
50 創新思維 以人為本 Innovative Ideas and People-oriented Services 同行換證 貼身貼心 Caring Arrangements for Identity Card Replacement 52 一站服務 關愛共融 Socially Inclusive One-stop Service 56 智能大使 解答查詢 AI Solutions to Enquiries 60 領保護航 排難解困 Consular Protection and Assistance to Hong Kong Residents Outside Hong Kong 64 證婚服務 與時並進 Marriage Solemnisation – Keeping Abreast of the Times 70 74 貫通東西 融合灣區 Better Connection and Deeper Integration 跨境口岸 灣區樞紐 Cross-boundary Control Points - The Transportation Pivot 76 一地兩檢 互聯互通 Co-location Arrangement for Mutual Access 82 連繫世界 享譽全球 Global Connection and World-class Services 88 無懼風浪 緊守崗位 Remaining Steadfast in Rough Seas 92 96 維護法紀 公正嚴明 Upholding the Law and Acting with Impartiality 反恐前線 居安思危 Staying Vigilant Against Terrorism 98 維護法紀 保障就業 Upholding the Law and Safeguarding Employment Opportunities 102 嚴厲執法 深入調查 Stringent Enforcement and In-depth Investigation 106 專業管理 青山灣入境事務中心 Professional Management of the Castle Peak Bay Immigration Centre 110 高度公平 審理聲請 Screening of Non-refoulement Claims Meeting High Standards of Fairness 114 高效遣送 防止濫用 Expeditious Removal and Prevention of Abuse 118 122 薪火相傳 羣策羣力 Passing the Torch and Fostering Collaboration 資歷架構 終身學習 Qualifications Framework and Life-long Learning 124 防暴訓練 提升裝備 Anti-riot Training and Upgrade of Equipment 128 國情培訓 青年發展 National Studies and Youth Development 134 羣策羣力 齊心抗疫 Concerted Efforts in Fighting the Virus 138 142 繼往開來 不斷求進 Soaring to New Heights 歷任及現任入境事務處處長 Former and Present Directors of Immigration 144 入境處發展歷程 Development of Immigration Department 146 全新總部 續展宏圖 Our New Headquarters – Opening Up New Prospects 156