
齊心協力 迅速行動 Prompt action Working as one 在疫情的各個階段,擔當不同支援崗位的入境處人員均全力投入抗疫工作。疫情之初, 入境處人員巡查了 1 837 間酒店及賓館,找出來自湖北省的旅客,協助他們登記入住 檢疫中心或離開香港。在「受限區域」實行強制檢測是遏止病毒在社區傳播的重要措施, 有關行動由籌備到執行,時間十分緊迫。入境處於二零二一年年初先後派出數百名 人員,聯同其他紀律部隊及政府部門人員在佐敦、柴灣等指明「受限區域」參與相關行 動。各項行動最終順利完成,「受限區域」亦如期解封。 Throughout different stages of the pandemic, officers of the department taking on different supporting roles have been fully committed to the anti-pandemic work. At the onset of the pandemic, our officers inspected 1,837 hotels and guesthouses to identify visitors from Hubei Province, and assisted them in checking into quarantine centres or departing from Hong Kong. Compulsory testing in ‘ restricted areas ’ , an important measure to contain the spread of the virus in the community, involves planning and execution within a very tight time frame. In early 2021, several hundreds of our officers, together with officers from other disciplined services and government departments, participated in the operations in the specified ‘ restricted areas ’ in Jordan, Chai Wan and other districts. Such operations were successfully completed, with the ‘ restricted areas ’ re-opened as scheduled. 數百名入境處人員在佐敦、柴灣等「受限區域」不分晝夜工作,充分 發揮專業精神。 Hundreds of our officers work round the clock in the ‘ restricted areas ’ in Jordan, Chai Wan and other districts, giving full play to their professionalism. 為配合政府推行的「 2019 冠狀病毒病疫苗接種計劃」,入境處借調人員在社區疫苗接種中心執行相關職務。 To support the government ’ s COVID-19 Vaccination Programme, the department has deployed officers to perform relevant duties at Community Vaccination Centres. 薪火相傳 羣策羣力 Passing the Torch and Fostering Collaboration 140