
結婚證書 Marriage Certificates 補辦舊式婚姻登記的證書。根據《婚姻制度改革條例》,一九七一年十月七日前於香港 締結的舊式婚姻或新式婚姻的人士可補辦登記手續並獲發結婚證書。 A certificate for post-registration of a customary marriage. In accordance with the Marriage Reform Ordinance, customary or modern marriages contracted in Hong Kong before 7 October 1971 are eligible for post-registration and marriage certificates will be issued. 一九九四年粉嶺婚姻註冊處簽發的結婚證書。二零零三年,入境處重組辦事處網絡, 東區、東九龍、粉嶺、荃灣及元朗婚姻登記處於同年關閉。 A marriage certificate issued by the Fanling Marriage Registry in 1994. In 2003, the department reorganised its office network with the closure of the Eastern, East Kowloon, Fanling, Tsuen Wan and Yuen Long Marriage Registries. 五十年代的出生登記冊,部分申報人為「接生婆」,嬰兒 父親的職業一欄有「布店商人」和「電話接線生」。 A birth register for the 1950s. Some informants were ‘ midwives ’ . ‘ Draper ’ and ‘ telephone operator ’ appeared in the entries for the occupation of the baby ’ s father. 一九八零年一月一日或以後在香港登記出生的人士, 其出生證明書編號一般會成為其日後的身份證號碼。 For persons whose births were registered in Hong Kong on or after 1 January 1980, their birth certificate numbers will normally become their identity card numbers. 一九三八年發出的出生證明書,其下方載有申請 翻查出生登記紀錄的方法。 A birth certificate issued in 1938, with its lower part setting out the way to apply for search of birth records. 73 創新思維 以人為本 Innovative Ideas and People-oriented Services