A person permitted to enter Hong Kong as a visitor may generally engage in specified business-related activities, including attending short-term seminars or meetings. In this regard, a non-local person may enter Hong Kong as visitor to participate in a short-term seminar conducted in a classroom setting which may comprise activities such as field visits, experience sharing or incidental hands-on demonstration (but does not amount to practice as part of an employment).
Also, under the prevailing policy on entry for training, a non-local person may apply to enter Hong Kong for training for a limited period (not more than 12 months) to acquire special skills and knowledge not available in the applicant's country / territory of domicile. A training visa / entry permit is required if a non-local person is entering Hong Kong to undergo training and engage in activities tantamount to on-the-job training, secondment or internship in an employment relationship, whether paid or unpaid. For details of the eligibility criteria for entry for training, please refer to the link below:
Applications to enter Hong Kong for a limited period (not more than 12 months) of training from Chinese residents of the Mainland who are employees and business associates of well-established and multinational companies based in Hong Kong may be favourably considered if:
- there is no security objection and no known record of serious crime in respect of the applicant;
- the bona fides of the applicant and the sponsoring company are satisfied;
- the sponsoring company is a well-established company, capable of providing the proposed training;
- there is a contract signed between the sponsoring company and the applicant;
- the sponsoring company guarantees in writing the maintenance and repatriation of the applicant and that the applicant will receive training in the sponsor's premises until the end of the agreed period, after which the applicant will return to his/her place of residence; and
- the proposed duration and content of the training programme can be justified.
Applications sponsored by government bureaux / departments or statutory bodies may also be favourably considered.