
中國聯合銀行大廈 United Chinese Bank Building 1961-1966 國際大廈 International Building 1966-1982 冠華中心 Mirror Tower 1982-1990 入境事務大樓 Immigration Tower 1990- 現在 present 攝於二零零六年,即現時德輔道中 33 號的位置 Photo taken in 2006, i.e. the current location at 33 Des Voeux Road Central 攝於二零零六年,現為中保集團大廈 Photo taken in 2006, currently the China Insurance Group Building 冠華中心 Mirror Tower 入境處總部將會由灣仔入境事務大樓遷往將軍澳 The Immigration Headquarters will be relocated from Immigration Tower at Wanchai to Tseung Kwan O 總部的樓層分佈 The floor distribution of the headquarters 華人組 The Chinese Section (1964-65) 詢問組 Enquiries Section (1970-71) 職員餐廳 The staff canteen (1971-72) 出入境統計組的入境╱離境申報表打孔與核對工作 Punching and verifying arrival/departure cards in the Traffic Index Section 詢問處 The Information Office 一九九零年灣仔入境處總部開幕典禮 Opening ceremony of the Immigration Headquarters at Wanchai in 1990 入境處總部詢問處舊貌 The information counters of the Immigration Headquarters in the past 繼往開來 不斷求進 Soaring to New Heights 159