
與內地各政府機關密切交流 Frequent exchanges with Mainland government authorities 隨着與內地有關機關在工作上的接觸日益頻繁,入境處積極與國家各部委,包括外交部、公安部、國務院港澳事務辦公室 及國家移民管理局等機關開展交流互訪。此外,入境處與澳門特別行政區治安警察局及身份證明局亦設有交流合作機制, 藉此交換實務工作經驗和優化雙方的專業技術。 As the contact with relevant Mainland counterparts have become more frequent, the department proactively arranges exchanges and visits with various Mainland authorities, including the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Public Security, Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office of the State Council and National Immigration Administration. Furthermore, the department established a cooperation mechanism with Public Security Police Force and Identification Services Bureau of the Macao Special Administrative Region for exchange of practical experience and enhancement of expertise of both parties. 入境處定期安排不同職級的人員到內地交流、考察或接受培訓,擴闊人員的視野,增強其愛國意識,加深其對內地的法律制度及社會發展的了解, 並促進彼此的合作伙伴關系。 The department regularly arranges exchanges, visits and trainings in the Mainland for officers of the department of different ranks to broaden their horizons, strengthen their sense of patriotism, enhance their understanding of the legal system and social development of the Mainland, and develop a closer work relationship with Mainland counterparts. 劃新時代 共建繁榮 Marking a New Era and Building Prosperity Together 29