
2020s 2021.8.1 《 2021 年入境(修訂)條例》 生效,進一步改善免遣返 聲請的安排。 The Immigration (Amendment) Ordinance 2021 came into effect, further improving the handling of non-refoulement claims. 2019.5.14 推出新一代香港特區 電子護照。 The Next Generation HKSAR e-Passport was introduced. 2021.8.4 慶祝成立六十周年。 Celebration of the department ’ s 60 th anniversary. 2020 派員到日本和湖北省,把因 2019 冠狀病毒 病疫情而滯留兩地的香港居民接載回港。 Officers were sent to Japan and Hubei Province to bring home the Hong Kong residents stranded in these two places due to the COVID-19 pandemic. 2018.6 反恐科成立 Formation of the Counter-Terrorism Division 成立反恐科,以加強反恐偵查能力。 The Counter-Terrorism Division was established to strengthen the department ’ s detection and investigation capability in regard to terrorism. 2018.11.26 新智能身份證 New smart identity card 推出「新一代智能身份證系統」,並於同年十二月展開 「全港市民換領身份證計劃」。 The Next Generation Smart Identity Card System was launched, followed by the implementation of the Territory-wide Identity Card Replacement Exercise in December of the same year. 2021.2 一站式服務 One-stop service 屯門綜合辦事處投入運作,為市民提供更便捷的一站 式服務。 The Tuen Mun Regional Office commenced operation, providing more convenient one-stop service to members of the public. 繼往開來 不斷求進 Soaring to New Heights 155