
港珠澳大橋管制站 Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge Control Point 港珠澳大橋管制站於二零一八年十月二十四日正式啟用,提供 24 小時出入境檢查服務。港珠澳大橋是 世界上最長、以橋隧組合方式三線雙程行車的跨海通道,東接香港,西接澳門和珠海市,亦是粵港 澳三地首次合作共建的大型陸路基建。大橋通車後既滿足三地的陸路客貨運輸需求,也大幅減省陸路 客運和貨運的成本和時間,並能將珠三角西部納入香港三小時車程可達範圍內,從而提升香港作為貿易 及物流樞紐的地位,以及加速珠三角與鄰近省份的經濟融合。 The Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge (HZMB) Control Point was officially commissioned on 24 October 2018 with round-the-clock immigration clearance services. The HZMB is the world ’ s longest bridge-cum-tunnel sea-crossing with dual 3-lane carriageway, connecting Hong Kong in the east, and Macao and Zhuhai City in the west. It is also the first mega land infrastructure co-built by Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao. The commissioning of the HZMB has not only met the demand for passenger and freight land transport between the three places, but also significantly reduced land transportation costs and time for travellers and goods. The HZMB also enables the western side of the Pearl River Delta (PRD) to be incorporated into a reachable three-hour commuting radius of Hong Kong, enhancing Hong Kong ’ s status as a trade and logistics hub, and accelerating the economic integration of the PRD and its neighbouring provinces. 啟用初期,港珠澳大橋管制站旅客流量一直高企,二零一九年二月七日更曾經創下單日接近 16 萬人次的最高出入境記錄。 The daily passenger flow stood high at the early stage after commissioning of the HZMB Control Point. On 7 February 2019, a daily record high of around 160,000 passengers passing through the control point was recorded. 港珠澳大橋口岸採用「三地三檢」通關模式運作,並由三地政府在各自屬地 設立口岸。 The boundary crossing facilities at the HZMB Control Point adopt the ‘ separate locations ’ mode of clearance arrangement. The governments of the three places have set their own boundary crossing facilities within their respective boundaries. 貫通東西 融合灣區 Better Connection and Deeper Integration 79