
入境事務隊進行曲《心向前》和入境事務處樂隊 The Marching Song Immigration March and the Immigration Band 一九九四年,入境處邀請已故殿堂級音樂大師黃霑先生為入境事務隊創作一首進行曲,該曲名為《心向前》,很快便在結業 會操及其他大型部門活動上獲廣泛採用。該曲曲調明快,旋律鏗鏘,成為了每名入境事務隊成員耳熟能詳的歌曲,特別是 第一句歌詞「心向前,操上前,誠意與你相見」。適逢慶祝成立 60 周年,入境處特別製作了《心向前》音樂影片,並由著名 音樂監製和作曲家伍樂城先生重新編曲,為該曲注入新的音樂元素。影片由入境事務處樂隊和穿上各款部門制服的入境事務 隊成員共同演出,富有電影感和科技感,既可讓市民更了解部門多元化的工作和專業服務,亦能展現部門堅定守護香港 這顆「東方之珠」的初心。 In 1994, the department invited the late prominent music master Mr James WONG to create a marching song for the Immigration Service. The song, entitled Immigration March, was soon widely adopted in passing-out parades and major departmental events. With its brisk and sonorous melody, it has become a song with which every service member is very familiar, particularly the first sentence of the lyrics ‘ Marching on with our hearts, meeting you with sincerity ’ . To coincide with the celebration of its 60 th anniversary, the department has specially produced a music video for Immigration March, with the song rearranged by the famous music producer and composer Mr Ronald NG Lok-shing by incorporating new musical elements. The cast of the video includes the Immigration Band and service members in various types of uniforms. The video has a strong cinematic effect with a touch of technology, which not only enhances the public ’ s understanding of the diversified work and professional services of the department, but also shows the department ’ s original aspiration of guarding Hong Kong, the ‘ Pearl of the Orient ’ , with firm commitment. 新舊 象 PAST & PRESENT 《心向前》由音樂大師黃霑先生作曲填詞。 Immigration March was composed by music master Mr James WONG, who was also the writer of its lyrics. 入境處人員參與演出《心向前》音樂影片。 Staff of the department is cast in the music video on Immigration March. 伍樂城先生為《心向前》重新編曲,注入 新元素。 Mr Ronald NG Lok-shing has rearranged Immigration March by incorporating new elements. 62 創新思維 以人為本 Innovative Ideas and People-oriented Services