
新舊 象 PAST & PRESENT 香港身份證的演變 Evolution of Hong Kong Identity Card 最早期簽發的身份證,以硬質紙張 製造,有黃、粉紅和淺藍三種顏色。 The earliest identity cards issued were made of stiff paper in yellow, pink and light blue colours. 膠面身份證自一九六零年六月起簽發。 身份證的正面載有持證人的相片及其 左拇指指模;而持證人的姓名及其他個 人資料則載於背面。 The l ami nat ed i den t i t y ca rd wa s introduced in June 1960. It bore the photograph and the left thumbprint of the cardholder on the front while the reverse side contained the name and other personal particulars. 自一九七三年十一月起,膠面身份證的 式樣有了一些改動,包括改變文字的 編排、刪除手指模樣板和加入出生地點。 The revised laminated identity card was introduced in November 1973. Changes included textual modification, removal of thumbprint impression and addition of the place of birth. 一九八三年三月,入境處首次推出電腦 身份證,分階段為全港市民換證。 The f i rst generat ion computer i sed identity card was introduced in March 1983 and the territory-wide identity card replacement exercise was conducted in phases. 1 2 3 4 紙質身份證 Paper identity card 膠面身份證 Laminated identity card 新膠面身份證 New laminated identity card 第一代電腦身份證 First generation computerised identity card 嶄新概念 尖端科技 Brand-new Concepts and Cutting-edge Technology 48