
全民國家安全教育日 National Security Education Day 為提高全民國家安全意識,營造維護國家安全的濃厚氛圍,增強防範和抵禦安全風險能力,同時認識國家 《憲法》、《基本法》和國家安全,培養國民身份認同,國安委主辦二零二一年全民國家安全教育日。入境事務 學院(學院)於當日舉辦開放日,介紹入境處各項服務及在維護國家和香港安全的相關工作。 The committee held the National Security Education Day 2021 to raise Hong Kong residents ’ awareness on national security, creating a positive atmosphere of national security, enhancing the capacity to fend off national security risks, deepening understanding of the Constitution, the Basic Law and national security; and fostering national identity. The Immigration Service Institute of Training and Development (ISITD) organised an open day on that day to introduce various services of the department, as well as its work in safeguarding the security of the country and Hong Kong. 入境處積極響應二零二一年全民國家安全教育日,並於入境事務 學院舉辦開放日與市民互動。 In support of the National Security Education Day 2021, the department organised an open day in the ISITD to interact with members of the public. 行政長官林鄭月娥在入境處處長級人員陪同下,參觀開放日的展覽。 The Chief Executive, Mrs Carrie LAM, visited the exhibition of the open day in the company of the directorate officers of the department. 入境處配合宣傳全民國家安全教育日。 The department participated in the publicity campaign of National Security Education Day. 劃新時代 共建繁榮 Marking a New Era and Building Prosperity Together 20