
負責處理免遣返聲請的個案審理人員在就任前,均須接受為期 15 天的專業訓練課程,確保他們充分了解統一審核機制和具備足夠知識處理有關聲請。 All case officers responsible for screening non-refoulement claims are required to attend a 15-day professional training programme before assuming their duties so as to ensure that they fully understand the unified screening mechanism (USM) and have sufficient knowledge to assess the claims. 凡非法入境、逾期逗留或抵港時遭入境處拒絕入境者,均 無合法身份逗留於香港,並應根據《入境條例》盡快遣送離 港。然而,將被遣返至另一國家的人,如聲稱遣返至該國後 會面對酷刑、《香港人權法案》下的絕對及不容減免的權利受 到損害,或迫害等風險,入境處須在合乎「高度公平標準」 的審核程序下,於作出最終決定其聲請不獲確立前,暫緩遣 返聲請人到有關國家。 高度公平 審理聲請 Screening of Non-Refoulement Claims Meeting High Standards of Fairness Illegal immigrants, overstayers or persons refused entry by the department upon arrival in Hong Kong do not have legal status to remain in Hong Kong. They should be removed from Hong Kong in accordance with the Immigration Ordinance as soon as practicable. However, if a person to be removed to another country claims that he would face risks of torture, violation of his absolute and non-derogable rights under the Hong Kong Bill of Rights, or persecution if so removed, then the department must withhold the claimant ’ s removal to that country until his claim is finally determined as unsubstantiated through procedures meeting ‘ high standards of fairness ’ . 114 維護法紀 公正嚴明 Upholding the Law and Acting with Impartiality