
船隻搜查小組成員配備伸縮警棍、伸縮搜索鏡和二氧化碳探測器等裝備搜查目標船隻的船艙。 Members of the Ship Searching Unit are equipped with extendible batons, contractable search mirrors and carbon dioxide detectors when conducting searches inside the cabin of the targeted vessels. 船隻搜查小組會定期搜查及突擊檢查在香港水域的船隻,以偵查 規避出入境檢查、偽造證件、非法入境及逾期逗留等個案。 The Ship Searching Unit conducts searches and spot checks on vessels in Hong Kong waters regularly to detect cases of evasion of immigration examination, forgery, illegal immigration, overstaying, etc. 港口管制 Harbour Control 入境處港口管制科下設港口管制組,管制組人員除了為進出香港船隻上的人士辦理出入境檢查手續外,亦負責處理 船員的遣返、緊急登岸、棄職及偷渡等事宜。為了加強對船隻抵港後的檢查,港口管制組屬下的船隻搜查小組會 定期搜查及突擊檢查在香港水域的船隻,以偵查規避出入境檢查、偽造證件、非法入境及逾期逗留等個案,從而加 強海上出入境管制及打擊非法入境活動,並確保所有抵港船隻均符合入境規定。 Apart from conducting immigration clearance on incoming and outgoing vessels, the Harbour Control Section under the Harbour Division is also responsible for handling matters concerning repatriation and emergency discharge of seamen, deserters, stowaways, etc. To step up post-entry enforcement measures, the Ship Searching Unit of the section conducts searches and spot checks on vessels in Hong Kong waters regularly to detect cases of evasion of immigration examination, forgery, illegal immigration, overstaying, etc, with a view to tightening immigration control at sea and combating illicit immigration activities, as well as ensuring that all incoming vessels comply with immigration requirements. 貫通東西 融合灣區 Better Connection and Deeper Integration 93