
同行換證安排及到訪院舍換證服務 Replacement of identity card in company & On-site Identity Card Replacement Service 關愛共融是和諧社會的核心價值,因此入境處特別推出「長者及殘疾人士同行換證安 排」,讓合資格的換證人士攜同兩名 65 歲以上的親友及兩名殘疾人士一同前往換證中心換 證,讓他們在換證時可以得到同行親友的照顧。為方便長者和殘疾人士能安坐院舍換領 身份證,入境處自二零一九年五月起推出「到訪院舍換證服務」。換證服務隊帶同流動設 備主動走進社區,以外展形式到訪全港過千間安老院及殘疾人士院舍,為約八萬名院友 提供換領和派送新智能身份證服務,免卻他們舟車勞頓之苦。此外,入境處亦增設「團體 換證」安排,與非政府機構、議員辦事處和地區組織合作,安排有需要的長者以團體形式 前往換證中心換證。 Care and inclusion are the core values of a harmonious society. The department has therefore specially introduced the Arrangements for Identity Card Replacement with the Elderly and Persons with Disabilities (PWDs), which allows an eligible applicant for identity card replacement to bring along up to two family members or friends aged 65 or above and two PWDs to replace their identity cards together during the same visit to an SIDCC, so that they can be taken care of by their accompanying family members or friends during card replacement. For the convenience of the elderly and PWDs at residential care homes, starting from May 2019, the department introduced the On-site Identity Card Replacement Service. The Identity Card Replacement Service Teams have taken the initiative to visit more than 1,000 residential care homes for the elderly and the PWDs throughout Hong Kong, bringing along with them portable equipment, to provide identity card replacement and delivery services for about 80,000 residents, thus sparing them the hassle of travelling. In addition, under the newly introduced Group Replacement arrangement, the department collaborates with non-governmental organisations, councillors ’ offices and district organisations to arrange group replacement at SIDCCs for elderly in need. 入境處研發了全新的流動登記裝置,讓換證服務隊可在院舍內迅速設立流動登記室。 The department has developed a new mobile device for registration, allowing its Identity Card Replacement Service Teams to swiftly set up a mobile registration office in residential care homes. 為使院友能輕鬆拍下稱心滿意的身份證相片,團隊特意親手製作了一些可愛的動物和壽星公圖案以 吸引院友注視鏡頭。 To facilitate the taking of a satisfactory identity card photo, handmade pictures of animals and the God of Longevity are used to attract the residents to look at the camera lens. 54 創新思維 以人為本 Innovative Ideas and People-oriented Services