About Us

Organisation Chart

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  • Director


    Mr KWOK Joon-fung, Benson
    2829 3831

    • Overall management responsibility on Immigration matters
    • Formulation of related policies
    • Acts as Commissioner of Registration, Registrar of Births and Deaths and Registrar of Marriages
    • Deputy Director

      Deputy Director
      (Control, Visa and Documents)

      Mr CHING Wo-mok
      2829 3832

      • Formulation and implementation of policies in respect of immigration control, personal documentation, visa and pre-entry immigration control
      • Overall management of the existing control points
      • General oversight of the issuing of identity cards and travel documents to Hong Kong residents
      • General oversight of civil registration of births, deaths and marriage as well as practical assistance to Hong Kong residents in distress outside Hong Kong
    • Deputy Director

      Deputy Director
      (Enforcement, Systems and Management)

      Mr TAI Chi-yuen
      2829 3828

      • Management of aspects relating to safeguarding national security, internal security of Hong Kong and law and order
      • General oversight of staff management and management of manpower and resources
      • Formulation and monitoring of business process re-engineering and information technology projects
      • General oversight of non-refoulement claims and related civil litigation matters