
換證中心的貼心設計 Thoughtful design of SIDCCs 九間換證中心的場地設計均採用相同的主題、佈局、色調和物料,突破政府辦事處的固有形象。為照顧長者、殘疾 人士等有特別需要的人士,入境處在換證中心增設了多種關愛及暢通易達設施,並創下政府部門的先河,率先引入 室內導航系統,讓長者及視障人士輕鬆掌握換證中心內各項設施的位置。 The nine SIDCCs have adopted the same theme, layout, colour scheme and materials in their design, thus ridding the department of the inherent impression people have towards government offices. To cater for people with special needs, such as the elderly and persons with disabilities (PWDs), the department had set up a variety of caring and accessible facilities in the SIDCCs. In addition, the department was the pioneer to introduce an indoor navigation system among government departments, which allows the elderly and the visually impaired to navigate the locations of various facilities in the SIDCCs. 1. 換證中心以四種鮮明的顏色區分接待、登記、拍照 及領證的設施。 Faci l i t ies in the SIDCCs for recept ion, registrat ion, phototaking and card collection are differentiated by four sharp colours. 2. 供長者及視障人士使用的室內導航系統(使用中的 流動應用程式畫面) An indoor navigation system for the elderly and the visually impaired (a screenshot of the mobile application in use) 3. 專為輪椅使用者而設的等候區 Designated waiting area for wheelchair users 4. 櫃枱特設凹位,供擺放拐杖或雨傘之用 Counter desk specially designed with a cut-out for placing a walking stick or an umbrella 5. 育嬰室 Babycare rooms 6. 入境處在換證中心注入不少新元素,例如荃灣換證 中心設有特色長廊,介紹身份證的演變。 The department has added new elements to the SIDCCs. For example, there is a long feature corridor in Tsuen Wan SIDCC introducing the evolution of identity cards. 1 2 5 3 6 4 53 創新思維 以人為本 Innovative Ideas and People-oriented Services