
參與音樂影片演出的入境事務處樂隊前身為入境處職員同樂會風笛軍鼓小組。小 組於二零一二年成立,初時成員只有風笛和軍鼓樂手,後來演奏銅管、木管及敲 擊樂等的樂手相繼加入,小組於二零一五年正式命名為「入境事務處樂隊」。樂隊 多年來以業余步操樂隊形式參與部門的演出及會操,亦不時獲邀到不同場合演出。 除《心向前》外,樂隊亦擅長演奏中外名曲及流行輕音樂,更不時加入不同的音樂元 素以豐富演出內容。樂隊現時有超過 50 名來自不同組別的紀律人員參與,並會不斷 擴充其規模。 The Immigration Band, which is in the cast of the music video, was formerly the Piping and Drumming Group of the Immigration Department Staff Club. Established in 2012, the Group initially comprised only players of bagpipes and drum corps. It was expanded afterwards when other players of various brass, woodwind and percussion instruments joined it, and was formally named as the Immigration Band in 2015. Over the years, the Band has performed in departmental functions and parades as an amateur marching band, and has also been invited to perform on various occasions. Besides the Immigration March, the Band also excels in playing famous songs from across the world and popular easy-listening music. With more than 50 disciplined staff members from various sections currently, the Band has been constantly expanding its scale. 入境事務處樂隊在部門的周年舞會及周年聚餐上表演。 The Immigration Band performed at the departmental Annual Ball and Annual Dinner. 入境事務處樂隊參與二零一七年國際軍樂匯演戶外嘉年華演出。 The Immigration Band performed at the International Military Tattoo 2017 Outdoor Carnival. 入境事務處樂隊參與結業會操的表演項目。 The Immigration Band took part in the passing-out parade. 63 創新思維 以人為本 Innovative Ideas and People-oriented Services