
反恐偵查及調查 Counter-terrorism detection and investigation 入境處人員因應恐怖襲擊的威脅評估及實際情況,在各出入境管制站採取適當措施,加強截查和訊問可疑人士。 此外,人員亦會監察懷疑與恐怖主義活動有關連的訪客,以防止有關人士試圖進入香港,確保香港免受恐怖主義威脅。 In light of terrorist threat assessment and actual circumstances, immigration officers take appropriate immigration control measures and step up interception and examination of suspicious travellers at various immigration control points. In addition, the officers also monitor visitors suspected of being associated with terrorist activities so as to prevent such persons from attempting to enter Hong Kong, with a view to ensuring that Hong Kong is safe from the threats of terrorism. 入境處定期舉辦內部反恐訓練課程及演習,以提升人員的反恐意識及對恐怖活動的認知,從而有效堵截懷疑涉及恐怖活動的可疑旅客。 The department organises internal CT training and drills regularly to enhance the professional knowledge and awareness of CT-related issues among officers for effective interception of suspicious visitors suspected of being involved in terrorist activities. 100 維護法紀 公正嚴明 Upholding the Law and Acting with Impartiality