of higher diploma qualifications or above, with the remuneration package at market level and an employment contract period of not less than one year. Upon application, they are required to furnish the “Proof of First Application Eligibility (Category B applicants” Note 4 issued by the VTC.
Successful applicants will normally be granted 24 months’ stay on employment condition, or in accordance with the duration of the employment contract (whichever is earlier) and shall only take such employment as approved by the Director of Immigration.
Note 4:The “Proof of First Application Eligibility (Category B applicants)” is issued by the VTC for Category B applicants to verify that (a) they have enrolled in an eligible VTC full-time locally-accredited programme in the HKSAR in the specified academic years (i.e. the 2024/25 or 2025/26 academic year), have completed the programme within three academic years after admission and have obtained higher diploma qualifications, and (b) they have secured an offer of a full-time job relevant to their disciplines, which is at a level commonly taken up by holders of higher diploma qualifications or above, with the remuneration package at market level and an employment contract period of not less than one year.
Persons admitted or seeking admission under the VPAS may apply to bring their spouse or the other party to a same-sex civil partnership, same-sex civil union, “same-sex marriage”, opposite-sex civil partnership or opposite-sex civil union entered into by him/her outside Hong Kong in accordance with the local law in force of the place of celebration and with such status being legally and officially recognised by the local authorities of the place of celebration Note 5 and unmarried dependent children under the age of 18 to the HKSAR under the prevailing dependant policy. Persons admitted or applying for admission to take up employment in the HKSAR under the VPAS will be the sponsors of their accompanying dependants to the HKSAR. An application for admission of a dependant may be favourably considered if normal immigration requirements and the following criteria are met:
This entry arrangement does not apply to:
The length of stay of such dependants will normally be linked to that of their sponsors. They will remain in the HKSAR on time limitation and are not prohibited from taking up employment or studies in the HKSAR. Any subsequent applications for extension of stay of such dependants will be considered only if the dependants continue to meet the eligibility criteria set out above (including that there is no change in circumstances which would have otherwise resulted in loss of sponsorship for the applicant, e.g. change in marriage relationship between the dependent spouse and the sponsor, or death of sponsor) and the sponsor remains a bona fide Hong Kong resident living in the HKSAR. If their sponsor is permitted to remain on employment condition and the sponsor's employment contract is terminated before the expiry of the sponsor's limit of stay, such dependants have to leave the HKSAR within 12 weeks from the date of termination of their sponsor’s employment contract, or before the expiry of their limit of stay, whichever is earlier.
Note 5:For the avoidance of doubt, the terms “civil partnership” and “civil union” above mean a legal institution of a nature which is akin to spousal relationship in a marriage. The same-sex civil partnership, same-sex civil union, “same-sex marriage”, opposite-sex civil partnership and opposite-sex civil union entered into in accordance with laws outside Hong Kong are limited to only relationships which are legally and officially recognised in the places of celebration. Such relationships normally have the following features: (a) the entering into and dissolution of the relationship are governed by legislation of the place where it is entered into; (b) the relationship requires registration by the competent authority specified by the legislation of the place where it is entered into; (c) the registration is evidenced in a written instrument issued by the competent authority; and (d) parties to the relationship have a mutual commitment to a shared life akin to spouses to the exclusion of others on a permanent basis. Such relationships do not include de facto spouse, partners in cohabitation, fiancé/fiancée, etc.
[Note : Applications will be open upon graduation of the first batch of eligible non-local students enrolled in designated full-time Vocational Training Council Higher Diploma programmes in mid-2026.]
Mainland residents
Successful applicants will be issued with an entry permit. Upon immigration arrival clearance in the HKSAR, they should present an Exit-entry Permit for Travelling to and from Hong Kong and Macao (hereafter “EEP”) and a relevant exit endorsement issued by the relevant Mainland authorities.
Overseas Chinese nationals
If the applicant is a Chinese national holding a People’s Republic of China (hereafter “PRC”) passport and residing overseas, he/she should present his/her valid PRC passport and entry permit for immigration arrival clearance in the HKSAR (only applicable to overseas Chinese who has permanent residence overseas; or have been residing overseas for at least one year immediately before the submission of an application and that the application is submitted from overseas).
Non-Mainland residents
Upon approval of the application, the applicant will be issued with a visa/entry permit. Upon immigration arrival clearance in the HKSAR, the applicant should present his/her valid travel document and the visa/entry permit.
Extension of stay to work in the HKSAR
Category A applicants
Category A applicants may apply for extension of stay in the HKSAR within four weeks before their limit of stay expires, provided that they fulfill the normal immigration requirements and have secured an offer of a full-time job relevant to their disciplines. When Category A applicants apply for their first extension of stay, they are required to furnish the “Proof of Eligible Employment” issued by the VTC to verify that they have secured an offer of a full-time job relevant to their disciplines, and the job is at a level commonly taken up by holders of higher diploma qualifications or above, with the remuneration package at market level and an employment contract period of not less than one year. Applicants who have established or joined in a business in the HKSAR will not be regarded as having secured an offer of employment.
Successful applicants will normally be granted 24 months’ stay on employment condition, or in accordance with the duration of the employment contract (whichever is earlier) and shall only take such employment as approved by the Director of Immigration.
