
入境處在換證中心增設了多種關愛及暢通易達設施,包括可調校高度的電動登記工作桌。 The department has set up a variety of caring and accessible facilities in the SIDCCs, including electric registration desk with adjustable height. 入境處於二零一八年展開「全港市民換領身份證計劃」,在全 港各區共設立了九間智能身份證換領中心(換證中心)。計劃 由初步構思、具體設計到落實細節均貫徹「貼心安排,盡顯 關懷」的理念。 同行換證 貼身貼心 Caring Arrangements for Identity Card Replacement The department launched the Territory-wide Identity Card Replacement Exercise in 2018, with the setting up of nine Smart Identity Card Replacement Centres (SIDCCs) across the territory. The exercise has embraced the philosophy of ‘ Thoughtful Arrangement, Caring Commitment ’ throughout its conception, detailed design and implementation. 52 創新思維 以人為本 Innovative Ideas and People-oriented Services