
入境處特遣隊不定期到非法勞工黑點採取行動。 The Immigration Task Force conducts operations on black spots of illegal workers from time to time. 入境處致力維護香港法紀,調查涉及違反《入境條例》、 《人事登記條例》及與出生、死亡和婚姻登記有關的罪行,對 非法入境者和不受歡迎人物執行遣送及遞解離境程序,以及 搜集世界各地有關出入境事宜的情報。 維護法紀 保障就業 Upholding the Law and Safeguarding Employment Opportunities The department is committed to upholding the laws of Hong Kong by investigating into offences under the Immigration Ordinance and the Registration of Persons Ordinance, and offences relating to the registration of births, deaths and marriages; instituting removal and deportation proceedings against illegal immigrants and undesirables; and gathering intelligence on global immigration matters. 102 維護法紀 公正嚴明 Upholding the Law and Acting with Impartiality