Thereafter, applicants may apply to the ImmD for extension of stay in the HKSAR within four weeks before their limit of stay expires. In addition to meeting the normal immigration requirements, the applicants are required to furnish the “Proof of Extension Eligibility” issued by the VTC to verify that they have been taking such employment as approved by the Director of Immigration during their latest permission to remain in the HKSAR on employment condition under the VPAS; and confirm that they will continue to be employed in the same job/have secured another offer of a full-time job relevant to their disciplines, and the job is at a level commonly taken up by holders of higher diploma qualifications or above, with the remuneration package at market level and an employment contract period of not less than one year.
Successful applicants will normally be granted 24 months’ stay on employment condition, or in accordance with the duration of the employment contract (whichever is earlier) and shall only take such employment as approved by the Director of Immigration.
Category B applicants
Category B applicants may apply to the ImmD for extension of stay in the HKSAR within four weeks before their limit of stay expires. In addition to meeting the normal immigration requirements, the applicants are required to furnish the “Proof of Extension Eligibility” issued by the VTC to verify that they have been taking such employment as approved by the Director of Immigration during their latest permission to remain in the HKSAR on employment condition under the VPAS; and confirm that they will continue to be employed in the same job/have secured another offer of a full-time job relevant to their disciplines, and the job is at a level commonly taken up by holders of higher diploma qualifications or above, with the remuneration package at market level and an employment contract period of not less than one year.
Successful applicants will normally be granted 24 months’ stay on employment condition, or in accordance with the duration of the employment contract (whichever is earlier) and shall only take such employment as approved by the Director of Immigration.
After 48 months of continuous stay on employment condition in the HKSAR
If Category A & B applicants have been granted to stay in the HKSAR on employment condition for a continuous period of 48 months or more under the VPAS, they may again apply to the ImmD for extension of stay in the HKSAR within four weeks before their limit of stay expires. In addition to meeting the normal immigration requirements, the applicants are required to furnish the “Proof of Extension Eligibility” issued by the VTC to verify that they have been taking such employment as approved by the Director of Immigration during their latest permission to remain in the HKSAR on employment condition under the VPAS. While they are not required to secure an offer of a full-time job relevant to their disciplines after the extension of stay, they are required to prove that they will continue to be employed in the HKSAR on a full-time basis. The applications will be favourably considered if the job is at a level commonly taken up by holders of higher diploma qualifications or above, with the remuneration package at market level and an employment contract period of not less than one year. Applicants who have established or joined in a business in the HKSAR will not be regarded as having secured an offer of employment.
Successful applicants will normally be granted 36 months’ stay on employment condition, or in accordance with the duration of the employment contract (whichever is earlier) and shall only take such employment as approved by the Director of Immigration.
Non-local VTC graduates admitted under the VPAS who are on employment condition shall only take such employment as approved by the Director of Immigration within the currency of their permitted limit of stay. During the first 48 months’ stay on employment condition, applicants shall take up a full-time job relevant to their disciplines and shall only apply to change their employer once Note 1 , while the change of employer upon application for extension of stay after expiry of each limit of stay is not subject to this restriction. For any change of employer, they should obtain a fresh “Proof of Extension Eligibility” issued by the VTC and submit relevant applications to the ImmD after receiving the letter. Such applications may be favourably considered if the applicants and their new employment continue to fulfil the eligibility criteria and requirements under the VPAS.
For non-local VTC graduates permitted to stay on employment condition under the VPAS whose employment contract is terminated before the expiry of their limit of stay, the non-local VTC graduates and the employer should notify the ImmD through the ImmD’s online service system within 7 days before the date of termination. If the employment contract is terminated without prior notice, the non-local VTC graduates and the employer should notify the ImmD of the termination within one working day after the termination. The non-local VTC graduates and the employer are also required to notify the VTC through the VTC’s online service system or in writing regarding the termination of the employment contract within the above-mentioned periods.
If the employment contract is terminated before the expiry of their limit of stay, non-local VTC graduates permitted to stay on employment condition are permitted to remain in the HKSAR only for 12 weeks from the date of termination of contract or for the balance of the permitted stay, whichever is earlier. If non-local VTC graduates have secured an offer of a new employment relevant to their disciplines within 12 weeks or before the expiry of their permitted limit of stay (whichever is earlier), they may apply to the VTC for a new “Proof of Extension Eligibility” and submit an application for extension of stay to the ImmD. Such applications may be favourably considered if the applicants and their new employment continue to fulfil the eligibility criteria and requirements under the VPAS.
Note 1:Change of employer due to closure of the employing company or dismissal by the employer are regarded as exemptions, yet the applicants are required to produce relevant documentary proof.
Non-permanent residents of the HKSAR, irrespective of their nationality and type of travel document held, do not require a re-entry visa/entry permit to enter the HKSAR provided that they return within the currency of their permitted limit of stay and that the circumstances upon which they have acquired their residential status remain unchanged.
Persons admitted under the VPAS who have ordinarily resided in the HKSAR for a continuous period of not less than seven years may apply for the right of abode in the HKSAR in accordance with the law.
New Fee Structure for Visa Applications under Specified Schemes
With effect from 11 a.m. on 26 February 2025, the new fee structure has been implemented to introduce a new application fee and a two-tiered visa / entry permit issuance fee for various admission schemes to attract talents and capital investment. For details, please refer to the topical webpage of “New Fee Structure for Visa Applications under Specified Schemes”.