
特區護照的相關數字 HKSAR passport related figures 新舊 象 PAST & PRESENT 身份證明書 Certificate of Identity 身份證明書(慣稱 CI ) 是回歸前簽發給未持有及未能領取有效旅行證件的香港永久性居民前赴外國之用。 持有人主要為由內地定居香港的人士,證件屬於「無國籍」類別,前往大部分海外國家或地區均須簽證。 香港於一九九七年七月一日回歸祖國,所有中國籍香港永久性居民均可領取特區護照,完整地享有中國國籍 身份,故此身份證明書已停止簽發。 Certificates of Identity (commonly known as CIs) were issued to Hong Kong permanent residents who were not the holders of, and were unable to obtain, any valid travel documents for overseas travel before the return of Hong Kong to the Motherland. The holders of CIs were mainly Hong Kong permanent residents resettled from the Mainland. The CI was a ‘ stateless ’ travel document, and its holder was required to apply for a visa for travelling to most overseas countries or regions. After Hong Kong ’ s return to the Motherland on 1 July 1997, all Hong Kong permanent residents of Chinese nationality can apply for a HKSAR passport and fully enjoy their Chinese nationality status. Therefore, CIs have ceased to be issued. 一九七零年簽發的身份證明書 A CI issued in 1970 一九八七年七月前簽發的身份證明書 A CI issued before July 1987 累積共簽發 Had issued a total of 本 passports 12,662,862 截至二零二零年底 As at the end of 2020 接獲申請 Received 1997.7.1 簽發 Issued 2020.12.31 宗 applications 本 passports 723,798 38 718,273 167 二零一九年創新高 Record high in 2019 給予特區護照持有人免簽證入境 或落地簽證待遇的國家或地區總數 Total number of countries/territories which have granted visa-free access/visa-on-arrival to HKSAR passport holders 339 % 嶄新概念 尖端科技 Brand-new Concepts and Cutting-edge Technology 35