
訓練課程納入資歷架構 Training programmes recognised under the Hong Kong Qualifications Framework (QF) 自二零一八年起,學院與一所本地大學合辦入境事務助理員職系的入職和在職訓練課程,該些課程更獲得資歷 架構認可。二零一九年,學院踏進另一個里程碑,順利以課程營辦者的身份,向香港學術及職業資歷評審局(評審 局)申請資歷評審,把入境事務主任入職訓練課程和在職入境事務助理員旅客出入境檢查課程納入《資歷名冊》。 二零二一年年初,學院更把為高級入境事務主任而設的管理才能課程向評審局申請資歷評審,獲評定為資歷架構 第五級別。未來,入境處會繼續申請把不同的訓練課程列入《資歷名冊》內,以提升本處的部隊質素、向人員推廣終 身學習文化,以及促進其個人發展。 Since 2018, the department has been co-organising with a local university induction and in-service training programmes for the Immigration Assistant grade, which are recognised under the QF. In 2019, the ISITD marked another milestone by applying, in the capacity of programme operator, to the Hong Kong Council for Accreditation of Academic and Vocational Qualifications for accreditation of its induction training programme for Immigration Officers and passenger clearance programme for in-service Immigration Assistants, and for inclusion of these programmes in the Qualifications Register. In early 2021, the ISITD achieved further by making an application for accreditation of its management competency programme for Senior Immigration Officers, which has been accredited at QF Level 5. The department will continue to apply for the inclusion of various training programmes in the Qualifications Register with a view to enhancing the quality of the Immigration Service, promoting life-long learning culture among its members and facilitating their personal development. 高級入境事務主任的在職訓練課程獲得資歷認證第五級別認可, 級別與學士學位同等。 The in-service training programme for Senior Immigration Officers was recognised as Level 5 of the QF, equivalent to bachelor ’ s degree level. 資歷架構第五級別 QF Level 5 ( 級別與學士學位同等 ) (Equivalent to bachelor ’ s degree level) 高級入境事務主任 「效能領導及管理」專業證書 Professional Certificate in Effective Leadership and Management for Senior Immigration Officer 入境事務主任 「入境事務及管制管理」專業文憑 Professional Diploma in Management in Immigration Services and Control for Immigration Officer 總入境事務助理員 「入境事務及管制前線管理」專業證書 Professional Certificate in Frontline Management in Immigration Services and Control for Chief Immigration Assistant 資歷架構第四級別 QF Level 4 ( 級別與副學士學位或高級文憑同等 ) (Equivalent to associate degree or high diploma level) 高級入境事務助理員 「入境事務及管制預修管理」專業證書 Professional Cert i f icate in Preparatory Management in Immigration Services and Control for Senior Immigration Assistant 入境事務助理員 「出入境管制及旅客出入境檢查」專業文憑 Professional Diploma in Immigration Control and Passenger Clearance for Immigration Assistant 入境事務助理員 「入境事務及管制」專業文憑 Professional Diploma in Immigration Services and Control for Immigration Assistant 125 薪火相傳 羣策羣力 Passing the Torch and Fostering Collaboration