
在新皇崗口岸實施「一地兩檢」安排 ‘ Co-location ’ arrangement at the new Huanggang Port 皇崗╱落馬洲口岸是香港與深圳之間唯一 24 小時運作的陸路口岸。由於深港兩地口岸的旅檢大樓並非直接相連,旅客需轉乘接駁巴士往來兩個 口岸。位於深圳市內的皇崗口岸大樓會進行原址重建。參考深圳灣口岸實施「一地兩檢」安排的經驗,香港特區政府將會在新皇崗口岸大樓內設立 港方口岸區,根據香港特區法律辦理清關、出入境及檢疫檢查。港深兩地政府部門(包括入境處)已成立工作小組,共同推進重建計劃。 The Huanggang/Lok Ma Chau Control Point is the only land boundary control point at the boundary between Hong Kong and Shenzhen that operates round-the-clock. The passenger clearance buildings on the two sides are not directly connected. Passengers need to take shuttle buses to travel between the two sides. The building at the Huanggang Port, situated in Shenzhen, will be redeveloped in-situ. Drawing on the experience of implementing the ‘ co-location ’ arrangement at the Shenzhen Bay Port, the HKSAR Government will set up a Hong Kong Port Area in the new Huanggang Port building to carry out customs, immigration and quarantine clearance inspections in accordance with the laws of the HKSAR. Government departments of Shenzhen and Hong Kong, including the department, have set up a working group to jointly take forward the redevelopment project. 藉着重建皇崗口岸,落馬洲管制站的出入境設施將獲得提升。 Through the redevelopment of the Huanggang Port, the immigration facilities at the Lok Ma Chau Control Point will be upgraded. 人員於落馬洲管制站為跨境學童提供「免下車過關檢查」服務。 Officers providing on-board clearance service for cross-boundary students at the Lok Ma Chau Control Point. 重建皇崗口岸將可釋放現時落馬洲管制站超過 20 公頃的用地作其他 用途。 After the redevelopment of the Huanggang Port, the current Lok Ma Chau Control Point will be vacated and over 20 hectares of the land concerned can be released for other uses. 貫通東西 融合灣區 Better Connection and Deeper Integration 86