
預辦入境檢查計劃 Pre-arrival Clearance Scheme 為加強和提升香港作為國際及區域首選運輸和物流樞紐的地位,並節省貨運及物流業界運作的經營 成本及時間,港口管制科推行預辦入境檢查(預檢)計劃。在預檢計劃下,事先獲批准的船隻可直接 駛往停泊處或碼頭起卸貨物,無須在入境船隻碇泊處等候辦理入境檢查手續。過去十年,共有 235 968 艘遠洋船隻及 497 467 艘內地內河╱沿海貨船獲准按此計劃進入香港。 To strengthen and promote Hong Kong ’ s position as a preferred international and regional transportation and logistics hub, as well as to save the operational costs and time of the cargo and logistics industry, the Harbour Division has implemented the Pre-arrival Clearance Scheme, under which approved vessels can proceed directly to berths or terminals for cargo operations without having to wait for immigration clearance at the anchorages. In the past 10 years, a total of 235,968 ocean-going vessels and 497,467 Mainland river/coastal trade vessels were approved under this scheme prior to their entry to Hong Kong. 人員突擊檢查進出香港水域的船隻,確保所有抵港船隻均符合入境規定。 Officers of the department conduct spot checks on incoming and outgoing vessels with a view to ensuring that all incoming vessels comply with immigration requirements. 入境處船隊在香港水域執行有效的出入境管制。 Immigration launches conduct effective immigration control in Hong Kong waters. 貫通東西 融合灣區 Better Connection and Deeper Integration 94