
入境前管制 Pre-entry control 入境處便利真正旅客及專業人士來港,同時致力實施嚴 格的簽證管制,以維護國家及香港特區的政治、國土及 社會安全。 While facilitating the entry of genuine visitors and professionals to Hong Kong, the department spares no efforts in exercising strict visa control to safeguard the political, territorial and social security of our country and of the HKSAR. 入境時管制 Control upon entry 入境處全方位執行入境檢查,檢查每一名經海、陸、空 任何一路進出香港的人,以防止不受歡迎人物入境或在 香港停留,並阻截涉嫌犯罪的人離境。 The depar tment conducts comprehens ive immigrat ion examinations on every person passing in and out of Hong Kong, be it by sea, land or air so as to prevent undesired persons from entering or staying in Hong Kong, and to stop suspected law offenders from departing Hong Kong. 入境後管制 Control after entry 入境處根據反恐情報分析截查可疑人士,確保國家及 香港特區免受恐怖活動的威脅,同時亦全力偵查和防止 與出入境事宜有關的罪行。 The department intercepts suspicious persons based on analysis of counter-terrorism intelligence, with a view to ensuring that our country and the HKSAR are safe from the threats of terrorist activities. Meanwhile, it also gives all its strength to investigate and prevent immigration-related crimes. 入境處維護國家安全的工作 Our work in safeguarding national security 入境事務處處長是《基本法》訂明的香港特區政府主要官員之一,同時獲委任為香港特區維護國家安全委員會(國安 委)成員。入境處全力配合國安委、中央人民政府駐香港特別行政區維護國家安全公署及其他相關部門的工作,以防 範和制止任何危害國家及香港安全的行為和活動,無畏無懼地為國家把關。 The Director of Immigration, being one of the principal officials of the HKSAR Government as stipulated under the Basic Law, has also been appointed as a member of the Committee for Safeguarding National Security of the HKSAR (the committee). The department fully supports the work of the committee, the Office for Safeguarding National Security of the Central People ’ s Government in the HKSAR and other relevant departments so as to prevent and suppress any act or activity which endangers the security of our country and of Hong Kong, by fearlessly guarding the gateway to our country. 劃新時代 共建繁榮 Marking a New Era and Building Prosperity Together 17