
入境處的船隻搜查小組會定期搜查及突擊檢查在香港水域的船隻,以加強海上出入境管制及打擊非法入境活動。 The Ship Searching Unit of the department conducts regular searches and spot checks on vessels in Hong Kong waters to tighten immigration control at sea and combating illicit immigration activities. 除在陸路和航空管制站施行出入境管制外,入境處亦負責對 經海路進出香港的旅客和船隻執行出入境管制。入境處港口 管制科負責為經港口進出香港的人士提供出入境檢查服務。 港口管制科轄下共設有五個管制組,分別為港口管制組、 港澳客輪碼頭管制組、中國客運碼頭管制組、屯門客運碼頭 管制組及啟德郵輪碼頭管制組。 無懼風浪 緊守崗位 Remaining Steadfast in Rough Seas Apart from immigration control at land and air control points, the department is also responsible for exercising immigration control on passengers and vessels entering and leaving Hong Kong by sea. The Harbour Division is responsible for providing immigration clearance service for people travelling through the ports of Hong Kong. There are five sections under the command of the Harbour Division, namely the Harbour Control Section, the Macau Terminal Section, the China Ferry Terminal Section, the Tuen Mun Ferry Terminal Section and the Kai Tak Cruise Terminal Section. 貫通東西 融合灣區 Better Connection and Deeper Integration 92