
時任處長陳國基和曾國衞分別領取二零一五和二零一九年度的全球最佳機場出入境服務大獎。 The then Directors of Immigration, Mr Eric CHAN Kwok-ki and Mr Erick TSANG Kwok-wai, received the awards for the world ’ s best airport immigration service for 2015 and 2019 respectively. Skytrax 全球最佳機場出入境服務大獎 Skytrax award for the world ’ s best airport immigration service 自二零一五年起,入境處在國際專業航空運輸研究機構 Skytrax 的年度旅客意見調查中,四度贏得全球最佳機場出入境服務 大獎。該項調查覆蓋全球逾 550 個機場,共收集逾百個國籍的航空旅客對各機場服務的評分。 For four times since 2015, the department has been voted the winner of the award for the world ’ s best airport immigration service in the World Passenger Survey commissioned by Skytrax, an international specialist research agent of the air transport industry. The survey covers over 550 airports worldwide, with survey questionnaires on airport services collected from air passengers of more than 100 nationalities. 2015 2016 2019 2020 得獎年份 Award year 貫通東西 融合灣區 Better Connection and Deeper Integration 89