
加強與「一帶一路」國家的聯繫 Stronger ties with Belt and Road countries 「絲綢之路經濟帶和 21 世紀海上絲綢之路」(「一帶一路」倡議)是國家的重要發展策略,旨在促進相關國家和地區在 「五通」上,包括政策溝通、設施聯通、貿易暢通、資金融通及民心相通的合作。香港作為「一帶一路」倡議的重要節 點和首選平台,在國家的支持下,憑藉自身的獨有優勢,積極聯繫內地與其他「一帶一路」地區。為配合國家「一帶 一路」的策略及加強支援香港雙門戶的重要角色,入境處積極檢視對「一帶一路」沿線國家的簽證政策,以促進香港 與這些國家在旅遊、文化和經濟方面的交流。近年,亞美尼亞、白俄羅斯和巴拿馬國民來港的簽證要求已獲放寬, 讓他們可免簽證來港旅遊。自二零一七年三月起,柬埔寨國民亦可申請來港就業、投資、受訓或就讀等。 The Silk Road Economic Belt and the 21 st Century Maritime Silk Road (the Belt and Road (B&R) Initiative) is an important national development strategy which promotes co-operation among countries and regions in areas of policy co-ordination, facilities connectivity, unimpeded trade, financial integration and people-to-people bond. As a key link and the prime platform for the B&R Initiative, and with the Central Government ’ s support, Hong Kong can capitalise on its unique advantages to connect the Mainland with other B&R regions. To align with the country ’ s B&R strategy and strengthen the support for Hong Kong in playing the key role of a bi-directional gateway, the department has been proactively reviewing the visa policies in respect of the B&R countries with a view to fostering tourism and cultural and economic exchanges. In recent years, the visa requirements for nationals of Armenia, Belarus and Panama have been relaxed such that they may visit Hong Kong visa-free. Since March 2017, nationals of Cambodia have become eligible to apply to enter Hong Kong for employment, investment, training or study, etc. 入境處致力推行吸引世界各地的遊客、優秀人才、專業人士來港的 政策,鞏固香港作為旅遊熱點,以及國際金融、商貿和物流中心的地位。 The department implements policies that help attract tourists, talent and professionals from other parts of the world to consolidate Hong Kong ’ s position as a centre of financial services, tourism, trade and logistics. 劃新時代 共建繁榮 Marking a New Era and Building Prosperity Together 25