
市民可透過入境處網頁、「香港政府一站通」或入境處流動應用程式,隨時隨地處理一系列入境處服務的預約和申請。 Members of the public can make appointment bookings or submit applications via the department's website, GovHK or the ImmD Mobile App anytime and anywhere. 為便利市民,入境處致力推行電子服務。市民可以透過入境 處網頁、「香港政府一站通」或入境處流動應用程式,處理一 系列的預約和申請,當中常用的服務包括預約申領╱換領 身份證、辦理出生登記、遞交擬結婚通知書、辦理延長逗留 期限以及申請特區護照和香港簽證╱進入許可等服務。 電子服務 方便省時 User-friendly and Time-saving Electronic Services The department is committed to introducing electronic services for the convenience of the public. Members of the public can make appointment bookings or submit applications via the department's website, GovHK or the Immigration Department Mobile Application (ImmD Mobile App). The commonly used services include making appointments for identity card application/replacement, registration of birth, giving notice of intended marriage, applying extension of stay as well as applications for HKSAR passport and Hong Kong visa/entry permit, etc. 嶄新概念 尖端科技 Brand-new Concepts and Cutting-edge Technology 40