
入境處人員走訪多個國家宣傳和推廣各項入境計劃。 Officers of the department visited a number of countries to promote various admission schemes. 「輸入中國籍香港永久性居民 第二代計劃」 Admission Scheme for the Second Generation of Chinese Hong Kong Permanent Residents (ASSG) 「輸入中國籍香港永久性居民第二代計劃」於二零一五年 五月推出,旨在吸引已移居海外的中國籍香港永久性 居民的第二代回港發展。此項申請不設配額,而申請人 亦無須在來港前已獲聘用。截至二零二零年年底,共 478 宗申請獲批。 The ASSG has been implemented since May 2015 to attract the second generation of Chinese Hong Kong permanent residents who have emigrated overseas to return to Hong Kong. There is no quota under the scheme and applicants are not required to have secured an offer of employment before entry. As at the end of 2020, 478 applications had been approved. 「輸入內地人才計劃」及 「一般就業政策」 Admission Scheme for Mainland Talents and Professionals (ASMTP) and General Employment Policy (GEP) 具備香港所需而又缺乏的特別技能、知識或經驗的申 請人,可根據「輸入內地人才計劃」(適用於內地居民) 或「一般就業政策」(適用於非內地居民)申請來港工作。 以上兩項計劃並無配額限制,亦不限行業。兩項計劃的 留港安排自二零一五年五月起已經優化,以提升吸引力, 鼓勵專業人士留港。 Talent and professionals who possess special skills, knowledge or experience of value to and not readily available in Hong Kong may be admitted into Hong Kong for employment under the ASMTP (applicable to Mainland residents) and the GEP (applicable to non- Mainland residents). Both schemes are quota-free and non-sector specific. Since May 2015, the stay arrangements for entrants under both schemes have been enhanced to increase attractiveness to encourage the professionals to stay in Hong Kong. 「非本地畢業生留港╱ 回港就業安排」 Immigration Arrangements for Non-local Graduates (IANG) 入境處於二零零八年五月推出「非本地畢業生留港╱ 回港就業安排」,旨在吸引在香港修讀全日制經本地評審 課程而獲得學士學位或更高資歷的非本地畢業生留港或 回港工作。截至二零二零年年底,已有超過 98 000 名 非本地畢業生獲批准根據此安排在港工作。 The IANG was launched in May 2008 to attract non-local graduates who have obtained a bachelor ’ s degree or above in a full-time and locally-accredited programme in Hong Kong to stay in or return to Hong Kong to work. As at the end of 2020, over 98,000 non-local graduates had been approved to work in Hong Kong under the arrangement. 劃新時代 共建繁榮 Marking a New Era and Building Prosperity Together 24