
入境處總部的搬遷 Relocation of Immigration Headquarters 為配合部門的發展,入境處先後三次搬遷總部。 入境處的首個總部設於當時位於中環的中國聯合 銀行大廈,合共四層的辦公室總面積約為 1 400 平方米。其後,入境處經過多年的發展,先後在 一九六六年及一九八二年把總部遷往其他租用物 業,分別為位於中環的國際大廈和位於當時的 尖東新發展區的冠華中心。一九九零年,入境處 再度因應發展需要搬遷總部,把當時十多個分散 在不同地方的辦公室集中重置到位於當時屬新 發展區的灣仔海旁政府聯用辦公大樓,即現時以 部門命名的入境事務大樓,總樓面面積達三萬多 平方米。 In order to support the department ’ s development, the Immigration Headquarters has been relocated three times. The first headquarters was situated at the then United Chinese Bank Building in Central with a total office area, four floors in total, of approximately 1,400 square metres. After years of development, the headquarters was later relocated to other leased properties in 1966 and 1982, namely the then International Building in Central and Mirror Tower in Tsim Sha Tsui East, a new development area at that time, respectively. In 1990, the headquarters was relocated again to meet developmental needs. Over ten offices then scattered in various places were integrated and reprovisioned to the current Immigration Tower at the Wan Chai Government Offices Compound, a new development area at that time, with a gross floor area of more than 30,000 square metres. 環保和可持續發展 Environment protection and sustainable development 新總部會採用多種節能裝置和可再生能源技術。綠化措施方面,新總部會提供園林景觀和採用垂直 綠化,以收環保和美化之效;而在循環再用裝置方面,則會採用雨水收集系統灌溉花木,以節約用水。 The new headquarters will adopt various forms of energy efficient features and renewable energy technologies. For greening features, the new headquarters will provide landscaping and adopt vertical greening for environmental and amenity benefits; for recycled features, a rainwater harvesting system will be used for landscape irrigation for water conservation. 新總部主要由兩座樓高 18 層的大樓組成,其設計會與周邊環境互相配合,各大樓之間會預留適當的通風和採光通道。大樓 的外牆設計亦會採用低反光和高透光度的玻璃物料及其他遮陽裝置。 The new headquarters mainly comprises two 18-storey buildings, the design of which will be in coherence with the surrounding environment. There will be suitable separation between buildings for ventilation and daylight provision. Low-reflectivity and high-transmittance glass as well as other solar shading devices will be adopted on external walls. 新舊 象 PAST & PRESENT 此模擬效果圖只供參考 This rendering is for illustrative purpose only 繼往開來 不斷求進 Soaring to New Heights 158