
1970s 1976.10 首個電腦系統 The first computer system 首個電腦系統 — 「出入境統計 系統」啟用,以取代過往的打 孔卡記錄方法。該系統把分析 和配對居民及旅客出入境紀錄 的工作電腦化,從而協助執行 有效的出入境管制。 TRINDEX, the first computer system, was introduced to replace the former Punch Card System, facilitating effective immigration control by computerising the analysis and matching of travel records of residents and visitors. 1977.4.20 簽發身份證 Issuance of identity cards 與人事登記處合併,開始簽發 香港身份證。 Amalgamated with the Registration of Persons Department and started issuing Hong Kong identity cards. 1975.5.4 越南船民湧至 Influx of Vietnamese migrants 貨輪「基娜馬士基」號載着 3 743 名越南 船民抵達香港水域,揭開大批越南船 民乘坐貨輪或舢舨湧到香港的序幕。 The arrival of the ‘ Clara Maersk ’ , carrying 3,743 Vietnamese migrants, in Hong Kong waters marked the start of the massive influx of Vietnamese migrants into Hong Kong by cargo ship or sampan. 繼往開來 不斷求進 Soaring to New Heights 147