
反恐科人員不時在各出入境管制站進行巡查行動,打擊恐怖活動。 Officers of the Counter-Terrorism Division conduct operations at various immigration control points to combat terrorist activities from time to time. 入境處於二零一八年六月成立反恐科,制訂入境處的反恐策 略和進行相關執法行動,以及與本地、內地和海外執法機關 及駐港領事館聯繫,交流反恐情報。反恐科人員亦代表入境 處參與「跨部門反恐專責組」的工作。 反恐前線 居安思危 Staying Vigilant Against Terrorism The Counter-Terrorism Division was established in June 2018 to formulate departmental strategies relating to counter-terrorism (CT), take relevant enforcement action, and liaise with local, Mainland and overseas law enforcement agencies as well as consulates in Hong Kong for CT intelligence exchange. Officers of the Counter-Terrorism Division also serve as the department ’ s representatives in the Inter-departmental Counter Terrorism Unit (ICTU). 98 維護法紀 公正嚴明 Upholding the Law and Acting with Impartiality