
入境處獲市民致函,感謝人員提供的協助。 The department received letters from members of the public showing appreciation for the officers ’ assistance. 如情況需要,入境處亦會派遣人員前赴事故地點為港人提供適時協助。 If the situation warrants, officers might be deployed to render on-the-spot assistance to the affected Hong Kong residents abroad. 協助在外港人 隨時候命 Always ready to assist Hong Kong residents outside Hong Kong 「協助在外香港居民小組」(小組)於一九九九年正式成立,設有 24 小時全天候運作的電話熱線 (852) 1868 。每當境外 發生重大突發事故,小組成員都會爭分奪秒,以應付急增的查詢和求助個案。同時,部門其他組別的人員亦會迅速 增援電話熱線中心,協助接聽數以萬計在外香港居民的求助電話。如情況需要,部分人員更不畏險阻,自願前往事 故地點為港人提供適時協助。入境處設有一支約 500 名曾接受災難應變及心理輔導等訓練的後備支援隊伍,有需要時 可迅速調動。 The AHU was formed in 1999 and operates a round-the-clock hotline (852) 1868. When a major incident occurs outside Hong Kong, AHU members have to compete with time in order to handle the increase in the number of enquiries and requests for assistance. Meanwhile, officers from other sections will provide support at the call centre of the hotline by attending to the flood of calls. If the situation warrants, some of the staff will also volunteer fearlessly to render assistance to Hong Kong people on the spot where the incident has occurred. The department has an emergency reinforcement team of around 500 members who have received training on disaster response and psychological counselling and will be deployed urgently when necessary. 65 創新思維 以人為本 Innovative Ideas and People-oriented Services