
非觸式 e- 道 Contactless e-Channel 2019 冠狀病毒病疫情令市民對公共衞生的意識提高,有見及此,入境處進一步推展採用容貌識別技術 的非觸式 e- 道,讓市民以自助形式辦理出入境手續時減少接觸共用設備,使出入境服務更快捷、方便 及衞生。合資格的香港居民若選擇使用這項非觸式 e- 道服務,只需要利用他們的智能身份證或個人流 動電話產生的加密二維碼進入 e- 道內,並在標示的位置望向鏡頭,讓系統核實其容貌,過程中不用接 觸共用的指紋掃描器。入境處將在 2021 年底分階段在各口岸安裝使用容貌識別技術的非觸式 e- 道,並 會逐步擴展至可供其他合資格的旅客使用。 In view of the heightened public health awareness amid the COVID-19 pandemic, the department has extended the use of contactless e-Channels employing facial recognition technology to enable members of the public to reduce contact with shared equipment during self-service immigration clearance; while providing faster, more convenient and hygienic immigration clearance service. Eligible Hong Kong residents who choose to use the contactless e-Channels only need to present their smart identity cards or an encrypted QR code generated from their personal mobile phones to enter the e-Channels. Inside the e-Channels, they only need to look at the camera from the marked location to perform facial verification through the system without having to touch the fingerprint scanner, which is a shared-equipment. The contactless e-Channels will be installed at all control points and commence service in phases from the end of 2021, and the service is expected to be gradually extended to other eligible passengers. 合資格的香港居民若選擇使用非觸式 e- 道服務,可使用智能身份證或利用個人流動電話產生的加密二維碼進入 e- 道內。 Eligible Hong Kong residents who choose to use the contactless e-Channels may present their smart identity cards or an encrypted QR code generated from their personal mobile phones to enter the e-Channels. 非觸式 e- 道將採用容貌識別技術,提供更快的自助出入境服務。 Contactless e-Channels would employ facial recognition technology allowing faster automated immigration clearance service. 嶄新概念 尖端科技 Brand-new Concepts and Cutting-edge Technology 37