
針對假結婚活動的大型執法行動 Large-scale enforcement operations against bogus marriages 入境處的專案小組近年先後展開代號為「閃刺」、「圈套」及「追蹤者」等一連串打擊假結婚活動的執法行動,瓦解了多個跨境犯罪集團。 In recent years, a special task force of the department smashed several cross-boundary syndicates in a series of operations against bogus marriages codenamed ‘ Flashspear ’ , ‘ Snare ’ and ‘ Tracker ’ . 入境處首次發現有外傭涉嫌參與假結婚活動,於 二零一七年三月採取行動,共拘捕了 37 名香港 居民、內地居民及外傭。 一名香港永久性居民犯罪集團主腦於二零一九年 二月被裁定四項串謀欺詐罪及一項妨礙司法公正 罪罪名成立,被判入獄 39 個月。 同案被捕的 14 名參與假結婚人士則因串謀欺詐而 被裁定有罪,分別被判處監禁 8 至 18 個月不等。 The department had for the first time discovered the suspected involvement of FDHs in bogus marriages. A series of operations had been conducted since March 2017 and a total of 37 Hong Kong and Mainland residents and FDHs were arrested. The mastermind of the syndicate, who was a Hong Kong permanent resident, was convicted of four counts of conspiracy to defraud and one count of perverting the course of justice, and was sentenced to 39 months ’ imprisonment in February 2019. Further 14 arrestees of the case were convicted of the offence of conspiracy to defraud and were sentenced to jail terms ranging from 8 to 18 months. 經過情報分析,入境處鎖定一個安排年青人 進行假結婚活動的犯罪集團,於二零一七年 十二月進行代號「圈套」行動,透過委派調查人 員以「放蛇」手法與假結婚中介人會面搜集證 據,成功瓦解一個相信已安排約 100 宗假結婚個 案的犯罪集團。 該集團主腦其後被控一項煽惑干犯串謀的控 罪,被判監禁 12 個月。 截至二零二一年七月,「圈套」行動中一共拘捕 了 160 名涉案人士,包括一名集團主腦、四名 骨幹成員及 155 名涉嫌參與假結婚的香港或內地 居民。 Upon intelligence analysis, a syndicate which recruited young people to engage in bogus marriages was identified. By deploying an officer in disguise to meet with a bogus marriage intermediary to collect evidence in December 2017, the department successful ly smashed the syndicate which was believed to have arranged for around 100 bogus marriages. The mastermind pleaded gui l ty to one count of incitement to commit conspiracy and was sentenced to 12 months ’ imprisonment. As at July 2021, a total of 160 people were arrested in the operations, including one syndicate mastermind, four core syndicate members, and 155 Hong Kong residents and Mainland residents who were suspected of participating in bogus marriages. 入境處鎖定一個透過社交網站及流動通訊手 機程式招攬年青人假結婚的犯罪集團,自 二零一六年五月採取一連串拘捕行動。 截至二零二一年七月,入境處成功拘捕 113 名 涉案的香港居民及內地居民,包括三名犯罪集 團骨幹成員。 三名犯罪集團骨幹成員被裁定多項串謀欺詐的 控罪罪名成立,被判監禁 30 至 42 個月。 A syndicate which recruited young people by using social media and social networking mobile applications to engage in bogus marriages was identified by the department. A series of territory-wide operations was conducted since May 2016. As at July 2021, a total of 113 Hong Kong and Mainland residents have been arrested, including three core syndicate members. Three core syndicate members were convicted of offences of conspiracy to defraud and were sentenced to 30 to 42 months ’ imprisonment. 「追蹤者」 ‘ Tracker ’ 「圈套」 ‘ Snare ’ 「閃刺」 ‘ Flashspear ’ 105 維護法紀 公正嚴明 Upholding the Law and Acting with Impartiality