
新舊 象 PAST & PRESENT 協助在外香港居民小組大事回顧 Chronicle of the AHU 1999 小組成立,專責處理港人的求助 AHU was formed to help Hong Kong residents who requested assistance 1999.9 台灣地震發生後,入境處首次設立 24 小時求助熱線, 處理香港居民及其家屬的求助 Following an earthquake in Taiwan, the department set up a 24-hour hotline for the first time to handle the requests for assistance from Hong Kong residents and their families 2004.12 南亞海嘯 The tsunami in South Asia 2005.8 設立 24 小時緊急求助熱線 1868 A dedicated 4-digit hotline 1868 was set up to provide round-the-clock assistance 2006.1 埃及洪加達交通意外 The traffic accident in Hurghada, Egypt 2010.8 菲律賓馬尼拉挾持人質事件 The hostage-taking incident in Manila, the Philippines 2010.12 1868 的求助熱線由 23 條增加至 46 條 The 1868 telephone system was upgraded from 23 to 46 lines 2011.3 日本東北地震及海嘯 The earthquake and tsunami in the north-east of Japan 2013.2 埃及樂蜀熱氣球意外 The hot-air balloon accident in Luxor, Egypt 2015.4 尼泊爾地震 The earthquake in Nepal 2015.8 泰國曼谷爆炸事件 The explosion incident in Bangkok, Thailand 2016.7 港人在德國遇襲事件 Hong Kong residents being attacked in Germany 2019.3 埃塞俄比亞空難 The plane crash in Ethiopia 2020.2 日本「鑽石公主號」郵輪港人滯留事件 The incident of Hong Kong residents being stranded on the Diamond Princess cruise ship in Japan 2020.3 湖北省撤離行動 The Evacuation Operation in Hubei Province 2021.3 推出 1868 網絡數據電話 Rollout of 1868 hotline network data call 68 創新思維 以人為本 Innovative Ideas and People-oriented Services