
入境處推陳出新,為身份證引入更完善的資料儲存和更先進的防偽特徵。 The department has been improving the identity cards with more secure data storage and sophisticated security features. 新一代智能身份證於二零一八年十一月二十六日推出,逐漸 取代舊款智能身份證。新智能身份證不但更耐用和具備更強 的防偽特徵,其晶片和保障個人資料的技術亦有所提升。 見證時代 開創未來 New Smart Identity Card – Embracing a New Era The new smart identity card has been issued starting from 26 November 2018 to gradually replace the old form of smart identity cards. There is enhancement in security features, card durability as well as chip technology on personal data protection of the new smart identity cards. 嶄新概念 尖端科技 Brand-new Concepts and Cutting-edge Technology 44