
公平妥善的羈留待遇 Fair and proper detention treatment 《入境(被羈留者的待遇)令》訂明羈留於中心內人士所獲得的待遇,包括醫療檢驗、運動、個人衞生、投訴渠道、 太平紳士探訪及與法律顧問通訊等,以確保被羈留者獲得公平妥善待遇。 Detainees at the CIC are accorded the treatment provided by the Immigration (Treatment of Detainees) Order, covering such matters as medical examinations, exercise, personal hygiene, channels for lodging complaints, visits by Justices of the Peace and communication with legal advisers to ensure that they are treated fairly and properly. 醫療服務 Medical service 被羈留者可於醫務室接受由外判認可醫護機構提供的 24 小時醫療服務。中心的當值醫生均為香港醫務委員會根 據《醫生註冊條例》正式註冊的合資格醫生。每一位被 羈留者進出中心或生病或受傷時,都會被安排接受醫療 檢驗,並在有需要或緊急情況時,被送往公立醫院作進 一步檢查及接受治療。 Round-the-clock medical service is provided to detainees in the Sickbay of the CIC by an independent recognised medical organisation through an outsourced contract. All medical officers at the CIC are fully registered doctors under the Medical Council of Hong Kong pursuant to the Medical Registration Ordinance. Each detainee would be provided with medical examination when suffering from sickness or injury, entering or leaving the CIC. If necessary or in case of emergency, the detainee concerned will be sent to a public hospital for further examination and receiving medical treatment. 福利需要及申訴渠道 Welfare needs and channels of complaints 若天氣情況許可,被羈留者每天均可於露天球場進行 不少於一小時的體育活動。被羈留者每日可於探訪室接受 親友探訪一次。中心設有福利組處理被羈留者的訴求 及申請,包括聯絡本地及海外親友、律師及領事館等。 若被羈留者認為受到不合理對待,可向申訴專員公署、 到訪的太平紳士或中心人員作出投訴。 Detainees may have exercise in the playground for not less than one hour daily if the weather permits. Detainees may be visited by relatives or friends in the Visit Room once per day. Welfare Unit of the CIC would handle the requests and applications from detainees, including contacting their local and overseas relatives and friends, legal representatives and consulates. Detainees who considered themselves being treated inappropriately may lodge complaints to the Office of the Ombudsman, the visiting Justices of the Peace or CIC officers. 衞生 Hygiene 因應 2019 冠狀病毒病疫情的最新發展,中心已加強感 染預防控制工作,包括定時徹底清潔及消毒所有羈留 設施。被羈留者可穿着他們自己的衣物。他們亦可申請 收取訪客提供的衣物或穿著中心所提供之衣物。 In view of the latest development of the COVID-19 pandemic, the CIC has strengthened disease preventive measures, including regular thorough cleaning and disinfection measures at all detention facilities. Detainees are allowed to wear private clothes. They can receive from relatives or friends any items of clothing that may be necessary. Additional clothing may, on request, be provided to them by the CIC. 111 維護法紀 公正嚴明 Upholding the Law and Acting with Impartiality