
電子簽證 e-Visa 入境處的新一代個案簡易處理系統將於二零二一年十二月底推行電子簽證服務。 在新系統下,所有入境簽證和延長逗留期限的申請流程將全面革新,以簽發電子簽證, 取代現時的簽證標籤。簽證申請人可以於網上或透過入境處流動應用程式完成整個 遞交申請、付款及領取簽證程序。 e-Visa services under Next Generation Application and Investigation Easy System will be implemented in end of December 2021. Under the new system, the department refines all visa application processes and issues e-Visas in replacement of the current visa labels. Visa applicants may complete the whole process of submission of applications, payment and collection of visas online or through the ImmD Mobile App. 入境處流動應用程式自二零一三年推出後不斷加入新功能,致力做到貼心惠民。 Since its rollout in 2013, the ImmD Mobile App has been adding new functions to meet the needs of the public. 省時方便,足不出戶 Time-saving and convenient 簽證申請人透過網上╱入境處 流動應用程式遞交申請 Visa applicant submits visa application through online services or the ImmD Mobile App 入境處審批簽證申請 The department assesses the visa application 入境處以電郵通知申請人相關 結果 The department informs the applicant of the result by email 簽證獲批的申請人利用附載於 電郵的連結,輸入個人資料作 為通行密碼,進行網上繳費 Applicant of the approved visa clicks the link attached in the email and enters personal data as password for using the electronic payment service 繳交款項後,申請人下載電子 簽證 The applicant downloads the e-Visa after making payment 1 2 3 4 5 嶄新概念 尖端科技 Brand-new Concepts and Cutting-edge Technology 41