
入境處的數據處理量 Data processing capacity of the department 作為市民日常接觸最多的政府部門之一,入境處儲存及運作 的數據資料及紀錄十分龐大,數字的改變亦標示了香港的社 會和經濟發展。 As one of the government departments with which the public has the most daily contact, the department stores and operates a large amount of data and records. The change in numbers is also indicative of Hong Kong ’ s social and economic development. 入境處十分重視個人資料私隱及紀錄管理,致力確保業務常規、工作程序 及所持有的個人資料及紀錄,均按照《個人資料(私隱)條例》、其他相關 法例、規例及指引處理。 The department attaches great importance to personal data privacy and records management and is committed to ensuring that business processes and practices and the handling of all personal data and records are in accordance with the provisions of the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance, relevant laws, regulations and guidelines. 海、陸、空管制站的出入境人次 Passenger traffic through land, sea and air ~100,000,000 ~300,000,000 1997 2014 ~10,000,000 1976 ~20,000,000 1980 ~2,450,000 1961 簽發身份證 Issuing identity cards 截至二零二零年十二月三十一日,入境處已簽發近 As at 31 December 2020, the department had issued nearly 當中超過 of which over 3,500,000 張新智能身份證, new smart identity cards, 張透過「全港市民換領 身份證計劃」簽發。 were issued under the Territory-wide Identity Card Replacement Exercise. 2,500,000 透過「一般就業政策」來港工作的專業人士 Professionals admitted under the General Employment Policy 16,561 41,289 149 % 1997 2019 透過「輸入內地人才計劃」來港工作的內地人才 Mainland talent admitted under the Admission Scheme for Mainland Talents and Professional 1,350 14,053 941 % 2003 2019 嶄新概念 尖端科技 Brand-new Concepts and Cutting-edge Technology 43